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"kaiaaa, wake up." chloe shakes her.

matt squeezes her hand in an attempt to wake her up.

"kai, wake up." matt gently tugs her arm.

"you guys are back on kai basis?" nick whispers.

matt shrugs and nods. he pats the side of her face and she slowly opens her eyes, not realizing she fell asleep.

"hmm?" she groans.

"wanna go to the corner store? we want snacks." matt speaks.

"give me 5 minutes." she whines, rolling over on the couch.

"we're gonna wait in the car, and if you're not out in 5 minutes, we're leaving without you." chloe says.

"alright, alright." kaia sits up, rubbing her eyes.

nick, chris, nathan, and chloe all go out to wait in the car while matt takes a little extra time to tie his shoes.

"you want the front seat?" matt asks, watching her pull her hair up into a messy ponytail.

"yes, chris always farts in the back." kaia complains.

matt finishes tying his shoes and he offers a hand to help her stand up from the couch after her nap.

she accepts, holding onto his hand for balance and walking to the door to slide on her lightning mcqueen crocs.

"you look pretty even in a sweatsuit." matt smiles before she grabs her purse.

"and you look pretty even without a haircut." she replies.

"what? that's rude!" he laughs.

"you insulted me first!" she defends.

"i was complimenting you! i literally said you look pretty." he crosses his arms and stares down at her.

"it was a back handed compliment." she glares at him.

"nuh uh. i meant that you always look beautiful and you don't even have to try." he rolls his eyes.

"thank you, but i try very hard." she mocks him.

he smiles, scanning her outfit, hair, and fake angry face.

"okay, not right now. but don't look at me." she breaks eye contact.

"i love looking at you." he grabs her by the face with both hands, pulling her into a deep kiss before suddenly breaking away to open the door and walk outside.

"matthew!" she flails her arms up in defeat, following him out to the car.

nick already got aux and is making everyone listen to happier than ever, one of the best albums of all time.

kaia sits in the passenger's seat and matt starts the car, backing out of the driveway and heading to the closest corner store.

once they arrive, everyone gets out of the car and matt locks the doors with his key fob.

the group walks in and matt tosses an arm over kaia's shoulders while they walk up and down the isles looking for what they want.

matt and kaia stop in the candy section and look at all the options. matt decides to get oreos a few sections down, and kaia chooses sour strips. chris, nick, and nathan all opt for different bags of chips, and chloe grabs sour peaches.

chris and nathan both grab a king size pepsi, nick gets dr pepper, chloe chooses arizona, matt gets rootbeer, and kaia gets a large sugar free redbull.

matt and kaia pay first, and head to the car to wait for everyone. chloe really had to pee, so she had chris hold her things while she was in the bathroom.

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