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messages, irl

hey james
i just wanted to text you before anything like last time lol
sooo smth kinda happened and im not having the greatest day so i skipped school w chloe
im not rly up to hanging out with the group at all tdy trust me im not lying about that
but i'm absolutely still down for the date tmrw

oh okay thats chill dw
thanks for letting me know
anything you wanna talk ab? i'll listen

nah not rly sorry
its kinda personal and id rather that not be our first real convo lol
i wanna get to know you better first then we can shit talk ppl

makes sense haha
so i'm thinking ab taking you to a sit down restaurant so dress a little fancy but not too much

will do
am i gonna see u in a suit 🙈

you might
i'm really glad we're doing this i enjoy ur company

me too
i gtg chloe and i just finished brunch we're gonna go shopping for a bit
i'll ttyl

see you tomorrow
read 11:19am


"see? he wasn't even mad. enough of this "matt is the one" nonsense, james is right here." kaia looks at chloe.

"still. he's a very new person in your life and you don't know what he's like yet. and hey, i'm all for it, but just be careful because you never know someone's true intentions right away." chloe warns her.

"i know, chlo. i can handle myself, i'm a big girl." she laughs.

"to the mall?" chloe asks.

"to the mall." kaia agrees.

they keep walking downtown and head into the mall. it's relatively busy, as much as it can be on a tuesday at noon. they buy smoothies in the food court and walk around looking at all the stores.

*5 texts from matty💕*

"what the fuck?" kaia stares at her phone.

"what? what happened?" chloe looks at her.

kaia stops in her tracks and holds her heart with her hand.

"matt texted me." she says.

"i'm gonna be sick." kaia runs to the bathroom, chloe following after her.

she bursts into the big stall and gets on her knees, chloe holds her hair in a makeshift ponytail while kaia throws up.

"hey, it's okay. get it all out." chloe rubs her back.

"ugh. that was gross." kaia stands up and walks over to the sinks to wash off her face.

"what did he say?" chloe asks while kaia's face is in the sink.

"i don't know. and i'm not gonna read it." she huffs, turning the water off and searching for gum in her bag.

"i never just throw up like that, that's so weird." kaia groans as they leave the bathroom together.

"he really has an effect on you." chloe says.

"yeah, clearly a bad one. i can't believe everything changed so quickly. i really hate this." she rolls her eyes.

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