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the drunker and drunker kaia and chloe get, the more they take pictures with eachother and random girls, and the more they cling to matt and chris.

nick was off somewhere with nathan talking to josh richards and his girlfriend, and kaia had been avoiding using the bathroom for the past half hour, which she could no longer ignore.

her and matt were back to back, holing only one finger each, talking to two seperate groups of people.

she unlinked her finger from his and stumbled off, making her way upstairs. it took him a minute to notice, but when he turned around and could no longer see her, he immediately began darting around looking for her.

"kaia!" he shouted over the impossibly loud room.

she swore she heard someone call her name, but the alcohol convinced her to ignore it and continue upstairs anyway.

there were maybe 5 people up there, it was almost completely empty. she stumbled into the bathroom and locked the door behind her, looking at herself in the mirror.

she wanted to cry thinking about matt and how bad she treated him, and looking herself in the eyes made her realize she could never love anyone else.

she pushed away the urge to cry, and pulled her skirt and underwear down to sit on the toilet and pee.

she looked at her "i promise" tattoo on her knee and a single tear fell from her face and landed on it.

she wiped and pulled her skirt back up, flushing and walking over to the sink to wash her hands.

she managed to wash and dry her hands before completely collapsing to the ground next to the bathtub in tears.

"he's never gonna love me this much." she cried, curling up in a ball and the tears pooling on the floor beneath her.

matt, meanwhile, had searched everywhere he could downstairs and had began making his way upstairs.

"have you seen a brunette girl in a white shirt and a long skirt up here?" matt asked a small group of people at the top of the stairs.

"i don't know, man. i've been drinking a lot, i'm not paying attention." one of the men says.

"okay, thanks anyway." matt nods and walks down the hallway.

he opens every door that is unlocked, but they're all empty. he notices that someone is in the bathroom, and knocks on the door with no response.

he jiggles the handle and it startles kaia from inside.

"occupied." she sniffles through her tears.

"kaia? is that you?" he asks loud enough for her to hear him.

"go away, chris." she manages.

"it is you! kaia, it's matt. let me in." he keeps trying the handle with no luck.

"go away. leave me alone." she cries, curling into a tighter ball on the floor.

matt grabs a small metal piece attatched to his keychain and picks the lock on the bathroom.

he opens the door and sees kaia on the ground, and slaps a hand to cover his mouth, wanting to cry.

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