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irl, social media

jimmy was upstairs showering and justin was cleaning up all the dishes everyone had made from breakfast. if you can call 12:30pm breakfast.

all the kids were sitting around the living room with a fan blowing cold air on them while they watch a tv show.

chris and chloe were on one end of the couch, and nick was sitting sideways, taking up the rest of the couch with his legs and refusing to move.

there were no other options of anywhere else to sit, so matt sat in the recliner and kaia sat sideways on his lap, her one arm resting ontop of both of his shoulders.

less than halfway through the movie, the front door opens as marylou and nathan walk inside.

kaia had turned her hesd around to see who it was, and smiled when she saw nathan kicking off his tow mater corcs and walking towards the living room.

"hey, nate." kaia greeted him.

"how are you guys?" nathan asked, pushing nick's legs off the couch to make room for himself to sit down.

"nate? i thought you weren't supposed to be here until like, 2 or 3." chris states, dapping him up.

"i was at the grocery store with my mom and brother, and we saw your mom there, she offered to just drive me over now because she had just finished shopping, so i just came here in her car." nathan explains as marylou walks by, messing up his hair with a playful smile as she enters the kitchen with her grocery bags.

nick rolls his eyes as he can't stretch out across the couch anymore, he now has to sit in only one seat like a normal person.

they sit around watching the tv show, marylou brings them each popsicles she had bought at the grocery store for them to enjoy in the hot weather, a nice treat to go along with being lazy and watching tv.

chris and chloe were slightly more cuddly than usual, and nathan noticed it. he looked over at kaia, assuming she would probably know better than anyone, and discreetly waved his hand to turn her attention away from playing with matt's hair while watching the show.

she noticed nathan trying to get her attention, and stopping playing with matt's hair as she turned to focus on whatever nate was trying to communicate to her.

matt frowned, wrapping his arms around kaia's waist and continuing to watch the tv, not noticing that kaia was looking at nathan.

"are they dating yet?" nate silently mouthed, poiting to chris and chloe.

kaia looked around, as if she was searching her brain for the answer and pretending not to know.

nate made an "i know you know" disapproving look at her, and she shrugged, giving in and nodding yes to him.

nate pumped his fist in celebration, chris now notucing the two silently talking to eachother.

"what are you two whispering about?" he asks, temporarily turning his attention away from chloe.

matt also looked at kaia, not noticing that she was whispering with nate until chris had said something.

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