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matt and kaia lay in bed watching a movie, and by the time it's over, matt was restless and wanted to get up and go somewhere.

"do you wanna go somewhere? i'm bored to death." matt asks, shutting off the tv.

"like where?" she turns her attention towards him.

"we could go for a walk by the river, i could take you shopping, we could go get food, have a picnic, up to you." he lists off ideas.

"you can't make me decide, you know i can't make up my mind." she laughs, sitting up in bed.

"fine. how about we drive down to the store and get some snacks, we can set up a blanket by the water and watch ducks." he smiles, sitting up aswell.

"i love you so much." she grins, kissing him quickly and running out of the room.

"i love you more!" he shouts, loving her happy energy.

kaia goes to the bathroom to freshen herself up to go to the store, still in one of matt's hoodies and her regular clothes under it.

after she's done, she skips back into matt's room, takes off the hoodie, and sees him spraying on cologne and fixing up his hair in the mirror.

"you don't need to do that, we're just running to the store." she laughs, plopping down on the bed.

"you can get ready, but i can't?" he shakes his head, turning around and seeing her just sitting there smiling at him.

"i'm just a girl." she shrugs innocently.

"you can't just use that for everything." he laughs.

"yes i can, i'm literally just a girl. don't blame me." she nods, earning a sigh from him and an overall glance up and down.

"you look pretty." he speaks, blushing and turning back to the mirror.

"why, thank you, handsome. hurry up, i'm gonna wait downstairs." she kisses his cheek enthusiastically and darts downstairs, leaving him to silently scream in happiness by himself.

he meets kaia downstairs, seeing her with her shoes already on and sitting near the front door.

"ready?" he asks, putting his own shoes on as she stands up.

"after you." she smiles, holding the door open for him.

matt thanks her and walks out to the car, holding her car door open for her while she gets in, closing it and walking around to his own.

they roll down the windows and talk the whole way there, not even bothering to put music on this time.

matt finds a parking spot at the store and they both get out, walking hand in hand as they enter excitedly.

"what kind of food do you want?" he asks, squeezing kaia's hand as they walk up and down the food isles.

"how long are we planning on staying at the river?" she questions.

"i'm not sure, maybe an hour or two. until you get bored, pretty much." he answers.

"ok, then let's just get some light snack foods, i don't want to eat a whole meal if we're only gonna be there for a little bit." kaia looks up at matt.

he agrees and they walk around picking out food, mostly packaged foods or boxes/containers of things your mom would make you bring to a sleepover.

kaia wanders down the other isles with random non-food items, looking at the random toys and plates and things.

"should we get food for the ducks?" kaia turns to matt who is holding one of her hands and looking at his phone with the other.

"we can bring them bread from my house, we already have plenty. no need to buy more." matt answers, shoving his phone into his pocket.

"okay." she answers, dragging him along down to the area with hats and accessories.

"matt, look at these. we have to get them." she lets go of matt's hand and points to two matching beanies with little flowers on them in two different colours.

"it's almost summer, when are we gonna wear a hat?" he laughs.

"when we're driving at night, when i'm having a bad hair day inside, i don't know." she shrugs.

"you're crazy." he shakes his head, grabbing the hats for her, anyway.

as they're waiting in line to pay, kaia asks matt to grab some drinks last second, so he runs back to the fridges while she waits behind the next person.

while he's gone, she pays for everything including the drinks and a small tip for the cashier because she didn't know what the total would be since she payed in cash.

he comes jogging back carrying the drinks and kaia is already holding the full bag and reciept as matt realizes what she did.

"kai." he huffs, walking up to her.

"i payed, let's go." she smiles at him like she's guilty, energetically leaving the store as he follows close behind.

"why'd you do that? i invited you out, i was obviously gonna pay." he questions her as they approach the car.

"because i'm going to prove to you that i can be a better girlfriend this time." she answers like it was no big deal, putting everything in the backseat.

"don't say stuff like that." he begins to laugh out of shock, sitting in the car and frowning at her.

"it's fine, i was the one that picked most of this out, anyway. i'm not gonna make you buy me things for no reason." she smiles at him, rolling down her window.

"whatever you say." he shrugs, mildly annoyed that she has secretly payed for things he wanted to several times over the past few years.

once back at the house, kaia carries in the bags and skips inside, matt holding open the door.

they walk straight upstairs to pack a bag with a blanket and all the food they got.

kaia folds up one of matt's extra blankets because he, for some reason, doesn't know how to properly, and he packs in all the snacks ontop of the blanket.

they tell everyone they're going for a walk and matt carries the big bag on his back as they begin walking down to the river that's connected to the park near his house.

kaia holds tightly onto matt's hand as they walk, enjoying the beautiful almost summer weather. they walked along the big tree-lined path, looking for the perfect spot and laughing at little kids that keep tripping down the hill.

1073 words

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