Ch 25: Move

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With Lance's brain, I could understand that he managed to rush on the irregular mountain road

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With Lance's brain, I could understand that he managed to rush on the irregular mountain road. He already familiarized himself with the road thanks to my and Olivier's explanation.

And thanks to that too, we lost Lance in the village. Olivier took her sweet time walking down the road. She tried to smile to hide her mind but we could see obviously on her pale face that she wasn't okay and she took Mawar's threat deep in her mind.

"Do you think I'm being a burden...?"

We could hear Olivier's whisper and we replied to comfort her, but to no avail.

"We could do this together, okay?" I assured her. "I'm not good with words like Reanne, let's go to the clinic first, okay?"

Olivier nodded limply. She also refused Azriel's offer to carry her on his back just because she thought she was strong enough to reach the clinic.

Yes, she was, but she collapsed right on her patient bed. Reanne checked on her almost immediately and required me and Azriel to leave the clinic so Olivier could rest.

I felt bad or even worse; I felt guilty as the most sinful person on the earth.

"Do you think I shouldn't let her know?" I whispered. "Olivier would still be fine if I didn't tell her anything."

"Things would get worse if you didn't tell her..." Azriel elaborated. "For example, we won't know what's going to happen if Olivier goes back home and finds that Mawar's lying on her futon."

"... It's disastrous..." I shook my head.

"I know... So it's not your fault."

Since I and Azriel didn't have a lead to where we should go, we decided to take the ear fairy stuff from the field.

Lucky not so lucky, we saw Lance trying to beat some sense to Mawar. Startled by the combination, I and Azriel hid in the bushes.

"Where do you want to stay?" Lance asked softly and good-manneredly.

"I'm bored of this farmhouse..." Mawar acted cute. "I heard that the eastern house is pretty cozy so I want to stay there."

"The houses are all occupied," Lance responded with a smile. "The farmhouse is bigger than the eastern house, so I guess you would feel satisfied with the farmhouse."

Mawar rolled her eyes.

"I said that I'm bored!" she yelled. "Just please help me to take my stuff to the eastern house, okay? I want to move right now."

Lance went all silence. He sighed but obeyed Mawar's request as they walked to the eastern house.

"That boy's so freaking useless..." Azriel whispered, disturbed. "Come on, we could return your things to the house now."

Like a secret agent, I and Azriel sneaked to the farm and got the ear fairy stuff back –not like Mawar would come any minute here, though. I was thrilled that the stuff wasn't broken like the flower, I appreciated that much.

"Now, what should we do?" I tried to manage my breath as I ran out of energy due to sleep deprivation.

"You sleep first and lock the door," answered Azriel. "I'll try to look for Kyo in the Two Pines."

"But Az..."

"This is a must order," Azriel struck me with his high note –not for scolding, as it was thrown very cautiously to my care.

I saluted and went back home. I saw Azriel leaving the farm to the Two Pines from the windows as soon as I locked the door. I wanted to help, but with me now, I couldn't do much better.

I will come back stronger; I hoped as I fell asleep.

I could feel an energy surging in my body as I woke up. I guessed my body really needed the rest, and if I collapsed, there would be fewer people to think and act. I wouldn't want to be a burden for Reanne and Kaoru too as they had their hands full with Olivier and maybe Mawar if she ever visited.

I looked at the cuckoo clock on the wall, it was right about dinner time in Cowie Island. As I left my house, I saw Azriel's blacksmith was all pitch black, an undeniable proof that he hadn't even touched his house since this morning. Also, I took the big harvest basket I filled that was still lying on the ground unattended.

Alright, time to go to the Two Pines.

The Two Pines at that time had something different, like Lance joining the dinner with Azriel, Jin who enjoyed his dinner next to them on the big table, and Grandpa Pummel who tended the counter. Ludwig was seen carrying some dishes to the table. The rest of the party was the people of Two Pines I usually saw.

"Good evening, Mr. Pummel..." I bowed to Grandpa Pummel as I entered the Two Pines.

"Good evening, Luna," he smiled warmly. "Do you care to join the dinner?"

I nodded. "I bought the harvest from the farm, please accept this, Mr. Pummel."

"Ohhohohho, what a nice girl..." he looked even happier. "I'll humbly accept this to feed the girls and boys if you don't mind."

My face sparked upon the delighting news.


Azriel waved in my direction with a shocked face reflected on the other attendees' faces.


"As if I was born to call her," Azriel giggled.

"Please don't do that, it's not good for our hearts..." Jin also had a heart attack.

"That was fun..." Azriel smiled cleverly.

I joined the big table right after.

"I told you to just call me by my name..."

"Charlonzi is your name..." Azriel rolled his eyes. "I feel like I'm gonna crash soon so I guess I'll take this coffee real fast."

"Take the room upstairs," Ludwig offered the room. "We need as many humans as possible to battle a demon."

"You could just ask Storm or Aura and she would be KO-ed right ahead," Azriel jokingly rejected.

"Storm is cute and Aura is hellish... It's not good..." Ludwig shook his head.

"I could hear you nice and clear, Pummel..." Aura flatly yelled from the corner table.

Ludwig giggled, followed by Azriel's small smile.

"Thank you for the nice dinner, Ludwig..." Azriel excused himself while taking his dirty cups and plates to the kitchen. "See you guys soon. Wake me up if something happened."

We could see that Azriel wasn't in a condition to battle some shits from the way he walk. He moved even slower than before and his naturally white hair was all messed up.

"I feel bad for Azriel and Olivier..." Lance whispered while his eyes were attached to Azriel's movement. "I even feel worse to myself for taking the bad side."

I smiled.

"Everyone made mistakes."

Lance didn't take my console seriously --as he still buried himself with deep guilt. He sighed a lot, and the food he ordered was all scrambled from his fork play.

"You don't need to eat and mess the food up at the same time," Storm warned. "You're gonna make Ludwig cry."

"I'm sorry..." Lance opted to finish his food as soon as possible to avoid more mistakes he made.

It was just like the calm weather before the storm, we enjoyed the temporary peace. Kyo, with his small notebook, approached me and Lance after he checked something on his brand-new phone.

"I try to make Olivier and Reanne to be some kind of environmental hero, what do you think?"

We stopped out breathing in shock.

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