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irl, messages

kaia struggles to find a dress she really likes. she's always wanted a pretty pink dress, but every single one that she looks at has either a huge ugly leg slit or it's strapless. she can't find anything in the colour and style that she likes.

"do you have any ideas yet? i think i'm gonna get this black one." chloe turns to kaia as she looks through all the dresses.

"i still have no idea. i know i want a really light colour but i can't find one without atleast one flaw." kaia sighs and rolls her eyes.

"i just texted chris some pictures of mine, maybe ask matt what he thinks?" she suggests.

"you really think he cares? matt doesn't know the first thing about dresses." kaia laughs.

"maybe not, but he does care about you. maybe he could help you decide." chloe shrugs.

"i'll text him." kaia nods and sits down on a bench in the dressing room next to her mom.


kai 💋
i need ur help

my love ❤
ofc whats up

kai 💋
i cant pick a dress
everything is ugly the second i touch it
i want light pink but it all has weird stuff about the dresses

my love ❤
well you know i think you'll look good in anything but if you're struggling with one specific problem with each of the dresses you like ask one of the workers to show you suggestions without it

kai 💋
well duh matt
i just dont want a stupid leg slit
i want to look nice for you

my love ❤
you look amazing everytime i see you
if you dont like the leg slit look for dresses that are tight on the upper half and bigger on the bottom
im pretty sure only skin tight dresses do the slit

kai 💋
but then it'll look like i'm wearing a wedding dress

my love ❤
then get light pink not quite white

kai 💋
i know i know
there is a really pretty white one but i can't tell if it's slightly pink

my love ❤
is it sparkly?
or like bedazzled?

kai 💋
yea its covered in gems

my love ❤
ok baby then ur good if its sparkly nobody will be thinking ab if its white
has chloe chosen one yet?

kai 💋
yea she has a really pretty black one

my love ❤
ok so she wears black and you wear whiteish pink
chris and i can do opposite tuxes to match you guys

kai 💋
like you wear black and white he wears white and black?

my love ❤
yeah we can coordinate

kai 💋
but what about nick
and nate
i feel bad

my love ❤
im not supposed to tell you this but i think nick might be going with zeke
and nate is taking amanda remember?

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