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  At Pop's, Izzy sat at the front counter by herself, drinking a root beer float

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  At Pop's, Izzy sat at the front counter by herself, drinking a root beer float. She had her head leaned on her right hand as she stared down at the table.

FP walked over to her, which Izzy didn't seem to notice because she was in such deep thought during that time, "What's got you in such deep thought?" FP spoke up suddenly, causing Izzy to instantly lift her head and look up at him.

Izzy angrily slammed her fist on the table, causing FP's eyes to widen in shock, "Of all people, he could screw at Riverdale High, why the hell did he have to pick Midge Klump?" She growled at him and FP let out a sigh, knowing almost immediately who he was talking about exactly.

"Who knows? It's Fangs we're talking about, Izzy," FP replied, trying to keep calm about the subject.

"What are we supposed to do?" Izzy asked him quietly.

For once, Izzy grew the courage to ask someone else for advice. She had always been an independent person and never asked other people for help. She always wanted to learn for herself and learn from the mistakes she made.

"If Fangs runs, he looks guilty," FP told her, "If he's caught withholding the truth, he'll look like the killer."

Izzy sighed in frustration, "But he's not the killer!" She complained, "For years, Sweet Pea, Toni, Fangs, and I have treated each other like family. We've always been a group of four. Recently, Jughead has joined the group and made it a group of five. And for as long as I can remember, Fangs has always been the innocent one compared to the rest of us. The dude literally cried when we all watched Marley and me together when we were thirteen." She explained and FP shook his head.

"The cops don't know Fangs like we do. They'll just see that he's a suspect who happens to be a Southsider and throw his ass in jail, even if he wasn't the killer." FP stated as he straightened his back up and got ready to go back to work, "Get ready to fight, Izzy."

Izzy scoffed loudly, "Sadly, even if it comes to that, Alice said I have to lay low for a while and stop fighting after I broke Dilton Doiley's nose on purpose the other day during gym class," She informed before giving FP pleading eyes, "Maybe you could convince her otherwise?"

FP laughed, making his way back over to her, "And what makes you think I would be able to do that?" He questioned and Izzy rolled her eyes.

"Oh, I don't know..." She trailed off as she got up from her chair and began to leave the diner, leaving FP confused.


The next day at school, Izzy walked over to her locker to see Sweet Pea standing in front of it, clearly waiting for her. His arms were crossed over his chest and he seemed to have a serious look on his face.

She sighed, making her way over to him, "Hey," She greeted him, causing Sweet Pea to turn to face her. He still seemed to have that look on his face, causing Izzy stared at him in confusion, "Is there something wrong?" She questioned him with a raised brow.

Sweet Pea was quiet as he watched Izzy put the combination in her locker and open it. She began to get her materials for her next class, still waiting for Sweet Pea to finally speak up and tell her what was wrong. She was dying to know, but she knew rushing him would only cause him to not even tell her it at all.

"I know you know which one of the Serpents was screwing Midge Klump," He spoke up in a calm tone. His arms were still crossed as he leaned his back on the lockers.

Izzy stopped searching for her calculator and looked up at her boyfriend, "And why would you think that, Sweet Pea? Hmm?" She replied with a question, causing Sweet Pea to sigh in frustration.

"Whoever the Serpent was that screwed that Northsider, it's obvious that they would have come to you to ask what the hell to do next. Jughead may be acting like he owns the younger Serpents lately, but everyone knows you're their leader, not Jughead. So, tell me who it was. It ain't cool to keep something like that from me, I don't keep anything from you," He explained and Izzy stayed quiet, knowing if she told him it was Fangs, a bunch of chaos would occur between the friend group, "Was it Toni?" He asked and Izzy shook her head, "You?"

Izzy scoffed loudly, "Why the hell would you think it was me, dumbass? I'm dating you. And second of all, I'm into guys, not girls. I already tried that out in seventh grade with Toni, remember?" Izzy reminded him just as Toni came running over to them, her phone in her hand.

"Guys! Guys! Did you see it?" Toni called out to them as she made her way to where Izzy and Sweet Pea were standing together.

"See what?" Sweet Pea asked their friend confused.

Toni stood in front of them and pulled up a video on her phone and Izzy noticed that it was Fangs and Midge standing together in Midge's dressing room.

"Fangs was dating Midge and didn't tell Sheriff Keller," Toni informed them and Sweet Pea seemed to be shocked by the news while Izzy wasn't.

"Dammit," Izzy groaned, "Where the hell did you get this video, Toni?" She questioned concerned.

"It was posted on The Register's website, somebody leaked it," She explained and Sweet Pea gave Izzy a confused look when he saw that she didn't seem to be shocked.

"You knew that Fangs was with this Northsider and you didn't tell us?" Sweet Pea scoffed loudly, "And you made me think this whole time that he had a crush on Keller when he was actually already seeing someone?"

"Sweet Pea, we don't have time for this," Izzy told him sternly just as Principal Weatherbee began to talk on the intercom.

"Attention, students. This is Principal Weatherbee. I need Fangs Fogarty to come to my office immediately." Weatherbee announced and Izzy's eyes widened in shock.

Izzy immediately dropped her notebooks on the ground, "Where's Fangs?" She asked nervously as she began to run down the hallway with Sweet Pea and Toni following close behind her.

"I don't know," Toni replied and Izzy sighed, she was clearly worried about the wellbeing of her friend.

"We need to find him right now! Before those psycho Northsiders do." She demanded as they all turned a corner with Izzy in the lead.

As she turned the corner, Izzy ended up colliding with someone else. She instantly recognized it to be Fangs and felt a bit relieved that she had found him, "What the hell?" Fangs shouted out loudly, "That video's everywhere! How did it get out?"

"Listen, Fangs. We have to get you out of here right now, alright?" She told him quietly, trying to keep calm.

"You're dead, Vixen killer!" Izzy heard someone shout and she turned her head to see that it was Reggie, walking down the stairs with the Bulldogs and Kevin Keller by his side.

The group of four backed up slightly as Izzy grabbed Fangs by collar of his flannel, "This way."

They turned around, only to see that the newest Sheriff was standing there with a couple deputies, "Mr. Fogarty!" He shouted loudly, "We need you to come with us."

"I didn't do anything." Fangs told him in a stern tone as he turned his body around to go the other way, only to find the Bulldogs blocking his way.

Fangs quickly turned around and began to run, only to be grabbed by the Sheriff and another deputy, "Okay, okay. Come on, come on."

The two officers pinned Fangs to the wall and Fangs struggled to get out of their grasp. Suddenly, Fangs's pocket knife fell out of his pocket and dropped to the ground. The Sheriff looked down at it and Fangs had a face full of shock. they didn't waste any time, pinning him to the ground and placing handcuffs on him.

Izzy, Toni, and Sweet Pea watched in shock as their best friend was arrested for a crime that he didn't even commit.

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