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   Izzy walked into the living room of her home to see Alice crying while Betty held her tightly in her arms as they both sat on the couch

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Izzy walked into the living room of her home to see Alice crying while Betty held her tightly in her arms as they both sat on the couch.

Izzy truly felt bad, knowing that this was her doing.

Izzy fiddled with her hands for a few seconds, thinking about what she was going to say to Alice before finally speaking up, "I'm sorry. I usually don't apologize for the shitty things I do because I usually couldn't care less, but I really am. I'm sorry." Izzy spoke up, making Alice and Betty look up at
her wide eyes.

Betty let go of Alice and the two quickly stood up from sitting on the couch, "I'm naturally a very impulsive person and after hearing the news, I was beyond pissed and I told you the first things that came to mind. I was so mad that I didn't care if I hurt you. I was pissed at both you and FP, but more specifically you because I wasn't used to you. You took me in and I let you get close to me. I usually don't let people get close to me. You were being so nice and you weren't like any other foster parent I had, you didn't treat me as this outcast. Then, come to find out, you were my mother this whole entire time. It ticked me off. All in one day, I've found out that, you're my mother, Betty and Chic are my half siblings FP is my father and Jughead is my half brother. Do you know how screwed up that sounds?" Izzy rambled, on the verge of tears for the second time that day.

Alice stared at the girl who was her first born daughter sympathetically, "I am so so sorry, I truly am." Alice sighed as she pulled the girl in for a hug, not knowing that Izzy hated physical affection.

"Mom–I wouldn't do that–" Betty began to warn her mother, only to see that Izzy began to hug back much to her surprise.

Betty's eyes widened when she saw this moment occur. The only person she had ever seen Izzy give affection to that didn't involve punching, kicking or slapping was Sweet Pea. Never anyone else, but here Izzy was, hugging Alice.


After Betty ended up having to go to Veronica's confirmation with the rest of the 'sad breakfast club', both Alice and Izzy sat in Izzy's bed.

Alice was about to tell her the story of her birth when Izzy ended up getting a call from Jughead telling her that he found Pickens' head and who the culprit was.

Izzy hung up the phone before looking up at Alice, "I'm sorry, but I have to go. The Serpents need me." She explained to Alice, who only nodded in response.


After getting the call from Jughead about him finding Pickens' head and who the culprit was, Jughead, Izzy and Betty walked into the Whyte Wyrm, Jughead in the lead as he held Pickens' head in his arms.

The three made their way to where the vote was being held. Just as they entered, Izzy shouted, "Stop the damn vote, right now!" She announced loudly as everyone's heads turned to stare at her in shock.

Just a few moments after, Tall Boy sat in a chair while Izzy and Jughead questioned him and everyone else stood to the side, including FP, who let Izzy lead this questioning.

"What the hell were you doing at the dump last week, Tall Boy?" Izzy questioned as she took a seat beside the older Serpent on a chair behind him and took off her Serpent jacket because she knew things were probably going to get messy.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Izzy." Tall Boy replied calmly, trying to play off that he didn't know anything.

"I'm talking about you cutting the head off the Pickens' statue and stashing it at the damn dump where you were seen, you, dumbass. So start spilling right now before heads start rolling! Starting with yours! Then your little partner! And you know exactly who I'm talking about!" Izzy threatened, growing more frustrated by the second.

"Why'd you do it?" Jughead added in, "Someone put you up to this?"

Tall Boy stood quiet before looking over at Betty, "What's the Northsider doing here?" He asked, trying to change the subject, "This is Serpent business, it's on Serpent land."

"She's one of us." Izzy answered calmly.

Izzy made her way over to where Jughead was standing in front of Tall Boy and knelt near the Serpent, "You haven't answered Jughead's question yet: Why'd you do it?"

"Cause I'm tired of seeing the Serpents goin' soft under you and FP's rule. More specifically, FP. Then, Hiram Lodge came by, wanting to stir up some trouble," Tall Boy explained and Izzy quickly shared a quick glance with FP, "He said if I took the head, he'd get McCoy and the cops to swarm all over us and cause some chaos."

"So Hiram Lodge asked to start a mutiny and you helped him?" Jughead asked him both shocked and confused, "Why?"

"I figure it'd be my chance to get rid of you, Sunshine," He replied, "If I got rid of you, I could get rid you too, FP."

"And then, what, you'd become leader?" Izzy asked out of curiosity as she got up from her chair.

"Him and Penny." Jughead spoke up, "You're a Judas, Tall Boy."

"And an idiot." Izzy added in calmly, crossing her arms as she glared at the man.

Izzy stood quietly for a moment, piecing certain things together, "Wait—Is that—That's why Penny gave me that information without wanting anything in return, isn't it? She was trying make me break, just as I presumed. You both wanted me off the throne along with FP and Jughead."

"As always, your presumptions are right, Izzy." Tall Boy replied quietly as he tried to avoid eye chuckled contact with the girl.

"You betrayed your own, Tall Boy," Izzy shouted, "You broke Serpent law! What should we do with this low life!"

"I say, strip him of his jacket, exile him." Jughead suggested and Izzy nodded in agreement.

"All those in favor!" FP shouted out and every single Serpent, starting with Izzy, Jughead, Sweet Pea, Betty and Toni, raised their hands.

Izzy snickered before leaning in near Tall Boy's right ear, "Looks like this piece of trash and I got a long ride ahead of us. Right after I find Snake Charmer and bring back her head as a trophy."

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