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everytime matt is stopped at a red light, kaia notices him tapping his leg and watching her through the corner of his eye.

she manages to not blush, assuming he's just nervous to see what his mom is gonna say, plus the fact that kaia is currently in his car, and they're suddenly dating. it's still a bewilderment to him.

he continues driving, seemingly hitting every red light on the way home. kaia rolls down her window to lean her head out and enjoy the breeze while they listen to drake in the car.

he has to stop again, and this time, kaia was leaning out the window and not looking at him, giving him the perfect opportunity to properly look at her.

he bites down on his bottom lip, tapping his foot and rubbing a hand over his mouth. because of the angle she was at, he had a perfect view of the spots on her neck and how the noon air mixed with the boston fog really framed her out to look like something he couldn't even dream of, though he had her and no one else did.

he sighs, hearing the car behind him honk as the light had been green for several seconds.

he drives off, now no more traffic lights the rest of the way to his house.

"what was that about?" she laughs, looking at him and away from the window.

"uh- nothing, i'm fine." he assures her.

"okay." she smiles brightly, opening her fist to invite him to hold her hand for comfort since something was clearly up.

he looks at her hand resting on her leg, quickly grabs it, and looks back to the road.

he rubs circles into the back of her hand with his thumb, trying to stay focused on the road since he was almost home.

there was suddenly a pothole that he had forgotten about, causing their hands to seperate, the palm of his hand accidentally holding her thigh because the bump on the road was pretty big and he was trying to hold her steady.

after they were driving smooth, now at the very start of matt's street, his hand remains on her leg, causing her to blush and pick at her nails.

he rubs her leg, one hand on the wheel and struggling to peel his eyes away from her.

he begins the wide turn into his driveway, holding tightly onto kaia's inner thigh so she doesn't slide over in the seat and hit the door.

she stares at him as he parks behind chloe's car, the rest of the group already inside probably 5-10 minutes ago.

he turns off the engine with his spare hand, shoving the keys into his pocket and turning his attention to kaia who does not look capable of speaking english at the moment.

"you okay?" he asks, not squeezing her leg any harder.

"mhm." she nods, avoiding eye contact.

"talk to me, kai." he smiles, trying to get her attention as he continues what he's doing slowly.

"nothing. we have to have a real conversation with your mom, i'm distracted right now." she shakes her head and shuts her eyes, trying to drown matt out.

he leans in to kiss her, catching her completely off guard, causing it to start as a rough open mouth kiss.

his hand slides over to her right leg furthest away from him, gently tugging as her arms wrap around his neck. with the fluidity and ease of the motion, he holds her by the hips and pulls her gently into his lap.

"matt." she breathes, not stopping kissing him.

"shut up." he huffs, holding her face closer.

"we're at your parents house, anyone could see." she leans her head back instinctually, giving him easy access to attach his mouth to her neck in gentle peppery kisses.

she holds onto his shoulders for stability, trying to convince herself to lean away.

"i guess we should go inside." he nods, a quiet pop noise coming from his mouth as it disconnects from her throat.

she playfully rolls her eyes and sighs, opening matt's car door and climbing off his lap and out of the car.

"be patient." he mocks her, exiting the car and locking it, joining her on the front porch as they both walk inside the house.

"hey, mom. i'm home!" matt announces.

"in the kitchen!" she shouts back.

kaia follows matt down the hallway, entering the kitchen to see marylou, nick, chris, and chloe sitting around the island.

"i wish i could say i was surprised, but i got a call from your mom a little bit ago saying she found my son. at your house." marylou smiles at kaia, teasing her with open arms, inviting her in for a motherly hug.

"sorry." she laughs, hugging the woman back tightly.

"don't you dare apologize, i am just so happy to see you two happy again." she beams happiness, smiling at matt as well.

"mom, don't make it weird. the whole thing was unexpected and spontaneous, i just saw her at the grocery store last night when i was getting your drink... that i forgot in kaia's kitchen." matt slaps a hand to his forehead and apologizes to his mom.

"it's okay, sweetie. i'm just relieved to see you alive and happy." she admires the smile on her son's face that has been missing for 2 months.

"okay, mom." he rolls his eyes, holding kaia's hand as they walk upstairs together.

they enter his room and immediately, kaia walks over to matt's closet to look for more clothes of "her's" that he stole back.

she takes one of the hoodies and throws it over her baby tee, turning around and walking over to matt's bed where he was already setting up something to watch on the tv.

"happy with that one?" he asks.

"yes." she nods, kissing his cheek and cuddling into his side under the blanket.

his outermost hand snakes around kaia's body, swiftly pulling her in much closer so they don't have to be apart.

she smiles and kisses his cheek again, her free hand on the other side of his face gently.

he sighs and drops his head back in the pillow, leaving her confused.

"what? are you okay?" she asks suddenly.

"you're driving me insane." he shakes his head in protest.

1063 words

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