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After getting ready for school, Izzy exited her room with her backpack in hand to see Alice knocking on Betty's door was incessantly questioning

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After getting ready for school, Izzy exited her room with her backpack in hand to see Alice knocking on Betty's door was incessantly questioning.

Just as Betty opened the door, Izzy noticed Betty wearing a robe. To anyone else, it would have just looked like a girl getting dressed, but because Izzy knew about Chic's 'extracurricular activities', she couldn't help but think Chic had gotten Betty into it too.

"Who are you talking to?" Alice questioned concerned.

"Jughead. He had some questions about homework. Now can I finished getting dress, please?" Betty answered annoyed.

"Well, I—" Before Alice could finished her sentence, the door was closed in her face.

Alice sighed before making way toward the stairs. She slightly smiled when she looked up to see Izzy, "You're up early." He remarked and Izzy nodded.

"Sweet Pea's picking me up, we have plans to go to Pop's before class starts. I have a free period first and Sweet Pea doesn't care about skipping anyway." Izzy explained and quickly replied.

"That's cool," She answered and Izzy looked at her confused, "Just so you know, You and Sweet Pea are having dinner with Chic, Betty and I. I still haven't officially met him and I want to meet the boy who has been spending his week nights in your bed the majority of your time you've been here." Alice directed and Izzy looked at her shocked.

"O-Okay." Izzy quickly agreed and Alice sent her another smile before descending down the stairs.

    Just as Izzy was about to go downstairs, she noticed Chic coming out of his room and making his way over to the bathroom. Izzy quickly ran over to the bathroom's door and blocked, "Izzy? What are you—"

"Please, please, tell me you didn't rope Betty into your cam business?" She pleaded and Chic nodded.

"Okay, I won't then." He answered jokingly before pushing past Izzy to make his way into bathroom.


   Later on that day, Izzy and Sweet Pea arrived and Sweet Pea's trailer, only to see that there was an eviction notice on his door, "What the hell?" Sweet Pea muttered as snatched the paper that was stapled to his front door and examined, "It says I have fourteen days to vacate."

   Izzy's eyes widened as she looked around to see many Serpent families outside their homes talking about the notices they had gotten too.

  "All this because of the damn head of General Pickens?" Izzy shouted angrily, only to be interrupted by her phone buzzing.

   Izzy quickly glanced at Sweet Pea before taking the phone out of her pocket and examining it to see she had received at text from FP. Izzy sighed as she placed the phone back in her pocket before looking up at Sweet Pea.

  "Who was it?" He asked curiously.

    "FP. He wants me to be the one to announce the plans him and I have for the Serpents. He's still trying to give me these damn lessons on leading the Serpents." She explained calmly, "Did I tell you he wants me to become leader after he retires?"

  Sweet Pea chuckled as he walked down the steps and wrapped an arm around Izzy's shoulder, "No, but it's not surprisingly, everyone's already expecting you to become Serpent leader after FP leaves, you technically already are a leader to the younger ones."


Izzy stood on the main stage in the Whyte Wyrm while the majority of the Serpents that lived in Riverdale stood below her, listening to her announcement.

  "We all got the evictions notices today, but FP and I swear to you...No is going anywhere. You hear me? Nobody." She explained loudly as she looked around at all of the Serpents. She locked eyes with Sweet Pea for a moment and he sent her a grin.

  "But the heat has been on us since Pickens' day and they're using that damn statue as an excuse to turn it up. But if we're gonna fix this, I gotta ask: Is anyone in this room responsible for dislocating Pickens' head?"

     "Why don't you ask your little buddy, Jughead, what he has to say?" Tall Boy butted in as he made his entrance into the Whyte Wyrm.

   "What is your problem with me, Tall Boy?" Jughead snapped at the Tall Serpent in annoyance.

   "You wrote the article that started this mess," He argued angrily, "You, Izzy and your little posse."

  After hearing this, Sweet Pea and Toni's back straightened as they glared at Tall Boy, "Fired the opening shot at Pickens Day."

  "It was a peaceful protest, Turncoat." Toni argued, crossing her arms.

  "That accomplished nothing," Tall Boy cut her off angrily, "So What's to say you and your little boyfriend didn't go back with a ladder and hacksaw?"

   Izzy knew tension was rushing when Jughead quickly ran over to Tall Boy pointing his finger at him, "Hey!" Jughead shouted at him angrily, "We didnt do! Hell, Tall Boy, you're the tallest guy in this room. You wouldn't even need a ladder." He accused.

Izzy quickly stepped off the stage and made their way over to them. Izzy quickly grabbed Jughead by the jacket and roughly pushed him back, "Jones...Tall Boy," She warned them in a hushed tone before talking louder, "The last thing we want to do is turn on each other!" She shouted out, "Right, FP?" She asked as she turned to face the Serpent leader.

  "Right." He agreed as he made his way over to the group of three.

  FP leaned forward toward Jughead, "We'll get through this." He reassured Jughead calmly and Jughead only glared at him.

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