Ch 35: The doom

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The me at that time really didn't know much about my islandmates. What they had been through and what made them act this way were a total enigma for me. I didn't think that I would mind days to learn more about them but honestly, it would be helpful to learn about them.

Let's say, Azriel was an islander and Jin wasn't but Azriel claimed to know Jin for years (Jin didn't even move two years ago!), or the thing with Olivier's past, or the thing with Reanne and her quietness but still wanted to fight for Olivier, also so many things that I really wanted to know but I couldn't.

I was deeply aware that none of them was a bad guy. Sure they had their own quirkiness but that was all and nothing was wrong with having quirkiness. We were all humans and by all means, we were nothing close to perfection.

When we three reached the Two Pines, Reanne excused herself immediately to the clinic. I bet she must be tired with all of the things that happened today. I, myself, felt the same, yet I didn't think that I had the energy to drag myself to the farmhouse. I still wanted to feel the Two Pines' warmth and I decided to stay in the inn.

"Oh we have more rooms, in case you want to stay in," Ludwig answered right away when I asked about the available rooms. "Here is your key. The breakfast is at 6. If it's too early for you, I will make an adjustment to your schedule."

I smiled. "That would be lovely, thank you."

I moved my steps up to the inn rooms. As I walked down the stairs, I felt a sudden nostalgia, even if it wasn't really nostalgia. These were the stairs that I used to see that Aura, Kyo, and Jin walked down and up. On this railings, I had a talk with Aura and Ludwig. Also sometimes I saw Jin watching everyone from upstairs. The dining room currently was empty, yet I could still hear some waves of laughter, forks and knives fighting each other, and even just some annoying sound I could hear when people dragging some random chairs to fit into other's tables.

All would be gone if one of them was away. I meant it wouldn't do much, it was just one person but still.

I buried myself on Two Pines' fluffy bed. The room wasn't fancy but I could easily let 4 more people stay in one single room: one with me on the bed and three sleeping on the floor. It wasn't even my room but I didn't feel strange to stay.

That was when my eyes were closed. I felt exhausted.

Shortly after some minutes of sleeping (that was what I thought), I could hear a dim cuckoo clock in the dining room singing its fancy cuckoo song. It was midnight. I usually just let myself do another sleep but I couldn't find a way to sleep as the room beside me was opened slowly; as if the doer didn't want to wake anyone up. I didn't know who stayed in the room next door but I could make a guess.

I did remember that Azriel was no longer staying in the inn, Aura took the corner room, I took the front room and I bet it was either Jin or Olivier in my neighboring room.

Was it Olivier?

My heart was racing so hard. What did she want to do at this midnight? Oh, but I was so sure that Ludwig wouldn't allow her to go outside if she ever met him but... WHY I COULDN'T HEAR LUDWIG'S VOICE TALKING TO HER NOW?

I counted to 10 and I opened my door, sneakily went to the railings to see if Ludwig was awake on the front table...and he was. He looked chill, in fact.

I snipped my finger to seek Ludwig's attention, mouthed 'Where is Olivier?' to him as I knelt between the railings to hide. Ludwig threw a thumb in the direction ... which was outside.


I paced down the stairs to yell at him but then he signed me to not do any noise. I looked at the outside, there were Jin and Olivier. The one who stayed next door was Jin who was awake because he heard Olivier's walking outside.

Ludwig pushed a cup of chocolate milk to me as if he wanted to tell me that everything was going to be alright.I took the milk, snipped another finger to thank, and rushed, glued my ear to the wall, trying to eavesdrop.

"You shouldn't be here, Olivier."

Jin's deep voice sounded soft, he didn't want to startle Olivier who was... kinda having fun with the summer night. She sat herself down with a piece of cloth I bet she borrowed from Ludwig.

"I'm sorry..." Olivier looked apologetic. "I just want to have some fresh air and the stars are looking bright tonight. I love summer nights."

Jin smiled and looked at the direction Olivier's looking at.

"Yeah, you are right," Jin replied. "It's a clear sky tonight."

They didn't talk much after Jin's reply, quietly staring at the night sky.

With the summer wind blowing, Jin looked at Olivier's pajamas. Knowing that he wouldn't want either her to miss the night or her to get worse because of the wind, he decided to take his white robe off and put it neatly on Olivier's tiny shoulders.

"Don't say a thing if it's not thank you or it's okay for me to sit beside you."

Olivier closed her mouth. Her complaint was useless against Jin's quick response. She had no choice but to wear the robe Jin gave her.

"Thank you, and please sit beside me."

Jin smiled again and sat beside her. None of his smiles was noticed by Olivier, sadly. But, he still enjoyed the moment with her.

"I heard from Ludwig..."



Jin didn't reply right ahead. He was hesitant to respond. Just how much did Olivier know about the thing that happened tonight?

"When is... the marriage?" Olivier asked limply.

"... On the next week," Jin replied.

Olivier let out a small laugh.

"Even the date is so soon. As if I was in an accident or something..." Olivier smiled bitterly. "Ah, whatever. I know my life is in complete doom right now anyway."

Jin looked hurtful. The one he loved was sitting beside him and he couldn't do anything to save her. After 5 seconds of gathering courage, Jin decided to come clean.

"Hey, Olivier..."


"I told Bruce that you are my fiancee."

Olivier looked at Jin's face in disbelief. She looked shocked but thanks to the wind, we could see the eyes behind Olivier's overgrowing bangs.

The teary eyes of misery.

"That... was nice of you, Jin..." Olivier replied, smiling, yet shaken. "You don't have to do that for me. You don't have to doom yourself into my doom. I will do the marriage."

No... Olivier didn't know a bit about Jin's feelings. Jin was hurt, and Olivier was hurt. They didn't have much time to express themselves. Olivier needed time to understand and one week wasn't enough time.

I ran from the back door to my farm. I could hear Ludwig trying to stop me from afar but I knew I needed to do something.

Mama! Mama Charlonzi! I need to talk to her right now! I must do something for this island!!

I rubbed my teary eyes. I wanted to curse Mawar so bad because of her actions. It was hard to see people who just wanted to be happy but they couldn't. I wanted to see all of my friends here have their own happy endings. I needed to do something!

I screamed inside as I packed my bags to go home. I didn't care about that useless Lance anymore. I just didn't.

Goodbye, my beautiful housefarm. I will come back later with the good news.

As I opened the door, a ... familiar but not familiar face was standing before the door. I was startled, and couldn't utter a thing.

"Good evening," he smiled and greeted me. His dimples looked cute on his small smile.

No. No one on this island had a freaking dimple! But he was strangely familiar.

"Since the time is short, can we move back at that time?"

I dropped my jaw.

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