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kaia hangs up the phone and slides down the wall, collapsing to the floor.

"kaia? kaia, open the door!" chris shouts.

she chokes out a silent "no" before entirely bursting into tears.

nick and chris both turn towards james who is standing there awkwardly, still trying to get kaia's attention.

"explain to her." chris demands.

"dude, what? no. i don't care if she finds out, she'll always need me no matter what you tell her. you're all sick." james hisses.

"get the fuck out." nick points towards the door.

"what? no! she's still my girlfriend!" james argues.

"not anymore, she isn't. you need to leave." nick demands again.

james stands there analyzing both their faces and begins to look angry. before james can try anything, nick pushes chris out of the way and socks james in the dead center of his face.

his nose immediately starts bleeding and is very obviously broken, as well as a black eye starting to form.

"fucking faggot." james spits and turns around to open the front door.

chris picks up a steel toe boot that nate left at their house from his job, and hucks it at the back of james' head.

james immediately falls forward onto the pavement and is hilariously further injured. nick snaps a picture and slams the door shut.

chris stays by the bathroom door while nick watches out the window to see james eventually stand up and walk away.

"kaia? you okay?" chris asks quietly.

no response. just the sound of her crying on the bathroom floor.

"i'm getting mom." nick whispers to chris.

as nick is heading up the stairs to get marylou, she is already on the way downstairs.

"i was sleeping and i'm woken up to all this noise, what on earth are you guys doing? destroying my house?" marylou asks nick.

"no, mom. james was cheating on kaia with his ex girlfriend and she just found out. she locked herself in the bathroom and called matt and he told her everything." nick explains.

"oh, my. kaia talked to matt? wait, that still doesn't explain all the noise. where is james?" marylou asks.

"i might have punched him. and chris might have thrown nate's work boots at his head." nick says in a guilty voice.

"my boys." she smiles, walking the rest of the way downstairs and stopping at the bathroom.

"sweetie, it's me. would you just open the door so i can talk to you? i won't let nick or chris in." marylou speaks quietly to her.

"fine." kaia sniffles and unlocks the door.

marylou opens the door and nick and chris take a few steps back.

"do you want me to close the door so we can talk in private?" she asks kaia.

"no, it's fine." she sniffles and sits up.

marylou sits down on the bathroom floor next to kaia and puts an arm around her.

kaia is quick to hug back, and once fully embraced, she begins sobbing again.

marylou sits there and hugs kaia while she cries. nick and chris sit down on the floor outside the bathroom to be there for her.

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