Ch 44: Poo

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And just like that, Grandpa Pummel finally realized that he indeed needed more help. Thus, he recruited us.

Well, as long as the baby Ludwig didn't appear so the real Ludwig would be absolutely fine.

"The problem isn't me. I'm a baby," Ludwig explained. "The problem is you, Cole."

"Ahahaha, me?" Cole laughed a bit. "Why? Why are you so aware of me?"

I tilted my head, confused. "Do you mean Cole was here?"

Ludwig and Cole stopped their bickering and focused on my immediate question.

"He's basically like my older brother. He cared for me even before I could eat with my own hands..." Ludwig explained with his bitter face. "Not like I'm proud of it, though."

"Yes, yes..." Cole smiled. "Next time you're dead, make sure to print my name on your gravestone: 'Basically unable to live without Cole'."

"I will put a gravestone on your soup tonight," Ludwig complained and Cole didn't seem to bother Ludwig's marking.

Eh, I didn't really want to involve myself in their bickering too. One thing that I knew for sure was we had finished our first day of working at the Pummel's ... or should I say... Burningshield's Two Pines? Whatever floats their boat.

It was almost dinner time and Grandpa Pummel asked us to return back home. He claimed that the Pummel would be fine in the evening because there would be not as many customers as in the day. We stayed for 10 minutes after our shift ended and confirmed that the customers were indeed less likely to eat out from their homes.

"Don't you want to visit your house, Cole?" I asked.

"What for?" he asked back.

"Let's just do that," Ludwig sighed. "It's okay to see your parents, you know."

Cole didn't utter a single sentence after Ludwig's ultimatum. As we didn't have a clue about Cole's Burningshield house, I decided to ask around the stalls with some merchants packing their stuff. Well, it would be easier if Cole cooperated, but alas, whatever. Got the hint, and we spent our leftover time before dinner running to Cole's house and dragging the heir to his house.

A big farmhouse with a big plaque on the front:

'Vengiel's Barn'

"Let's buy something!" Ludwig, with his high spirits, tried to revenge on Cole.

"What should we buy?" Reanne asked. "You cook for today?"

"Hmm..." Ludwig nodded. "Good question..."

"Ahh! Too much thinking, you useless wavy noodle!" I pushed Ludwig aside, I was getting annoyed as the cold breeze started to fill in the road. "Let's buy milk, eggs, the kingdom, whatever. Let's go!"

I opened the door and found shelves of barn stuff placed neatly before my eyes. A woman tended the traditional cashier and a man dragged some sacks of fodder from the other door. As the cashier woman looked a bit busy, we had no intention to startle her. Maybe asking the man would be a better idea.

But I was so wrong.

We didn't see that there was someone so ready to greet us. Since the light was a bit dim and warm, we couldn't see someone walking slowly to greet us by the door.

"Welcome to the Vengiel..."

A ghost greeted us with her weary voice. I almost jumped but I did notice this kind of height and voice.

"Olivier?!" I almost yelled.

"Oh, everyone..." the ghost decided to take a better look at us. "Welcome, welcome..."

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