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    Izzy sighed as she sat next to Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni and about a half dozen more Serpents in the cafeteria, looking at looking at the screen of Sweet Pea's beat up computer

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Izzy sighed as she sat next to Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni and about a half dozen more Serpents in the cafeteria, looking at looking at the screen of Sweet Pea's beat up computer.

      They were watching some dumb Northsider's video about a new group called The Red Circle. This boy seemed familiar to Izzy, but she couldn't think of how she knew him.

   Izzy looked up from the computer screen and watched Jughead walk towards the group of Serpents, including her.

"I'm guessing we're not watching funny cat videos." Jughead sarcastically commented as he quickly walked over to the group of Serpents.

   "Check this out." Sweet Pea stated, quickly pausing the video as he spoke up. He then turned the computer around to show Jughead,  "Some sick-in-the-head Northsider posted this crazy ass video and we're just talking about it."

"Bout what?" Jughead asked, quickly.

  "Fogerty wants to earn his Serpent stripes,"  Izzy replied, quickly patting Fangs on the back, "I say bring us the head of that Northsider and you're in." Jughead eyes widened, hearing those words leave Izzy's mouth. And here he was thinking she was the most sane Serpent here besides Toni. Guess he was wrong.

  "I'm down with that." Forgarty gladly accepted. Both Sweet Pea and Izzy smirked as Sweet Pea started to bang on the table, excitedly.

"No guys—Guys!" Jughead interrupted.

"What, Jones?" Sweet Pea questioned, seeming a little annoyed as he looked up at Jughead.

  "I know this kid," Jughead replied, "He's a milquetoast, he's a football player. It's kinda a lame target is all I'm saying, you wanna prove something? Why don't you go after the Black Hood?"

   "And why would we do that?" Izzy chuckled humorlessly, "The Black Hood is targeting Northsiders who do nothing but blame the South-Side for everything that's wrong with this god forsaken town and we're sick of it. The Black Hood is doing our work for us, he's a hero." Izzy argued, glaring at Jughead.

                          • • • •

  Izzy playfully rolled her eyes at the corny joke that Sweet Pea told her and Fangs inside the convenience that they were formerly in. Izzy was the first to frown as she turned her head to see a red haired boy spray painting on the side of the building when they exited the store. Izzy almost instantly recognized it to be the boy from the Red Circle group video, "What the hell does he think he's doing?" Izzy told her two friends quietly.

  "Hey!" Sweet Pea shouted as he started to quickly walk over to the red-haired boy followed by Izzy and Fangs, "What the hell are you doing?" He questioned angrily.

The red quickly glanced at the three teen Serpents before he went back to spraying red paint on the side of the building, "Back off, I'm not here for you."

"Oh yeah?" Sweet Pea scoffed as he roughly pushed the teen against the wall of the building that he was formerly spraying red paint on, "Then who's this message for?"

The group took a quick look at the drawing and instantly recognized it was the Red Circle from the video they had watched earlier at school , "Aw, hell. Don't tell me it's for the Black Hood? You believe this guy?"

    The red head rolled his eyes as he put the can of red spray paint back into his bag.

"And people say we're the trouble makers," Izzy scoffed as the Northsider tried to make his way by, but Izzy followed by Sweet Pea, didn't let him go by, "Woah...Sorry handsome, but this is Southside Serpent country. You can't come here and take our turf. So why don't you get your ass back to the Northside? Before somebody gets hurt."

"Get out of my way, both of you," Archie demanded, "Or someone will get hurt."

    "You just made a big mistake." Izzy sighed, pulling out her pocket knife. Sweet Pea smirked at his best friend. She had beat him to it by a long shot. Before the three Serpents could react, the red head pulled out a gun.

"Who made a mistake?" The Northsider snapped back.

"What the hell, man!" Sweet Pea remarked, him, Izzy and Fangs holdings up their hands in defense.

"Who made a mistake!" He yelled again.

"Come on, guys, let's go!" Izzy commanded and the three Serpents stormed off.

After the whole run in with the Northsider, Izzy and Sweet Pea went to Izzy's trailer, which was a few trailers away from Sweet Pea's. Sweet Pea took a seat on the couch while Izzy went into the kitchen, "Want a beer?"

"Sure." Sweet Pea nodded and Izzy quickly passed him a can before getting one for herself. Izzy took a deep breath as he took a seat next to Sweet Pea on the couch.

"I can't believe that just happened," Izzy remarked, "We're doing something about it? Right? Because I'm not just going to let that Northsider get away with that, he can't stick a gun in our faces and expect us to not retaliate."

"I'm with you on that," Sweet Pea nodded, taking a sip of his beer.

If Izzy wasn't with him, he knew he would be filled with anger and wouldn't be able to control himself after what had just happened. But she calmed him down for some unknown reason.

"Do you want me to stay over?" Sweet Pea spoke up and Izzy slowly nodded.

"Of course I do, but only if you want to stay." Izzy answered calmly and Sweet Pea smiled at her.

"Of course I want to stay with my best friend." Sweet Pea grinned.

Oh, why did Sweet Pea keep doing this to himself? He felt for her more and more, yet he couldn't do anything about it. Why did he do this to himself?

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