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the principal takes the two girls to the empty math classroom where detention is always held.

there's only a few other people in there, but other than that, the classroom is basically empty.

kaia and chloe sit at the back together and talk quietly while waiting for the substitute teacher to start talking.

"look guys. i'm new to this school so they're having me watch the detention kids. i don't care what you do, just don't yell or anything. i don't know, catch up on work from another class or something." the teacher says from his seat at the front of the classroom.

"sick." chloe smiles.

kaia notices a kid a few seats away with a fine line pin on his bag, and she whispers to get his attention.

"hey, i like your pin." she whispers.

the teacher has music playing from his computer so he can't hear anything.

he looks behind him and notices kaia and chloe looking at him.

"oh, thanks. yeah, i like his music." he whispers.

"that's so cool. i've never met a guy that didn't hate harry styles." she answers quietly.

"well, i'm gay, so." he laughs.

chloe winks at him and he laughs. the teacher turns his head and looks at them, but ignores it and goes back to his phone.

"are you new? i don't think we've seen you around." chloe asks.

"i joined last year, so, kinda." he whispers.

"nice. you a senior?" she questions.

"thirteenth year. i needed more credits." he answers.

"real. i don't know if i'm gonna get enough, i might just scrape by." kaia says.

"i know, right? school sucks. i hate it." he replies.

"what's your name?" chloe whispers.

"ezekiel. most people call me zeke." he answers.

"aw, i love your name." kaia smiles.

"thank you." he nods.

"i'm kaia, this is chloe." she introduces them to him.

they chat for the rest of detention, and once the bell rings signifying that lunch is over, they wave goodbye to zeke and walk around the halls looking for the triplets.

they spot the girls and matt sneaks up behind kaia, tickling her waist and startling her.

"holy shit!" she jumps.

she looks behind her slightly angrily and her face softens when she sees that it's just matt.

"you scared me, matt." she smacks his arm.

"sorry." he laughs.

"don't laugh at me." she jokingly rolls her eyes.

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