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irl, social media

kaia closes the door and sets willow down. she immediately runs to her mother and she puts willow to bed. kaia walks up to her room and sighs, sitting down on the bed.

"i can't believe i have a boyfriend." she smiles.

she takes off all her clothes and puts on a pair of pyjamas. she suddenly remembers that she never took that photo out of her pocket and rummages through her pants on the floor.

"where is it?" she checks every pocket.

she triple checks everywhere, all her clothes she just took off, under her bed, in her car, she can't find it anywhere.

"fuck." she huffs, laying on her bed.

kaia does not want to lose that picture. it hurts her to look at it, but the memories and happiness easily overpower the pain.

she facetimes chloe to tell her all about james.

matt slams his door and stomps into his room after running upstairs. nate follows him and they sit in silence for a couple minutes before saying anything.

"you good, bro?" nate asks him.

"no. i'm gonna lose my fucking shit i'm so sick of seeing them." matt rolls his eyes.

"if you hate her so much, talk to nick and chris. they'd understand if you don't want her here, it's your house too and you should be comfortable in your own home." nate suggests.

"no, nate. i don't hate her. i hate him. i don't trust him. he seems like the perfect guy for her upfront, but i just have a bad gut feeling. i'm so sick of seeing him touch her, bro." he huffs angrily.

"so bring it up to someone. talk to your brothers. they might not agree right now, but if he turns out to be a dick, you warned them. and they can warn her." nate responds.

"they won't listen to me. they'll just think i want to break them up for myself. i just want her to be happy." matt replies.

"i can always talk to her for you. if you want, of course." nate offers.

"absolutely not. i'm okay on that one, thanks buddy." matt laughs and stands up from his bed.

"i'm pretty sure she left, i'm gonna watch something with nick and chris if you wanna come." matt suggests to nate.

the two boys walk downstairs together and nate heads to the kitchen to grab a soda, matt heads for the couch to see nick and chris arguing, most likely about kaia.

they're not paying attention to him or the tv, so matt sits down to put on his show. he hears a crumple underneath him and sits up enough the grab whatever it was from under him.

he looks at it and his eyes widen slightly in shock. he sees a printed photo of him kissing kaia's cheek, her holding willow and his brothers surrounding them.

he huffs angrily and shoves it in his pockets before nick and chris notice what he's holding.

"right, matt?" nick turns his attention to his brother who is lost in thought.

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