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irl, text messages

matt stands alone in his driveway, tears streaming down his face as he stares at where her car sped off to. his mind is racing a million miles an hour and he's in complete shock, not sure of what just happened.

as he continues to cry, he picks up his bag off the ground and stumbles inside the house.

"hey, matt. why aren't you at school?" justin asks from the couch.

he ignores his brother and walks straight to his room. justin noticed that matt was crying.

he stands up to follow matt but marylou stops him.

"i heard yelling outside, i didn't want to interrupt but i think he was arguing with kaia." she says to justin.

"is he okay? did you hear what they were yelling about?" he asks.

"not sure. they were arguing in the car then he got out and he was telling her to let him back in i think. then her horn honked for like 10 seconds straight." she tries to remember what she saw.

"oh, i was wondering why i heard a car horn outside." justin responds.

"if you're gonna talk to him, just be gentle. try not to upset him." marylou nods.

"alright. i'll let you know what he says." justin responds, heading upstairs to talk to matt.

he walks down the hallway and hears matt screaming into his pillow and sobbing. he quietly runs to chris' room and grabs a can of root beer from his mini fridge to offer matt.

matt must've heard him in the hallway, and when justin comes back to matt's room, he just hears sniffling.

he knocks on the door quietly.

"matt? can i come in?" justin asks.

it's quiet for a minute before he hears matt shuffling around in bed.

"yeah, come in." he hears from the other side of the door. (hehe blondie)

justin opens the door and walks in, flicking the light on. matt sits up and wipes his eyes as dry as he can.

justin sits down on the edge of matt's bed and doesn't say anything for a few seconds.

"i got you a root beer. don't tell chris i took it from his room." justin smiles, handing matt the can.

matt takes the can and sets it down on his nightstand.

"soooo." justin laughs, whistling awkardly.

"i'm fine, justin." matt sniffles.

"you're obviously not. i just wanted to see if there's anything i can do to help, you don't have to tell me what happened if you don't want to." justin says.

matt stays silent for a few seconds, contemplating what to say.

"i don't even know what happened, man. i picked her up this morning and she jumped into my arms and hugged me and now i don't know if she's ever gonna talk to me again." matt tries not to start crying again.

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