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Later on that night at the Cooper residence, Betty, Chic, Izzy and Darla all sat in the living room as Alice walked over, carrying a tray of tea.

"Honestly, I'm not surprised that deadbeat Dwayne borrowed my car without asking," she scoffed, "He does it all the time. What did surprise me was the car turning up in a swamp in Riverdale. And then just as I was getting ready to head back to Centerville, Chic called me." She explained with a smirk, which Izzy was trying her hardest not to rip off her face.

  Betty turned to her brother, "Why would you do that?" She asked her brother quietly.

"He thought he could sniff out how much I knew. Isn't that right, Chic-a-dee?" She replied, scoffing once again, "But there's no playing a player, I saw right through him."

  Alice poured Darla a cup of tea before sliding it over to her, "It's okay, Dwayne was a heel. I wouldn't be surprised if he stole my car to pick up some floozy only to get himself killed," she said and the group of four shared nervous looks, "Like I told Chic...I don't particularly care what happened to Dwayne. I don't see any reason to ask any questions about him, especially if I get the ten grand he owes me. I get that, I'm a happy camper who'll be out of your lives forever and ever. Amen. If not...Well, then...I might just have to have a long talk with that handsome sheriff of yours."

"We don't have anything to do—" Betty started, but Izzy cut her off.

"We don't have that kind of money on hand. But if we get the money for you, we're done here, right?" Izzy interrupted and both Alice and Betty looked at her shocked, "You'll leave, no questions asked?"

  "Zip my mouth and throw away the key." Darla told her.

"Okay, I have money at the bank saved up in an account. The four of us will go—" Izzy stated, standing up from her chair and Alice frowned. She knew Izzy didn't have that kind of money, what was she talking about?

  "Nah, uh–uh." Darla shook her head, "One of you goes."

  Izzy sighed, "Betty and I. Two of us." Izzy insisted, "If not, I cant agree with this deal."

   "Izzy, the Banks's not open until nine o'clock tomorrow." Betty informed her and Izzy rolled her eyes at the blonde. She clearly ruined the plan.

   "I don't mind waiting. Got any board games?" Darla asked curiously.


  The morning, Izzy woke up early and made her way downstairs alongside Betty to see Chic, Alice and Darla at the kitchen table.

   "We're headed to bank," Izzy announced, sharing a quick glance with  her mother, which Darla clearly noticed.

  Just as the two girls were going to walk to the door, Darla roughly grabbed Betty by the arm, "Hey! Straight to the bank and right back!" She demanded.

  "Let go of her now." Izzy demanded sternly, gritting her teeth as she spoke.

  Darla only laughed as she let go of Betty, not knowing who the hell she was messing with.

    Betty sighed as she and Izzy exited the trailer, "We're not going to the bank, are we?" Betty asked and Izzy shook her head.

"Nope." Izzy shook her head before the two girls ran in the direction of the Whyte Wyrm.


Once getting the call from Alice to not come home, Izzy knew she couldn't screw around anymore. She paid a visit to Sweet Pea and the rest of her friends at the Wyrm. She ordered them to help her and of course, they obeyed. She was their Queen, they would do anything for her.

  The duo made their way back to the Cooper house where Izzy handed Darla a wad of money, which she had dug under ground near her old trailer many years before.

  "Why did you guys come back, Izzy?" Alice whispered to her oldest daughter quietly.

  "You know, I still have that black eye you gave me. Took me a whole damn day to wake up after your knock me out." Marcel, who had arrived there unexpectedly, said and Izzy rolled her eyes at him.

  "Well, next time, don't fuck with my family, asshole." She growled and the man got ready to come at her, but Darla spoke up.

   "It's all here." Darla told them, "Nice work."

"Okay, well you have your money. Now, go!" Alice insisted.

  "What are you talking about? I just got   here?" He asked.

"Yeah. And Riverdale is so much more nicer than Centerville." Darla added in, "And this house, I could get used to this house."

   Izzy started to become angry and instantly started to dig her fingernails into the palm of her hand to control her anger, "You said if we gave you the money, you would leave!" Izzy growled, ready to lunge for Darla, but Alice held her back.

  "Or what? You three think you can take us?" Darla asked daringly, "Try it."

"Sit your ass down, bitch. Or I'll cut out both your brother and sister's eyes out." Marcel threatened her and Izzy only laughed at him. 

  "What's so funny?" He asked her as Izzy gestured for the door.

Just then, Jughead kicked down the door and the Serpents stormed in, all holding pocket knives in their hand.

  "You think you two can take all of us?" Izzy asked amused, standing beside Sweet Pea with her pocket knife now out, "Try it, I dare you. I promise you that you will lose."

  "You brought backup?" Darla asked, "Thought you were just joking when you said she was Queen of the Serpents, Marcel." Darla said, looking up at the man beside her.

"I thought she was lying." Marcel replied quietly.

"Wait, does that mean you want me to go to the Sheriff's, start making a stink?"

  "Well, that's your call but our back-up and us, we're friends with the Sheriff's son. So whose side do you think he'll pick, you psychotic bitch?" Izzy told her with attitude.

  "The Coopers are one of the most respected families in Riverdale. You two are just a couple of Centerville scumbags." Jughead stated.

"Anything that was in your car, the swamp washed away or else we would have heard by now, so why don't you just grab the money and run?" Betty added in.

Darla was hesitant at first before she picked up the money and left with the man. Izzy smiled in satisfaction as they left without another word said. She was glad that that plan worked. More than anything.


The next day at school in the Swords and Serpents classroom, Izzy sat next to Sweet Pea while Alice spoke to all of the Serpents, including Betty, who was also there.

"I asked Izzy to thank you for me, but reconsidered, because I wanted to do myself," Alice announced loudly.

Izzy looked down at Alice's clothes to see her wearing a snake patterned shirt. She was proud of her mother for that.

"So thank you for what did. I also wanted you to hear it directly from me that I am done attacking and disavowing the Southside. It's where I'm from and I should be proud of that. And from now on, I will be. And like my daughters, I will fight tooth and nail for it." Alice explained and Izzy stared at her in amazement.

It was official, Alice was finally down bashing the Southside and Izzy didn't have to walk around eggshells with her while being a Serpent.

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