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At the Whyte Wyrm, Sweet Pea, Toni, and the rest of the Serpents were in the middle of collecting weapons to use against the Ghoulies when FP got a call on his phone from Betty

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At the Whyte Wyrm, Sweet Pea, Toni, and the rest of the Serpents were in the middle of collecting weapons to use against the Ghoulies when FP got a call on his phone from Betty.

"Betty, are you and your mom okay?" FP asked the blonde on the phone concerned.

"Mr. Jones," Betty spoke up, "Is Jughead and Izzy with you?" She asked him, deeply nervous.

"No, they're both at the trailer. Izzy told me just before she left she was going to go talk to him there. That was about an hour ago." FP explained as he walked around the bar, making sure everything was in order, "Why?"

"I'm just really worried about Jughead, Izzy, too. Jughead called to say how much he loves me and I could hear Izzy talking on the phone in the background, also. Both she and Jughead sounded like they were saying their goodbyes. For good." Betty informed the man and FP eyes widened in shock.

He stood there, motionless as he immediately hung up the phone, "Toni," FP spoke up, causing all three teenagers to look up, "Where was Penny hiding out?" He asked before looking over at Sweet Pea, "Where's your phone?"

"It's off. In my pocket." Sweet Pea answered with a frown, "Why?"

"Check to see if Izzy left you a voicemail. Now," FP demanded before he headed out the door, Toni and Sweet Pea following close behind.

At the hideout, FP was the first to arrive on his bike. He got up from the motorcycle bike and took off his helmet, quickly glancing around, "Jug? Izzy?" He called out loudly, hoping to get an answer back.

Once seeing a figure laying on the group, FP immediately dropped his helmet and ran over.


Later on the hideout, Cheryl and Toni stood together, waiting to get news that they had found both Izzy and Jughead. Sweet Pea stood near them, listening to Izzy's voicemail for the third time.

He couldn't that this was happening. He wondered, maybe if he had his phone on, he could have answered the call and talked his girlfriend out of doing what she had done.

Archie and Betty soon arrived, Betty looking extremly worried about both her boyfriend and her sister's wellbeing, "Where are they? Where's Jug?" Betty asked concerned, staring directly at the group of three, "Where's Izzy?"

"Guys," Archie spoke up when he saw a shadowy figure walking through the fog. The figure came closer to them, holding a body in their hands. When they came closer, the group of five recognized it to be FP holding Jughead in his arms. Jughead had cuts and bruises covering his whole body, he was clearly beaten up badly by the Ghoulie. Their eyes widened when she saw that Jughead's tattoo had been cut off also.

"Where's Izzy?" Toni and Sweet Pea asked worriedly at the same time.

FP had tears threatening to spill from his eyes as he looked at the group of teenagers. He shook his head, "I-I couldn't find her anywhere. She's gone."


   Deep in the woods, about a half a mile away from where the group stood together, Izzy laid unconscious. She was severely beaten, cuts and bruises covering her whole body. Her Serpent tattoo was carved off her forearm, yet the one on her neck still resided in its normal location. Her signature jacket was off of her body, resting beside her head. The bullet wound that was just stitched earlier that night was now torn open, blood slowly spilling from it.

Her phone was laying on the ground about ten feet away from her, which Penny purposely did so she wouldn't be able to get to it. Izzy's phone began to ring, receiving a call from Sweet Pea.

Somehow, Izzy was awoken with a gasp as she heard the noise coming from her phone. She winced in pain as she turned her head to look at the phone. Using almost all the strength she had left, Izzy flipped herself onto her stomach as she struggled to pull herself over to the phone.

She cried out in pain as she did so, feeling soreness and excruciating pain in every part of her body. Her stitches from when she got shot were torn, her tattoo on her forearm was carved out, she definitely broke a rib and so much more. The phone continued to ring, causing Izzy to try her hardest to get to it, "Come on!" She told herself angrily.

Soon enough, the ringing came to a stop and Izzy still tried her hardest to get to it.

Back to where he was with the rest of the group, Sweet Pea had his phone placed to his ear as he left Izzy a voice mail, "Izzy, please, please, call me back. I need to know you're safe. We found Jughead, we know you were with him. Wherever you are, I'll come get you. I can't lose you, Izzy. I already lost Fangs, I can't lose you, too. I love you."

AN: Tbh, I don't know what it is with this book, I just love writing it so much. Hope you liked it. And what do you guys think will happen to Izzy? Will her friends be able to find her?

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