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"kaia, kaia, we need to go home." matt tries to shake her awake.

"hm?" she grumbles? asleep in chloe's lap.

"do you need us to help you guys to the car?" nick asks.

"yeah." chloe mumbles, her eyes closed.

"do these other girls have rides home?" chris asks matt.

"guys? do you all know your adresses?" nick asks the other girls on the couch.

they weren't as drunk, but still far too much to walk.

the girls all mumbled their addresses one by one and the triplets and nate worked together to call them ubers and get them in the cars.

once they were all gone and it was just the boys, kaia, and chloe left, matt and nate worked together to carry kaia to the van, nick and chris got chloe.

nick and nathan sat with them in the back seat and matt and chris were obviously in the front.

matt starts the car and begins the 20 minute drive home.

"you got all her gifts?" chris asks matt.

"they're in the trunk." matt nods.

"okay, good." chris replies.

during most of the drive, nick and nate try to ask the girls questions to keep them awake enough to not need to fully be carried inside.

once home, matt turns off the car and opens the back doors to get the girls out.

"can you walk, kaia?" matt asks her.

she shakes her head no and starts giggling. he smiles and nate helps matt pick her up, he carries her inside and chris carries chloe.

nathan opens the front door and goes to sit on the couch in the living room with nick after they carry in her gifts.

chris takes chloe to his room and tucks her in, falling asleep next to her. matt carries kaia up to his room to let her sleep in a bed to herself.

"goodnight, kaia." matt pushes the hair out of her eyes after he's taken her shoes off and covered her with his blanket.

she mumbles and reaches an arm out to him as he's turning around to leave.

"what? are you trying to say something?" he asks, leaning down to hear her.

"stay with me." she says quietly.

"you sure?" he asks.

she nods her head yes and opens up the blanket, inviting him in to sleep next to her.

he shuts the door and kicks his shoes off, deciding to just sleep in his clothes. he climbs into bed next to her, keeping space and being respectful.

once he's settled and has the blanket covering them both, she rolls over and lays her head on his chest, an arm over his body.

he keeps an arm around her and uses the other hand to gently play with her hair as they both fall asleep.

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