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"Has shacking up together driven you both completely insane?" Alice asked Betty and Jughead as the three of them, FP, Izzy and Chic were in the living room of FP's trailer, "Talking to the Sheriff's son about that car? You didn't think that that was going to raise any red flags?"

"No. Kevin didn't suspect anything," Betty argued.

"And at least we know what's going on now. I gotta give it to them." Izzy defended the two teens.

"Yeah, which is that Chic's drug dealer stole someone's car before he made his run to our house." Betty explained.

"Dwayne didn't have wheels. He was always borrowing his girlfriend's car." Chic explained to them as FP made his way over to him.

"Someone called the Shady Man's phone while I had it and she sounded like a crazy person but not like there was a lot of love lost between her and Dwayne."

"That could be Darla, yeah." Chic nodded his head and Izzy sighed.

"Is this Darla someone we need to worry about?" Alice asked her son.

"Uh, I don't really know her." Chic answered.

"Wow, such a shocker. Gee, Chic, have you ever been helpful in anyway?" Izzy questioned him with attitude.

"Enough, Izabella!" Alice warned her and Izzy scoffed.

"My name isn't Izabella, it's Izzy." Izzy corrected her.

FP could sense the tension and was quick to stop it before it got any worse, "Wow, alright. Let's stick to the plan. This has nothing to do with us. Dwayne stole Darla's car, Darla got it back. Let's hope it ends there.

"And pack your things, Betty. You, too, Izzy. Because both of your little honeymoons are over. Over! You and Jughead, and You and Sweet Pea playing house is beyond the pale. We don't want Hal finding out about this. The last thing we need is for him to stick his nose in it." Alice demanded sternly.

"I'll move out," Chic announced, causing them all to turn their heads to look at him, "I'll get a place, guys. It's Betty's house, not mine. And Izzy, it's your house, too."

"Fine." Betty replied, looking over at her Mom, "Izzy and I will come back after Chic's gone."

Izzy scoffed, crossing her arms, "Woah, woah, woah. I never agreed to that. I'm staying with Sweet Pea." She argued.

"Oh, I'm done with your demands, Izzy. Both of you. The two of you are coming home now! And if you don't back me up in this, FP, I will tear this trailer apart with my bare hands." Alice commanded, causing FP to look up at her shocked.

Izzy gave FP a pleading look, but he just shrugged, standing up from his seat. He got up and made his way over to the kitchen.

Betty sighed before answering, "Fine." Betty told her mother before looking over at Izzy, gesturing her to say that same.

"I'm not going anywhere." Izzy argued, crossing her arms over her chest. She looked up to see Alice giving her a glare, "Fine, I'll go, too. But don't expect me to come home every night at an appropriate time."

"I'll go get my stuff." Betty said, standing up and Izzy followed.

Izzy sighed, "I'll go to Sweet Pea's to get mine, too."

"Good. I'll help Betty pack, then I'm heading to your boyfriend's trailer, Izzy." Alice said and Izzy shook her head.

"Too bad you don't know which trailer he lives in exactly." Izzy said quietly and Alice gave her a questioning look.

"What was that?" Alice asked and Izzy quickly shut up before heading for the door, "Oh, and one more thing, Izzy."

Izzy looked up and gave Alice a confused look, wondering what she was going to her.


Once walking to Sweet Pea's trailer, she noticed that he wasn't home yet. Probably wouldn't for a while. She sighed, wondering if Sweet Pea would come home soon so she could tell him the news about her moving out.

  Once she finally packed up the stuff she needed to bring home and left some others for the times she would sleep over, Izzy headed for the door, knowing Alice would be looking for her soon enough.

  As she was about to open the door, Sweet Pea opened it first and frowned when he looked down see Izzy holding two backpacks filled with her belongings in one hand and her Serpent jacket in the other, "Where are you going?" He asked, a face full of concern.

   "Home, to Alice's. She forcing Betty and I to come back home," Izzy replied quietly, "Oh, and you won't be coming by the Cooper residence for a while."

  "What? Why?" He asked her confused.

  "Alice doesn't think it's appropriate to have a boy, meaning you, in my room anymore when she knows that we're both sexually active." She explained to him and Sweet Pea sighed, "She's not banning the relationship so that's got to be good."


At the Cooper home, Izzy was helping Alice with dinner while Betty searched the fridge for some food.

Alice sighed as she cleaned the dishes in the sink, "Sulk all you want, Betty." Alice stated, "At least Izzy has gotten over being pissed at me. After all, I did temporarily ban her boyfriend from coming here. She should be the one sulking."

"I'm not. I was actually going to see if would sign something for me." Betty said, taking out a piece of paper.

Izzy quietly gasped when she looked down to see a consent form for a tattoo., "A consent form." Betty told her.

"What, are you trying to get emancipated now? Just because I made you move back home?" Alice asked her.

"It's so I could get a tattoo," Betty stated, sliding the form over to her, "A Serpent tattoo."

Alice sighed, walking over to where Betty was standing next to Izzy, "You have lousy timing, kiddo."

"Act normal, right? Life goes on, doesn't it?"

"Betty, you can't just get a tattoo just to prove something to your boyfriend. That's not how the Serpent thing works." Izzy surprisingly backed up her mother and Alice sent her a small smile.

"I'm practically a member of the Serpents." Betty argued.

"Do not say that," Alice retorted, pointing a scolding finger at her youngest daughter.

"Well, do not think that I won't find a tattoo parlor that will do it. Izzy, you know some places, right?" Betty replied.

Just then, the front door opened and Chic entered the house, panting, "Mom! Izzy! Betty! I was trying to help." He whimpered as another girl followed him into the house, closing the door behind him.

"Who the hell are you?" Izzy asked the woman defensively.

"You must be Izzy Blake," she stared before looking over at Alice, "And you must be Alice. And you must be Betty. Hi, I'm Darla."

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