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     "Izzy! Stop it! Izzy, stop!" Izzy heard her three friends yelling at her in the Whyte Wyrm

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"Izzy! Stop it! Izzy, stop!" Izzy heard her three friends yelling at her in the Whyte Wyrm.

Izzy ignored them, still beating the living crap out of the boy that was laying under Izzy as she straddled him. Many Serpents stood around Izzy and the half conscious teenage boy, watching her beat him severely. They knew not to get involved, even if they could, they wouldn't bother. This Northsider was on their turf, she had the right do what she had to do by them. Everyone watched Izzy as she punch him repeatedly, nonstop, "You stupid Northsiders! You think you can come in here, into my home, and do what ever the hell you want! I am so sick and tired of it! I gave you two chances to leave and you still didn't!" Izzy yelled out angrily.

Sweet Pea saw the boy losing consciousness and was about to stop Izzy from punching him anymore, but Toni pulled him back, "Are you mad, Sweet Pea? Do you really want to loose an eye trying to stop her? She has the worst temper I have ever seen on someone, ten times worse than yours, do you seriously think you can stop her? No one can." Toni questioned her friend.

"If I don't stop her, that boy will be dead." Sweet Pea told her quietly.

Five minutes earlier......

"Twenty bucks say I can beat you in a pool game." The Northsider told Izzy as they stood in the Whyte Wyrm.

"What are you even doing here on the Southside of town, Northsider?" Izzy asked sternly, crossing her arms as she stared at him, "You think I couldn't notice? Your clothes, your hair, the way you talk, it clearly screams Northside."

The boy smirked, "Fine, maybe I am. Does it really matter?"

"I don't know, does it?" Izzy asked sarcastically, rolling her eyes, Get out before I move you myself."

"You think I'm scared of you? You may be a Southside Serpent, but you're just a little teenage girl. You're probably going to cry to your little mommy about this when I'm done."

Izzy glared at him and shook her head, "Hmm, you're nine years too late for that poor excuse for an insult. My mother's dead, so I don't really think I could cry to her," Izzy sighed as she took the glass of alcohol that the Northsider was holding in his hand and downed in one gulp, "I'll give you a few seconds to think of a better insult before I kick your preppy ass."

"I'm not scared of you and I'm not going anywhere," The boy spoke up, crossing his arms, "Why would I be scared of some 5'8' Serpent Sl—"

Before the boy could could finish his sentence, Izzy had already swung her first punch, leaving him on the ground within seconds."


  "I have to stop her," Sweet Pea told Toni calmly before walking over to Izzy. Sweet Pea cautiously grabbed Izzy by her arms and pulled her off of the Northside boy.

  "Let go of me! I'm not done!" She yelled, trying her hardest to get out of Sweet Pea's grip. He surprising didn't get punched like everyone expected him to, "Sweet Pea, Let go!"

   "No, I'm not going to let go, Izzy! Never. You got me? Stop, if you beat him anymore, you're going to kill the poor kid." Sweet Pea told her quietly.

    Izzy was snapped out of her angered state and looked back at the boy  she was nearly beating to death just a few moments before, "Oh my God, I didn't mean to—" She muttered quietly, "I didn't—"

   "We need to get him out of here." Toni spoke up, making Izzy and Sweet Pea turn their heads.

   Izzy nodded, "I'll drop him off at Riverdale football field, he won't remember a thing, he's way beyond wasted."

                      • • • • •

    Sweet Pea stood next to Izzy as she sat on the kitchen counter at her trailer. They had just gotten back from dropping off the boy she beat up. They ended up leaving him on the bleachers of the football field to sleep it off. She kinda felt bad for him, not for beating the crap out of him, but for leaving him in the freezing cold. Hey, at least I left him  a jacket, She thought to herself.

   "What was that earlier? Why were you so angry all of a sudden?" Sweet Pea asked Izzy, concerned.

     "I don't know, I was drinking." Izzy replied calmly.

  Sweet pea looked at her confused, "But you never get that way when you drink?"

   Izzy sighed, "I'm honestly just sick of northsiders looking down at us. We're still humans. We may not look like them, we may now act like them and we sure as hell don't dress like them, but we're still apart of Riverdale community?" Izzy explained, a tinge of sadness in her chocolate brown eyes as she looked up at Sweet Pea.

  "Yeah, I get it," Sweet Pea nodded, "But I thought you of all people would have gotten used to it by now. You have been a Serpent longer than half of the people that are a Serpent as of now. You were officially a Serpent at eight, but because of your dad, you were apart of that community since you were practically born. But maybe that's why you're sick of it, because you've had to deal with it longer than most of us."

   Izzy sighed before replying, "I'm sorry I brought you into this mess. Not just tonight, but the Serpent mess too. Do you ever regret it? You know, becoming a Serpent?"

    "Hell no," Sweet Pea smiled, shaking his head at her.

  The two stood quiet for a moment, "Sweet Pea, I—" Before she could finish her sentence, the two heard a police siren outside her home, "What the hell?" Izzy muttered as the two made their way outside.

  "Can I help you?" Izzy asked him calmly.

    Izzy recognized the man to be Sheriff Keller. Keller quickly went over to her, "Put your hands behind your back."

  "What?" Izzy questioned, but obeyed him. Izzy slightly groaned in pain as he put the handcuffs at little too tight on her wrists. Izzy looked up at Sweet Pea and he looked like he was about to do something, "Don't." She mouthed to him.

    "Izabella Blake, You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you." Sheriff Keller stated to her calmly, grabbing her by the arm and leading her to his police car.

  Izzy watched as Jughead and FP walked over. They must have seen the whole entire scene unfold,  "What the hell is this, Sheriff Keller?" Jughead asked quickly, wondering why the girl who had came to be one of his closest friends in the past few weeks, get arrested.

   "One of the Bulldog football players was found badly beaten by a Southside Serpent tonight, he was left unconscious outside Riverdale High. His description exactly matches Izabella's description," Sheriff Keller explained calmly as he led Izzy to her seat in the back of the car, "FP, you're her only emergency contact at the moment, meet us at the station if you'd like."

  FP, Sweet Pea and Jughead watched as Keller drove off with Izzy in the back of the cop car, "How are we supposed to get her out? This is her fourth offense? She's probably going to be tried as an adult." Sweet Pea questioned, walking over to the two.

   "I'll find a way. I won't let her end up jail like I did."

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