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irl, social media

in moments like these where she's outside, in nature, and enjoying life, kaia is always so in the moment and grateful for everything she has. especially how lucky she feels for matt to have given her another chance and that she's with him right now.

he brings her so much joy and peace, she couldn't and would never want to imagine a life without him in it EVER again.

matt points out a nice empty spot, seeing it's right next to the water and the hill in this particular area wasn't very steep.

matt opens the bag and kaia helps him flatten out the blanket, setting everything up on it and sitting down together. before kaia can even think about the food, her attention is drawn to the ducks in the water.

matt turns to her with a hard to read expression on his face, she can't quite tell what he's about to say.

"i have a question for you." he starts, his voice very gentle and soft.

kaia's eyes blink in confusion and immediate panic in her eyes, hoping it's nothing bad.

"what is it, baby?" she asks nervously.

"tell me what you think of this." he says, pulling out a video on his phone.

she immediately recognizes that it's a video of harry styles, a familiar voice in the background of whoever was recording.

"hello, kaia. i've just run into your boyfriend matt's, manager? yes, manager. she says he doesn't quite know how to ask you to prom and he's super nervous." the video starts, now recognizing it was laura (yuck) recording.

"shut the fuck up, matt." kaia covers her mouth, leaning into his side as she watches the video on his phone.

"anyway, would you go to prom with your lovely boyfriend? he's texting this lady right now, they know you're a big fan, so she's asked me to ask you for him. cheers, love! hope prom goes well." harry smiles, holding up a peace sign at the end.

"matthew. don't fucking prank me like this." kaia is practically shaking, assuming it has to be a prank.

"i'm not. when we were in la for your birthday, laura was out with madi and madi immediately recognized him, she told laura to text me so he could get a video for me because i was struggling to think of a cool way to ask you, it seemed like a perfect opportunity." matt explains.

"there's no fucking way. he was in la at the same time as us?" kaia's smile begins to grow.

"yup. i've been saving this video for months. the week of your birthday was too busy, obviously decided to wait until we got back to boston. then you were in the hospital for a month, and i didn't want to ask and have it seem like pity, so i waited a little longer. then we broke up, and i was just gonna save the video and never show you, but now we're here and i wanted to ask you since prom is only in a couple weeks." matt smiles nervously.

"you had harry edward styles ask me to prom almost 4 months ago? that was nowhere near prom season." kaia covers her mouth, still so surprised.

"i knew i was gonna need it, him asking is so much cooler than if it was just me." matt nods, pulling a little card out of the picnic bag.

he hands kaia the card, and she opens it to see the writing on the inside say "i may not be harry, but can i still take you to prom in style?".

kaia practically belly dives onto matt, knocking him over in a gigantic hug.

"so, that's a yes?" he laughs, hugging her on the ground.

"duh!" she smiles impossibly large, pressing a loving kiss to his lips, he can still feel her shaking.

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