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"I remember you," Polly stated as she entered Izzy's room, holding both of her babies at the same time, "Jason went to see both you and FP Jones after making his plan of leaving town."

Izzy looked up at the girl, "Yeah." She replied, not wanting to make much conversation with the Cooper girl, "I'm sorry about your boyfriend, it must be hard to cope with his loss. Especially when you have two kids with him." 

  Polly nodded, "Yeah, it is. Especially when I have two kids fathered by him," She agreed with her.

Polly used her leg to close the door before walking over Izzy's bed and taking a seat, "Can I ask you something?" She asked and Izzy gave her a confused look.

"Sure?" She replied as more of a question rather than a statement.

"What's with you and Chic?  It's surprising to have one new sibling, but two? What's with that?"

  Izzy shrugged, "I don't even know. I was only supposed to be here and have Alice as my foster mother until some bitch name's Penny Peabody spilled the beans." Izzy explained and Polly's eyes widened, "Wait, so you and Chic aren't full siblings?"

Izzy laughed slightly, "No. not that I know of," She replied before becoming quieter, "But something tells me he's not you and Betty's full sibling either. Something just doesn't seem right." She whispered.


"How soon do we think we could get those blood tests done?" Polly asked the group at dinner, "Do you think doctor Patel work on weekends?" Polly walked over to the dinner table where Chic and Izzy were already sitting and placed a large bowl of bread.

  "I'll call and check," Alice replied as she stood in the kitchen.

"Polly, what's the rush?" Betty questioned curiosity.

"I just wanna know how much money we're inheriting," Polly answered, "Between you, me, Chic and the babies, we could start our own version of the farm."

  As Izzy heard this, she began to quietly laugh and Polly gave her a glare, "What's so funny?" She asked her with attitude.

"Nothing." Izzy sighed as she took a sip of her water.

"Uh, I'm not getting my blood tested," Chic protested.

  "Really, Chic, how come?" Izzy asked her brother curiously.

"Uh, I don't know these people." Chic complained.

"They're your cousins." Polly argued, "We're all Blossoms, like it or not."

"I'm not. Thank the lord,"  Alice argued, "Izzy isn't either. Her father's FP."

  "Watch out, Alice," Izzy said jokingly, "You seem almost happy that I'm FP's."

  Alice smiled at her daughter,  surprisingly not getting offended by her comment.

"I don't want their blood money." Chic complained.

"Don't be stupid, Chic." Izzy sighed, shaking her head.

"I said I don't want their money, Izzy." He repeated himself and Betty, Polly, and Izzy all shared a concerned glance.

"Besides, needles trigger me." Chic informed them.

"Girls," Alice spoke up in warning, "Leave your brother alone. He can decide for himself." Alice defended her son.

Izzy sighed in frustration before she began to eat her dinner.


   "We gotta get aggressive, Fangs," Izzy announced, as once again, she stood with Betty in the Blue and Gold's office with Fangs, "Chic is turning down a whole lot of money 'cause he's refusing to take blood tests. And the three of us need to find out why." Izzy explained and Betty nodded her head in agreement.

  "Like what exactly he's hiding," Betty added in.

"What am I supposed to do, huh?" Fangs asked the two girls, "Ask him?"

  Izzy sighed as she looked over at Betty, "I have a plan." Betty spoke up, "It's slightly insane, but Izzy agreed on it."

  Fangs looked over at Izzy who was smirking, "Oh, God. Why are you smirking? It can't be good if you're smirking." Fangs said quietly, he was clearly nervous.

   A few moments later, Fangs sighed as he hesitantly opened up the laptop and clicked on Chic's website, "Hey, Stranger." Chic greeted him, "Been missing your cute face. Where'd you go?"

"Uh, Yeah, Sorry. I went MIA. I actually..." Fangs trailed off as he looked up at Betty and Izzy, who nodded, "Just got tested for the first time and I'm negative but it was pretty intense."

Chic laughed, "Your first test? Good job, Cowboy. That's a milestone."

"Hmm," Fangs replied as Izzy gestured for him to say more, "Uh, Do you get tested?"

"Yeah, I used to go every week. Man, I had the worst scare once!"

"Oh, yeah? What happened?" Fangs asked.

"Yeah, it's a long story, but...I was living with a rougher crew than I'm in now." Chic explained as Betty began to gesture to ask more behind the laptop.

  Betty began to mouth to him and Fangs took too long looking up and Chic began to become suspicious, "Wait, are you talking to somebody else?"

Fangs began to stutter before he finally just closed the laptop screen, "That's it, Izzy. I'm out. I'm fucking out."

"No," Izzy pouted, crossing her arms, "What do you mean, Fangs?"

"Sorry, Izzy, But this is getting extremely weird and that dude seems like a good guy. And this is starting to make me feel like a really bad person."

  "You're a Serpent, of course you're a bad person!" She argued loudly and Fangs rolled his eyes at her, becoming offended by her comment.

  "Look, I'm going to be at the Wyrm with Sweet Pea." Fang explained, "You can come join us if you'd like. But only if you're going to stop acting like a giant Northside bitch." And with that, Fangs left, leaving Izzy and Betty by themselves.


Izzy sighed as she entered the Whyte Wyrm and overheard Fangs talking to Toni and Sweet Pea about her, "She's gone full blown psycho with this 'Chic is crazy' thing. I swear, it's a matter of time before—" Before Fangs could finish his sentence, Sweet Pea and Toni looked up shocked, noticing the girl standing right behind him with her arms crossed.

Fangs sighed as he shut his eyes, "She's right behind me, isn't she?"

"Yup." Izzy answered, "I haven't gone crazy just yet, Fangs. I'll make sure you're the first person to know when it does happen, okay? I'm just trying to protect my family from someone who is mentally unstable."

"Whatever you say, Izzy," Fangs sighed, "We still cool, right?"

"Of course," Izzy replied before walking over to Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea smirked when Izzy took a seat on his lap and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"So, what are we doing for the rest of the night? I'm free for once."

"Hmm. Movie night?" Toni asked and the group nodded their heads.

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