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   Izzy woke up the next morning and had breakfast with Chic and Alice as if nothing had happened the night before

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Izzy woke up the next morning and had breakfast with Chic and Alice as if nothing had happened the night before. She was fine with that, but Betty definitely wasn't when she came downstairs to see the three content and happy.

"Mom?" Betty spoke up as she came down the stairs to see Alice giving Izzy more of the chocolate chip pancakes that she had made just for her because she liked them so much.

"Oh good, you're up! Have a seat." Alice smiled brightly at her daughter.

"I don't like chocolate chip pancakes." Betty answered her mother slightly confused.

"Well, at least have some cereal. You must be starving." Betty awkwardly stood in front of them for a moment before going to the kitchen counter to get herself some cereal.

Izzy stared at Betty in confusion when she seemed to be extremely on edge as she poured herself some cereal. It almost looked like the same exact look that Izzy had right after her adoptive parents died: A dead expression. And that dead expression carried with her up until lately. Since she started dating Sweet Pea and moved in her birth family, that dead expression hadn't been there in a while. It was still there deep down inside, but it wasn't seen as much because she smiled and she was more more than she had ever been in years.

"Betty, you all right?" Izzy asked the blonde concerned, but before Betty could reply, there was a sudden knock on the door and Betty ended up dropping her bowl of cereal. The cereal and milk in the bowl spilled everywhere and the bowl shattered instantly after impact.

"Elizabeth?" Alice questioned as the group of three turned around in their chairs and stared up at Betty before looking over at the door.

Betty had a look on perseverance in her eyes as she walked over to the door, "Ask who it is before you open it." Izzy warned her calmly.

"Who is it?" Betty called out as she opened the door to see that it was just Jughead which made the group of four sigh in relief.


After Betty left with Jughead to head to school, it was Izzy's turn to be picked up by her boyfriend.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay home today, Izzy?" Alice asked her daughter for what felt like the millionth time.

"Yes, I'm sure, Alice. Like I told you that last six times you asked me, I'm fine, I don't need to stay home. Sweet Pea will be here any second." Izzy reassured her as she picked up her backpack and made her way toward the door.

"Wait," Alice told her suddenly, causing Izzy to quickly to turn and face her. Izzy sighed as Alice handed her an umbrella, "I know it's not my choice or anything and I know that you always tell him everything, but I'd advise you not to tell Sweet Pea about what happened last night. You don't want to get him involved with this like we've already done to Betty."

Izzy slowly nodded, "Okay, I won't." She replied calmly just before there was a knock on the door.

Just as Izzy was about to go open the door, Alice beat her to it and smiled when she opened the door to see the raven haired boy, "Sweet Pea." She greeted him with a small smile.

"Alice," Sweet Pea replied before looking over at Izzy, "You ready to go?"

"Yup." Izzy nodded as she back pack over her arm before following Sweet Pea out the door, "Bye, Chic! Bye Alice."

"Bye, Izzy." Alice said and Izzy could hear Chic tell her goodbye from the kitchen.


   Izzy and Sweet Pea walked down the streets of Northside Riverdale, the sound of rain being the only noise between them. The two had decided to walk to school for some odd reason instead of taking one of their bikes m.

It was odd for Sweet Pea, the two would always be talking each other's ear off, but here they were, silent as mice. He could tell something was wrong with Izzy's abnormal behavior and couldn't help himself from asking her.

"Why didn't you call me last night after what happened with Penny and Tall Boy?" Sweet Pea questioned her, crossing his arms, "We call or even text each other every night to say good night. You didn't do either."

    Izzy sighed as she turned to face the tall teenage Serpent, "Sorry, I knocked out right away after getting home, I had long day." She lied to him contently and Sweet Pea slowly nodded in agreement, not really believing her.

   "You sure? You seem more quieter than usual."

    "I said I'm fine, Sweet Pea, what don't you understand! Just back off, okay?"  Izzy suddenly snapped at him without intentionally meaning to. Izzy sighed deeply when she saw the somewhat sad look when Sweet Pea was giving her, "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I barely got any sleep last night."

  Sweet Pea looked at down at Izzy extremely confused, "But you—you just said that you went to sleep right after you go home," Sweet Pea explained and Izzy felt uneasy, "You're lying to me, Izzy. I thought we didn't lie to each other."

Izzy sighed, but didn't reply to his statement. A few seconds after, the two arrived at Riverdale High, both of them not saying a word to each other.

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