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irl, social media

they all finish their food and matt helps kaia's mom clean up while kaia is giving willow a bath upstairs.

she makes small talk with matt, and she just loves how much matt cares about her daughter. he wants nothing but the best for her.

upstairs, kaia finishes with willow's bath and dries her off, changing her into clean dry clothes. (she spilled mcdonald's all over her dress)

willow sits on the closed toilet seat while kaia brushes out her hair, putting it into two little braids so it will be curly when it's dry.

she finishes doing willow's hair and walks downstairs carrying her in one arm, sipping her waterbottle in the other.

kaia walks into the kitchen with willow and they see matt cleaning the counter while her mom does the dishes.

"i had a bath, matt." willow says excitedly.

"all clean?" he laughs and looks up at her.

"yup! see? kaia even did my hair." she brags and climbs out of her sister's arms to walk over to matt.

matt finishes washing the counter and tosses the dirty rag into the corner of the sink once kaia's mom was done with the dishes.

he dries his hands off on his shirt and picks up willow, earning a giggle from the little girl.

"do you like it?" she points to the braids in her hair.

"i love it." he smiles, kissing her cheek and setting her down on the ground.

willow runs off into the living room to play with her toys and kaia's mom finishes washing her hands after doing the dishes at the same time.

"so, matt, were you wanting to go with us to the dealership today?" kaia's mom asks him.

"yeah, i'd love to. i don't know much about cars, but i can add my input." he smiles, putting an arm around kaia.

"are we bringing willow? she's not gonna wanna walk around and be patient." kaia looks at her mom.

"ooh, you're right. we should probably find a babysitter." she tries to think of someone.

"nick and chris could watch her, they absolutely love the kid and always want to see her." matt suggests.

"great idea. we'll do that." kaia's mom agrees.

"i'll get her shoes on and into her carseat right now." kaia says, walking off into the living room to get her little sister.

her mom and matt both get their shoes and jackets on and follow kaia outside to her mom's car as she's putting willow in the back seat.

matt sits in the back with willow and kaia sits up front next to her mom. matt texts nick and chris that they're bringing willow over and to be ready, and they obviously happily agree.

kaia's mom drives to the triplet's house and parks in their driveway, unlocking the car and waiting in it while kaia and matt take the girl inside.

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