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matt and kaia take all the extra food and pack it into the fridge, leaving the bag up in matt's room and joining everyone on the couch as they watch tv.

nate had come over in the time that matt and kaia were out on their picnic, so it was the triplets, the girls, and nate. the old friend group restored again because kaia and matt finally got their shit together and stopped acting like they didn't need the other person.

matt and kaia are sitting together at the end of the big couch, his arm draped lazily across her shoulder. chris and chloe sit at the other end doing the same thing, nick and nate sharing the other couch as they watch revenge of the sith.

"he's so hot." kaia whispers to chloe.

"i know." she agrees with a big smile.

"quit gossiping about other men being hot." matt whispers, mocking them.

"i'm definitely sexier than him." chris states, looking at chloe.

"you're pretty even i'd say." chloe nods.

"better than nothing." chris shrugs.

"kid, you're fucking ugly. hayden christensen is way better looking." nick rolls his eyes at chris' statement.

"nick, we're fucking triplets. if i'm ugly, you're gorlock the destroyer right along with me." chris hisses at him, arm still around chloe as her, kaia, matt, and nathan watch in amusement.

"none of you are ugly, stop insulting eachother." kaia laughs, leaning her head against matt.

"thank you." chris speaks.

"she's talking about me, chloe can defend you." matt joins in.

"what is going on?" chloe shakes her head.

"kaia and chloe have like, the exact same taste in men, obviously. why are you guys arguing about who is more attractive when you look actually identical?" nate turns towards them.

"our taste is very different." kaia says.

"barely." nick shrugs.

"what's the point of this argument again?" kaia scratches her neck.

"you two are saying anakin is hot and chris got insecure." matt pouts at him.

"nuh uh." chris crosses his arms.

"ask baylen. he'd agree with me." chloe shakes her head.

"you want me to recruit your boyfriend's friend to tell me that this random actor is more attractive than your own man?" kaia jokingly asks chloe.

"let's just watch the movie and stop being dramatic. also, kaia, stop oggling at him just because he's sweaty and shirtless." matt nudges kaia.

"sorry." she mouths to him silently.

matt kisses the top of kaia's head and she smiles, cuddling more into matt's side under the blanket.

the group spends the rest if the day hanging out, kaia and chloe work together to make everyone dinner.

hours go by and they all get tired, matt and kaia are the first ones to leave the living room to go to bed.

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