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   Izzy sat with Sweet Pea, wrapping gifts at the Whyte Wyrm

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Izzy sat with Sweet Pea, wrapping gifts at the Whyte Wyrm. Surprisingly, Sweet Pea was doing a better job at wrapping than Izzy.

  "Come on," Izzy commented, looking over at Sweet Pea's gift, it was wrapped to perfection while Izzy's was all screwed up, "How are doing a better job than me? I'm usually the best wrapper here."

   Sweet Pea sighed, looking up from wrapping one of the gifts, "Maybe because you're too busy thinking about 'that' day."

   "How did you—"

   Sweet Pea slightly smiled as he looked over at her, "We've known each other since we were in diapers, I know how you think."

    Izzy sighed, "I can't stop thinking about it. And it doesn't it make it better that anniversary of my family's death is the day before Christmas."

     Sweet looked up at Izzy with a questioning look. He forgot all about how she didn't celebrate her birthday. She just knew that date only to be the day of her family's death, not her birthday. She hadn't even mentioned her birthday in years.

   "Don't even mention it, Sweet Pea," Izzy told him, knowing that Sweet Pea was about her birthday, "You're not the only one who knows how the other person thinks. That is the day of their deaths, nothing else."

   Sweet Pea hesitantly nodded. What kind of person didn't want to celebrate their birthday?

   "Izzy," FP called out, making Izzy look up at the FP and Jughead, "You're with us." FP directed, still looking directly at Jughead.

   "What?" Izzy questioned, "But I thought you said—"

   FP shook his head, "You told me you didn't want to be treated differently this week, so I'm granting your wish."

   Izzy nodded, getting up from her seat. She quickly glanced at Sweet Pea before following FP and Tall Boy out the door.

                       • • •

  "Penny Peabody has got my dad dealing drugs." Jughead announced standing in front of many young Serpents, including Izzy, Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Toni, "I know this, 'cause she had me doing it before him. Now, she's roped in Tall Boy and Izzy."

    "Jones, if you're pissed because your old man tagged me along instead of you—" Izzy tried to explain, but Jughead quickly cut her off.

"No, Izzy, I'm pissed because I don't want the Serpents to end up like the Ghoulies. And I doubt that any of you became Serpents just to be at the beck and call of a drug queen pin. We know where this ends. Death. Jail. Which is why in the interest of self-preservation, we have to take out Penny." Jughead explained.

   Sweet Pea sighed, "Snake Charmer helped some of us."

  Jughead crossed his arms as he turned his body so that he was now facing Sweet Pea, "Oh yeah?" He questioned, "And what did she ask for in return, Sweet Pea, Huh? How many favors?" After getting no answer, Jughead started to speak again, "If we don't stop Penny tonight, she going to get every single one of us in on this. I promise you, Sweet Pea."

  "What I'm asking is, are you willing to risk your necks to save my dad's life?"

    It was silent for a moment before Izzy stood up from her seat next to Sweet Pea and Fangs on a beaten up couch, "What is the first law!" She asked loudly, looking around at all the Serpents.

  "No Serpent stands alone." Sweet Pea answered quickly before he stood beside Izzy , "I'm in."

   "Me too." Izzy answered, making Jughead turn his head to look at her and Sweet Pea.

  "Me too." Toni added in, also standing up.

  "Let's do this." Fangs added in, he too, stood up.

    Soon after, the rest of the Serpents stood up from their seats when they saw Izzy stand up. Izzy was like a leader to these teens for years, they looked up to her even they most of them were the same age as her. When they saw her stand up, they knew they should stand up too.

                        • • • •

      Izzy sighed as she knocked on the door of the warehouse that Penny Peabody was in, standing alongside Jughead.

  "FP? Well, you're early, you old hoss." Penny replied as she quickly opened the door and looked at the Jughead and Izzy confused. Especially Izzy.

   "Penny," Jughead greeted the Snake Charmer, slightly grinning, "Ho-merry-Ho."

     Penny looked at the two Serpents and sighed, "Jughead Jones and Izabella Blake," She fake smiled as she looked down at the crowbar in Izzy's hand, "Nice crowbar, Izzy."

"This? Yeah, I brought it just in case we needed to pry open the door," Izzy answered as she tossed the crowbar to the side, "Guess we won't be needing that after all."

"Well, are you two gonna give me a hand with this stuff? FP will be here in like what, 15, 20, minutes," Penny commented as the two teens followed her into the warehouse, "He probably won't be too happy to see you, Jughead, huh?"

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that," Izzy grinned, "The three of us aren't going to be here." She replied as all the teen Serpents walked in, wearing snake masks to cover their faces.

    Penny quickly turned around and sighed, "Is this supposed to scare me?" She scoffed as the Serpents went after her, "I wouldn't do this is I were you. You are making a big mistake! You are making a—" before Penny could finish her sentence, one of the teen Serpents put a cover over her head.

    • • • •

    Penny gasped for breath as Toni pulled off the dark cover that was over her head and tossed it to the side. Penny looked around at all the Serpents and slowly locked eyes with Jughead.

"Where am I?" Penny questioned, out of breath.

"You're in Greendale, your new home," Jughead replied as he walked over to Penny and knelt near her, "But frankly, Penny, I don't care where you set up shop. But it's not gonna be in Riverdale and it's not gonna be with the Serpents. You want to deal drugs, you want to extort people, that's your business. But not on the Southside. That belongs to us."

    Penny laughed as she glared at Jughead, "You stupid boy. Serpent law says you can't hurt one of your own." Penny commented as she lifted up the sleeve of her leather jacket to show the Serpent tattoo on her forearm before looking over at Izzy, "Thought Izzy, of all people, would have told you that when you partnered up with her. She knows those laws like the back of her hand."

    Izzy couldn't help but chuckle at Penny's comment as gestured for Jughead to stand up from the ground. Jughead quickly got up and stood next to Izzy, Sweet Pea and Toni, "Oh, Penny, it's time that you learn," She sighed as she took off her jacket and threw it to the side, "Grab her." She demanded and the Serpents quickly obeyed.

    Penny looked at them all shocked as they held her down, "What are you doing? Get off of me! Get off of me!" She yelled, but they didn't listen to her.

    Izzy quickly pulled out her silver pocket knife and flicked it open before walking over to Penny, "That tattoo doesn't make you a Serpent, remember that." She commented as she knelt near Penny and slowly carved out her tattoo. Jughead stood next to her, shocked that she even had the guts to do that, "Don't even think about coming back to Riverdale, Peabody, you hear me! Or you'll have me do deal with and you don't want that. You know that more than anyone here."

     AN: Wow! I finished a whole episode in one chapter, that's the first in a while. I'll probably end up posting a chapter today or tomorrow about Christmas Day featuring Sweet Pea, Izzy, Toni and Fangs. (Little Serpent family)

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