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   Before class started, Izzy sat with Toni, Fangs, Sweet Pea and some others Serpents, planning out their revenge against the Northside

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Before class started, Izzy sat with Toni, Fangs, Sweet Pea and some others Serpents, planning out their revenge against the Northside. Soon after, Jughead made his way outside to see the Serpents all huddled around a small table.

"Nice article your girlfriend's mom wrote." Sweet Pea remarked at Jughead as Jughead walked over to the group.

"Yeah, I saw that. Dilton said he was stabbed and said you guys jumped him?" Jughead questioned and Izzy couldn't help but scoff.

   Before Sweet Pea could answer, Izzy had already replied, "That dumb idiot stabbed himself, with his own knife."

"And we didn't jump him. There was a fight, Bulldogs versus Serpents." Sweet Pea explained with annoyance laced in his voice, "And you see this," Sweet Pea added in, pointing to his black eye, "Your boy Andrew gave this to me. Just before his girlfriend shot a gun into the air."

"What happened?" Jughead gasped, his eyes widened as he quickly looked up.

"Yeah, and of course, the Northsiders get off scot-free while the rest of us were hauled in by the police," Izzy explained, crossing her arms, "It's payback time." Both Izzy and Sweet Pea then looked back down at the paper they were all looking at.

  "What are you talking about, what is that?" Jughead asked confused.

"Is that a pipe bomb?" Jughead gasped after looking at the paper. He lifted his head and gave Sweet Pea and Izzy questioning looks.

  "Forgarty's cousin served in the army, he's gonna build us something. We'll do it after hours, it'Il shut the Riverdale Register down once and for all."

"You think blowing up a building is going to make things better?" Jughead argued.

  "It can't get any worst." Sweet Pea argued back.

   "Yeah Sweet Pea, it can. Let me talk to Archie. Let me figure this out, okay?"

"Man, that's your answer for every thing. talk and more talk, but we don't even know who you stand with us or them? You can't be a half a Serpent." Izzy argued, crossing her arms as she and Sweet Pea walked off with the rest of the Teen Serpents following close behind.

• • • •

Izzy and Sweet Pea stood in the Whyte Wyrm, playing pool. Sweet Pea looked up from shooting his ball to see Jughead walking in, wearing his Serpent jacket.

"I think this Northsider's lost. Don't you think, Izzy?" Sweet Pea commented as he lightly elbowed Izzy's side to get her attention. Izzy looked up to see Jughead walking over to them.

  "I'm not," Jughead answered calmly, walking over to the two teen Serpents, "I'm over being half a Serpent."

Izzy rolled her eyes as she placed her pool stick down on the table and walked closer to Jughead, leaving Sweet Pea standing alone at the pool table, "Wow, you would do anything to protect your little Northside buddies." Izzy commented as she purposely bumped into Jughead while walking past him. Jughead rolled his eyes in response.

"My father was a Serpent. He led you, I wanna stand with you guys. Tallboy was the one who gave me this jacket. It's finally time I start wearing it."

   "So, now you wanna be a Serpent?" Tallboy replied, walking over to Jughead and Izzy, "Let's see if you survive the initiation."

   • • •

Izzy, Sweet Pea and a couple other Serpents, wearing Snake masks, snuck into Jughead's trailer for the first trial of initiation.

Izzy held Hot Dog closely in her arms to make sure he didn't escape as she stood at the foot of Jughead's bed alongside Sweet Pea and some other Serpents. Izzy thought it was pretty creepy that they had to stand over Jughead until he woke up, but hey, it's apart of the initiation.

"What the hell!" Jughead gasped as he quickly sat up from his bed to see a group of Serpents standing in front of his bed.

"Your initiation begins now with you assuming guardianship of the beast." Sweet Pea spoke up, moving out of the way so Izzy could place Hot Dog on Jughead's bed.

Jughead's eyes widened as he looked down at the dog. By the time he looked back up, the group of Serpents were already gone.

• • • •

Because Izzy lived by the Serpent rules growing up as a child and had been like a leader to the younger Serpents and even to the elder Serpents, Tall Boy decided to Izzy should be the one to lead the next trial of Jughead's initiation.

  There was crowd that formed around Jughead and Izzy in the Whyte Wyrm as Jughead recited the Serpent laws.

"What is the fourth law!" Izzy hollered, looking around at all the Serpents around her before looking back at Jughead. The two were mere centimeters apart.

"No Serpent is left for dead!" Jughead yelled back.

"What is the fifth law!" Izzy yelled again in Jughead's face.

"A Serpent never betrays it's own!"

"What is the sixth?"

"I'm unity, there is strength!"

Izzy made a hand gesture before all the Serpents around her repeated the law, "In unity, there is strength."

"You know the laws," Tall Boy spoke up, walking over to them, "Now it's time for the next trial," All the Serpents near the glass tank that held the rattle snake, moved out of the way, "Retrieve the knife."

"What?" Jughead quietly gasped.

Izzy was impressed as she watched Jughead retrieve it with no fear. She gave him a lot credit for that, many of the other Serpents showed somewhat fear in that part of the initiation.

• • • • •

Later on that night, it was time for the last trial of the initiation. Izzy stood at the head of the line and watched as Jughead got hit in the stomach and in the face multiple times by the group of Serpents outside Sunny-Side Trailer Park.

  Each hit made him groan in pain and become weaker, but he still stood up strong. The last hit before Izzy got her turn, Sweet Pea punched Jughead straight in the face, making him stumble back a bit.

  Jughead lifted his head up high as he looked straight in Izzy's cold eyes. He knew if he wanted to join the Serpents, he needed to show her how strong he was and that wasn't weak.

"Is that all you got?" Jughead questioned, still glaring at her.

Izzy slipped on the brass knuckles that were in her jacket pocket onto her left hand. She took a deep breath, before punching Jughead straight across the face. Jughead fell straight to the ground, his face planting into the grass.

  After a few moments, Jughead stood up from the ground. Yet again, Izzy was impressed by the Jones boy. Izzy gave Jughead a small smile before holding out her hand for him to shake.

Tall Boy lightly patted Izzy on the back before handing Jughead his jacket.

AN: Sorry about how this chapter revolved all around Jughead.

    And if you haven't noticed already, Izzy is a lot like the girl version of Sweet Pea in many ways. Also, her whole life revolves around and that's why her storyline only has to do with that.

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