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messages, irl, social media

matt - matty 💕
kaia - kai🥲❤

matty 💕
hey kai what r u up to rn

in math rn just finished my work i'm super bored wbu

matty 💕
skipping science i have a big test i don't wanna do


matty 💕

ew don't call me my full name

matty 💕
yes ma'am 🤦‍♂️

i can help you do science after school if you want

matty 💕
can i come get you from class and i'll buy you food

ugh fine if you insist

matty 💕
i'm outside ur class
read 1:28pm


kaia waited until her teacher was completely distracted and turned around and she quickly grabbed her bag and ducked out of the room.

she jumps on his back, forcing him to give her a piggy back ride to the car. she makes chris and nick do the same all the time.

"atleast hold my phone if i have to carry you." matt grunts and hands her his phone.

once they get to the car, he gently sets her down, curtsies, and opens the door for her. "m'lady."

"why thank you, mister bernard." she giggles.

he closed the door and blushed as he walks behind the car to his side. no matter how many times he hears kaia's laugh, it never get old. it's angelic to matt, he can't think of a better sound.

her being happy is all he cares about when they're together. he has countless times made himself miserable for her. kaia being happy is him being happy. her being in pain and sad is him being in pain and sad. her heart is connected to his and whenever she's unhappy in the slightest, he is miserable, wishing there were something he could do to take away her pain, and he always does. marylou raised him to treat women with the utmost respect, he goes above and beyond for her. but he swears he doesn't like her like that.

he gets in the car and looks over at her, she's playing sudoku on his phone. matt keeps a little pink folder for her games in the corner of his home screen.

"i really don't understand why you can't just play games on your own phone, kai." matt jokes, turning the keys in the ignition and driving away.

"becaauuuuuseee matthew, your phone is bigger than mine and i need a bigger screen to better analyze the game." she states, as if it were obvious.

"where do you wanna eat?" he asks.

"ummmm, i don't know. where do YOU wanna eat?" she turns off his phone and puts it back in his lap.

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