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irl, messages

while kaia waits for chloe, she's debating whether or not she should read the messages from matt. she feels terrible like she's destroying their years of friendship on purpose, even though he's the one that got mad at her then tried to kiss her.

kaia has a heart. she still loves matt and is so confused how in a matter of minutes, they're like strangers again. she wants to just run into his arms and hug him and apologize for ignoring him and pretend like it never happened. but she can't really pretend like he didn't try to kiss her.

does he like her? has he had a crush on her their whole friendship and that's the only reason he cares about her? she's frustrated trying to decide but she also doesn't want to give up on him. but being friends with him now after what he did would surely prevent her from being happy with james.

she hates the confusion, but after all, matt means so much to her and she can't just abandon him, right?

she decides to read them.


matty 💕
kai please
i'm sorry i tried to kiss you i didn't know you would be upset i swear
i just thought that's what we were both feeling in the moment i'm sorry please talk to me i miss you
kai i'll never do it again i swear. i need you in my life you're my bestfriend
i swear i'll be nice to james i want you to be happy and if it's with him i will not get in your way. please just talk to me
read 6:41pm
kaia please answer me i can see that you're reading my messages please talk to me we can work this out

kai 🥲❤
matt i can't. it's too late
i want to be happy and james cares
it'll be too awkward if we go back to how it was

matty 💕
no i promise it won't
i will do anything to make it up to you
i was in the wrong. i'm sorry i did that
our friendship means the world to me and i will never do anything to jeopordize it again

kai 🥲❤
no matt
i'll see you at school but we can't talk anymore
i have to stand up for myself for once
you yelled at me. you made me feel like shit. i can't be friends with someone who hates who i'm with i just can't
plus we were too close. the cuddling and hugging and sleepovers cannot happen if i'm with james
i just need to be done

matty 💕
kai please i love you
you're my bestfriend in the whole world i need you in my life
i promise i'll never hug you again or cross any boundaries we can just talk

kai 🥲❤
how would you feel if you were james and i had a friend that close to me that i swore was just a friend?
you wouldn't trust me

matty 💕
we've been friends for 12 years how can you throw this away?

kai 🥲❤
me throw it away?
you're the one that yelled at me for having a date then tried to kiss me
i'm not risking that happening again

matty 💕
but i need you

kai 🥲❤
you have nick and chris
you guys are triplets your bond is stronger than yours and mine could ever be. you'll be okay

matty 💕
how is this so easy for you? did our friendship mean nothing? how am i the only one hurting here

kai 🥲❤
you think this is fucking easy for me?
this is the last thing in the world i ever wanted to do it's killing me.
i wasn't even gonna answer your texts because i knew we'd end up arguing like this but chloe is about to be at my house and i started sobbing thinking about you and she's coming over to sit with me
this is not fucking easy matt i do care about you but i can't ruin my future with james

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