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irl, messages

nate goes home that night after hours of him, nick, and chris trying to console matt, but to no avail.

they tried to get him out of his room but he refused and got mad. he told them about the kiss, but other than that, he wouldn't budge.

nick and chris gave up for the night after nate left, and decided to let him be for a little while.

matt stayed awake for the second night in a row, just scrolling through okd photos of kaia. ones of just her when he thought she looked pretty, and ones of the two of them when they would spend hours in eachother's company.

kaia cried for a couple hours with chloe, but it eventually died down after she had cried herself to absolute exhaustion, completely passing out around 1am.

chloe had no idea how to help, the only thing she could really do in this situation was be there with and for kaia. she had to atleast know she had someone there for her, though matt would've done anything to be the one holding her right now.

after kaia fell asleep, chloe checked her phone to see a couple messages from matt.


is she okay?
you don't have to answer ik its weird i just wanna know if shes doing alright
i cant sleep thinking about it

i'm so sorry all this is happening to you
she loves you, i'm still not 100% in understanding for why she left tho

i know she loves me she said that today i just wanna know if she's okay

she's not
she's been crying since i got here and it stopped around dinner time but she started up again and she just fell asleep

chloe there has to be something i can do
like anything at all i will do anything
i don't want to sound desperate and clingy but you have to understand i am so in love with her i cannot stand another day without her i thought last time was bad this is so much worse

i know matt im so sorry
i tried to talk her out of it i really did she just kept repeating "he'll be better without me" and "i already hurt him, he deserves better"
i dont know what else i can do

how am i supposed to live the rest of my life like this
theres like 2 months until grad and then prom is like right after that
i was supposed to graduate with her and ive had a whole promposal planned out since the day she unblocked me
i literally convinced nick and chris to do a fifth year with me so i could be with her when she graduates

i know
im also so confused right now maybe shes jut not in a good mental state rn and she'll calm down in a couple days
i promise i will keep doing everything i can to get her back to you
i'm the number one katt / maia fangirl
i will be your personal wingman i want you two back together for so many reasons
i could see how in love you were and she had never been happier

then how the fuck did she just leave someone she loved that much so easily
i keep trying to see it from her perspective but i just cannot understand
like yeah it hurt when she blocked me and we didnt talk for months but i mean it wasnt that bad because we ended up falling in love

i wish i had an answer for you
trust me this is not easy on her
willow screamed at her earlier for leaving you and anne had to console willow for like 2 hours she wouldnt stop crying she kept saying she misses you and she hates kaia for taking you away from her

does willy still have my necklace?

no she gave it to kaia right when i got here
she's asleep rn next to me and she's holding the horse charm and the pendant
shes still wearing your sweater

dude i cant do this
i havent slept since it happened its been 2 days

matt you need to sleep you cant throw your life away

she was my life shes the only reason i had motivation to do anything anyway

but you need energy to go to school tomorrow

yeah fucking right
i am not going to school fuck that

do you really think kaia would want you to give up on your life?

she just gave up on mine for me
if i fall asleep at all tn its gonna be early in the morning i am not going to school

then how are nick and chris and nate gonna get to school

idk you can take them ig
im not
im never going back to that fucking school

you need to graduate

i have plenty credits to graduate i was just sticking around for an extra year to be with her

please try to get some sleep matt

if im able
can you kiss her forehead for me
i do it every night

lol sure but go to sleep please

ok i will talk to you tmrw for updates
read at 1:09am


chloe sighed and plugged in her phone, laying down in bed next to kaia who had tear stained pillowcases and eyes that were still wet, though she was fast asleep.

chloe rolled her eyes and kissed kaia's forehead goodnight, and she grumbled and rolled over, still clutching the necklaces.

"goodnight, matt." she mumbled in her sleep.

chloe covered her mouth and tried not to cry, she quickly texted chris what just happened and then put her phone back on the nightstand.

if only there was more she could do for her, there's just nothing that chloe can think of. time heals everything, matt might just have to wait for kaia to regret it. she already regrets it, but she's still convincing herself that she did the right thing.

matt stayed up that night and after hours of trying to sleep with no success, he put in his airpods and listened to their playlist to atleast comfort himself, remembering when they sat in kaia's bed giggling and adding eachother's favourite songs to the playlist.

somewhere in germany, but i can't place it. man, i hate this part of texas.
close my eyes, fantasize, three clicks and i'm home. when i get back, i'll lay around. then i'll get up and lay back down. romanticize a quiet life, there's no place like my room. but you had to go,
i know, i know, i know. like a wave that crashed and melted on the shore, not even the burnouts are out here anymore. and you had to go, i know, i know, i know. out in the park, we watch the sunset. talking on a rusty swing set, after a while you went quiet and i got mean. i'm always pushing you away from me, but you come back with gravity. and when i call, you come home, a bird in your teeth.

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