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irl, messages

as soon as chloe left the triplet's house and nick heard the front door close, he immediately went to talk to matt and chris.

"i have mini news." nick states.

"and what would that be?" matt asks.

"i talked to those girls from my class, the ones that are dating the rugby team?" nick starts.

"oh, shit. okay, what did they say?" matt asks.

"not a lot. all they really know is that james has this one crazy hot ex from his old school. they wouldn't really tell the girls much." nick answers.

"you think they're hiding information from their girlfriends?" chris asks.

"do you think they're hiding vital information from their girlfriends?" matt mocks in the nerd voice.

"matt, shut the fuck up." chris rolls his eyes.

"nah." matt crosses his arms.

"okay, well i'll try to find out more at school in the morning." nick says.

"good idea. i don't think we should bring anything up before we know for sure." chris agrees.

"yeah, that's what i was thinking, too." matt states.

"so, it's settled. we don't tell kaia or chloe  anything until we have solid proof. for now, we'll just let her be happy with james." nick says, sitting back down in the living room.

matt rolls his eyes at the last part, and walks back up to his room. chris joins nick to watch tv.

once in his room, matt sits down at his desk and opens his computer. he searches through facebook, instagram, reddit, tumblr, vsco, anything he can to find something on this "crazy hot ex".

he eventually finds what he thinks is her instagram page and decides to dm her.


hi i have a question for you

hello blue checkmark how can i help you 😏

no nothing like that
not sure if i have the right person but do you know a james prince

do i know you?

no you don't
but do you know james?

he went to my school but moved away why

bc i'm trying to find out if he's cheating on his girlfriend

oh honey i can assure you he's not
we're very happy thank you
please stop messaging me

you're his girlfriend? i thought you were his ex

wtf are u talking about
i'm the only girlfriend he has
we broke up like 6 months ago but we just got back together last week

as you wishHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin