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irl, messages

kaia wakes up the next morning before matt, and she checks her phone to see a couple messages from her mom. she carefully lifts matt's arm off of her body so he doesn't wake up. she rolls over and grabs her phone off the table.


mom ❤
hey sweetie i know you're asleep right now but i was just wondering if you'd want to go dress shopping for your prom dress today?
i got paid today so money isn't an issue you'll look beautiful in anything
i know you probably already have plans with matt but just let me know if you do want to go, prom is in only a week and you have graduation next friday

kaia 🙄
yeah absolutely i'd love to go today
i'll just send matt pictures so he can match his tie colour to my dress we already talked about it
give me like an hour or 2 to wake up and shower and everything then i'll be ready to go whenever

mom ❤
ok hun text me when you're ready and i'll come pick you up from matt's house
i've been waiting to buy your senior prom dress my entire life i'm so excited

kaia 🙄
me too
text you soon love you mom

mom ❤
love you more baby
read at 10:57am


"matt, matt." kaia gently shakes him awake.

"let me sleep." he grumbles, ignoring her.

"baby, i have to go out with my mom today to get my prom dress, wake up." kaia laughs at his stubborness.

"shhhhh." he holds a finger up to her mouth and shoves his face back in the pillow.

she giggles and scratches the back of his head in an attempt to get him to wake up.

"you can't trick me into getting up." she mumbles in his harsh morning voice.

"okay, fine." she gives up.

she stands up out of bed, grabs a change of clean clothes out of her bag, and starts undressing.

matt hears her clothes drop to the floor and tries to secretly peak, but she catches him immediately as she's putting a clean bra on.

"see? i knew your ass was awake." kaia rolls her eyes, pulling on a pair of pants.

"you can't just get dressed in my room and expect me not to look, who do you think i am?" he laughs, finally sitting up and watching as she gets the rest of the way dressed.

"i think you need to get dressed, too. i'll make you breakfast while you change, get out of bed." she shoves her bag aside, kisses him, and walks out of the room and downstairs to make breakfast.

he sighs and stands up, changing into a pair of clean clothes and putting on his deodorant after fixing his messy bed head with his hands.

once he sprays on a little bit of cologne, he walks downstairs to see kaia making french toast with her long dark hair up in a messy bun.

chloe and nathan were also downstairs in the kitchen with her, but nick and chris were still fast asleep.

"is chris seriously still sleeping?" matt asks chloe.

"yup. i fully shook him awake and he ignored me." chloe nods, sipping her water.

"i'm going prom dress shopping today with my mom, so you guys will have to manage to find it somewhere in your souls to survive without me." kaia announces dramatically, a sorrowful hand quick to cover her heart.

"i think we'll survive." nathan laughs.

"i'm gonna be so fucking bored." matt complains, grabbing water from the fridge and taking a seat next to nathan.

"i'm coming with you, i still don'y have my dress." chloe speaks.

"okay, but you're not picking the same colour as me." kaia nods.

"obviously not." chloe laughs.

"breakfast is served." kaia turns around with the big plate of french toast, handing a plate to matt, nate, and chloe after grabbing her own.

she leaves out two extra plates and forks for when chri and nick decide to wake up, but they all start eating without them.

kaia loves putting butter, syrup, and powdered sugar on her french toast. she's been calling it "snow" since she was a kid and has even taught willow to call it snow.

the triplets also started using powdered sugar on theirs after the first time they ever saw kaia do it several years ago, now it's a common practice in both households.

kaia sets up youtube on her phone to watch while she eats, she claims food tastes significantly worse without a youtube video.

nick and chris join them after a few minutes, they must've smelled the food and not been able to stay away.

chris absolutely inhaled his food, kaia made dozens of pieces knowing it was one of everyone's favourite breakfast.

kaia and chloe always did the cooking no matter whose house they were at. it wasn't a "women should do the cooking" thing, they just loved cooking and frankly, the boys were pretty awful at it.

after everyone finished their food, chris and chloe decided to clean up the dishes while everyone else sat down to watch tv.

kaia texted her mom and told her she was ready to go shopping around noon, so she sat on the couch with matt watching his favourite tv show while she waited for her mom to come pick her up.

kaia had brought her bag of clothes downstairs, and she snuck a couple extra hoodies and sweatpants of matt's into her bag because she knew he was gonna avoid giving them to her himself.

anne texted that she was there, and kaia and chloe hugged everyone goodbye including marylou and jimmy.

chloe kissed chris quickly on the way out the door, and so did kaia and matt.

the girls ran out to the car with big smiles on their faces, overjoyed and excited to get dresses for a day they've been looking forward to since they were little girls.

anne drives to the city over because they have some pretty nice dress shops, and the three girls begin browsing in every store looking for the perfect dresses.

chloe's mom couldn't make it because she was at work, but it was okay because anne was always like another mother to chloe.

1052 words

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