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they did end up managing to fall asleep that night, tangled in eachother's arms. matt returned to his position on her chest, her arms wrapped around him.

with everything happening so quickly, matt completely forgot to charge his phone. his mom was still expecting him to come home that night with her diet coke. and when he never did, she got really worried.

marylou went upstairs to check his room; maybe she just didn't hear him come home and he never got her drink.

she opens the door, and he isn't in there. she pops her head into chris' room, and he was awake playing fortnite.

"what's up, mom?" he asks quietly, stopping the game and taking off his headset.

"have you seen matt tonight? he left around 8, it's 1:30 am now and he still hasn't come home. i figured he went to nate's house, i just called his mom and she said he wasn't there." marylou asks tiredly.

"no, i haven't seen him. his location is off, i'm gonna text him." chris replies, checking his phone.

"okay, i'm gonna go check nick's room." she says.

chris nods and she walks downstairs, through the kitchen, and to nick's room where his led lights were on.

she knocked and he let her in, he was in the middle of editing a video.

"have you seen matt? chris hasn't seen him, apparently his location is off, and he left the house a few hours ago. i stayed up waiting for him and i fell asleep." she asks nick.

"really? that's weird, he always has his location on. do you think he's okay?" nick asks, pulling out his phone and repeatedly texting matt.

"i have no idea, i just want to go to sleep and know he's atleast safe somewhere." she rubs her eyes.

"he's not answering me, nate says he isn't there, and i have no other ideas." nick shrugs.

"i do not want to stay up all night waiting for him, we are talking when he gets home." she says sternly.

"mom, give him a break. he's probably just driving around, he has a lot going on and he's at an all time low in his life with all the kaia stuff going on." nick shrugs.

"i know, but i can't help but be worried." she sighs.

"you go to bed, i'm not falling asleep any time soon anyway, i'll stay up and see if i can get him to answer me. maybe his phone is just dead." nick tries to comfort his mom.

"okay, wake me up if you reach him, i want to know when he's safe." she nods before leaving nick's room and going upstairs and to bed.

nick anxiously texts matt asking him where he is, if he's okay, to keep himself safe and not do anything stupid, he really doesn't know what to do, matt has never just disappeared before. it's not like him to turn his location off and not answer atleast nick and chris.

chris came down to nick's room and they both eventually fell asleep in there after getting no luck with an answer from matt.

they were both stressing and texting all of their friends asking about matt, chris even asked chloe if she should ask kaia, she said there's no way kaia would have any idea where he is, they haven't spoken in months.

while everyone was stressing out and worrying about matt, he was fast asleep tangled up in kaia's arms and bedsheets.

they slept with the fan facing right at them, and a big blanket on; the best way to sleep.

matt's phone lay dead on kaia's nightstand, there way no way he was getting up and out of the way they were laying, he was too comfortable and overwhelmingly happy to be with her again.

matt did understand that people would find it weird that they don't speak for months and just pop up dating again one day, but he didn't care because this is all he's been dreaming about since the breakup happened.

kaia's hair is messily sprawled out on her pillow as she lays on her side, her arms around matt and his face resting against her chest as he is also laying on his side, arms around her waist, their legs all tangled up.

they slept very peacefully and very happily while everyone lost their minds, not sleeping all night trying to find where the fuck matt is.

they had changed positions a few times in their sleep, but by the time that morning came, matt's phone remained dead and he completely forgot to tell anyone where he was, he was just going with the moment and doing anything to be with kaia.

kaia woke up the next morning to matt laying on her chest with his arms wrapped around her waist. his mouth was slightly open and he was breathing heavily in his sleep.

she peeled her eyes open and looked around the room, hearing birds chirping and seeing that it's now morning, suddenly remembering that she has a boyfriend again, and it's matt. after months of misery and grief and sobbing, she has him back.

kaia smiled to herself and closed her eyes again, beginning to play with his hair as they both woke up.

"feels good." matt mumbles, hugging her tighter and refusing to open his eyes.

"yeah?" she asked with a yawn, still gently scratching his head and smiling at him.

"yeah." he lifted his head to answer, returning his face to their comfortable spot between her boobs.

"don't wanna wake up yet?" she asks.

"no, i'm tired. leave me alone." he sarcastically hushed her.

"did you tell anyone you're here? it's a friday, you have to release a video." kaia asks groggily.

"shit, i didn't think about that." he curses, kissing her collarbone as he sat up, grabbing his phone off her nightstand and realizing it's dead.

"do you even have an apple charger?" he asks, looking down at her trying to fall back asleep.

"yeah, i keep the extra one for you on my desk. even though samsung is better." she jokes.

"yeah, you're insane." he laughs, standing up out of her bed and throwing pants on to walk over to her desk and grab the charger.

he plugs in his phone and sets it down again, quickly returning to the bed and settling himself under the blanket.

kaia rolls over onto him, laying tightly against matt's body and clinging onto his side as he fixes the blanket to cover them both. he wraps his arms around her and kisses her forehead, earning a smile from her.

they fell back asleep again until 10 am when kaia suddenly hears a knock on her door, a confused voice of her mom on the other side.

"what?" she groggily answers, still asleep.

"you okay? there's an extra car in our driveway, do you have a friend over?" anne asks politely, creaking open the door and seeing matt.

anne covers her mouth and tip toes back out of kaia's room in shock, silently closing the door and running downstairs to her phone.

1193 words

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