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they stare at eachother and matt suddenly snaps out of it when he sees other people waiting to use the self checkout.

he pays for the drink and looks back at her one last time, seeing her standing still while willow wiggles around and tries to get out of her arms to see matt.

matt walks out of the store with his head down, quickly getting hit with the rain once he leaves the area with the overhead cover and walks towards his car.

once kaia's brain cathches up to the situation and she sees him leave the front door, she grabs the magazine out of willow's hands, quickly shoves it back onto a nearby shelf, and runs outside after matt with tears starting to form in her eyes.

willow cries for the magazine but soon stops when she sees matt. he hears willow crying from behind him, and stops walking.

kaia stops walking when he turns around, standing in the rain across the parking lot from her. she doesn't know what she planned on doing, but her feet did the thinking before her brain could.

they stand in the pouring rain, staring at eachother as willow manages to climb out of kaia's arms and run through the parking lot over to matt.

"willow!" kaia shouts at her, taking a step forward before stopping herself, a car zooming past.

"matty!" willow shouts, her arms reaching out to him.

he looks at kaia, then back down at willow who was standing right infront of him.

he picks her up, wanting her to be off the road and further away from cars, and to not slip in a puddle. willow has her hood up to shield herself from the rain, and matt looks down at her with a sad smile on his face.

kaia stands by herself about 6 or 7 meters away from matt and willow, his hoodie that she was wearing growing more and more wet. she noticed that the combination of the rain and the few tears that had escaped were making her mascara run, so she wiped her eyes dry with her fingers.

"go see your sister." matt whispered to willow.

"but i missed you! and so does she, all she ever talks about is you." willow giggles, speaking loud enough that kaia can hear her.

matt looks up to kaia, tears forming in his eyes when he sees her wiping her own tears.

"kaia, i-" he starts, but she interrupts him.

"i never should've left you, matt!" she spits out, her voice echoing with pain and sorrow.

"what? you don't have to-" he shakes his head.

"i do. i do have to apologize. please, just hear me out." she begins walking over to him in the rain.

matt sets willow down and she holds onto the pocket of his pants so she won't trip.

kaia stops a couple feet away from him and looks up, making eye contact with him.

"we were so happy, and too perfect. it scared me because every other relationship i ever had started the same way, and when i saw james everything just came rushing back to me and i didn't want to hurt you again and destroy our relationship just like everyone else. i always love too much and it's never received, so when we started dating and you loved me the same amount, i got freaked out." she explains through the rapid tears, wiping them away at the same rate they appeared.

as you wishTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon