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    Soon after exiting the Whyte Wyrm, Izzy was suddenly cornered by Jughead, who was making his way over to her.

  She gave him a concerned look, seeing the way he looked at that moment. He was clearly nervous about something. She stood there for a moment, wondering if the boy would take it upon himself to speak first, but he didn't.

   She let out a sigh before she spoke you, "What's wrong, Jones? Something going on that you'd like to tell me about?" Jughead stayed quiet once more, almost as if he were hesitant to tell her something, "Whatever it is, you can tell me." She assured him and it almost looked as if he had tears in his eyes.

   "I'm handing myself over to Penny Peabody and the Ghoulies," He informed her in a hushed tone. He had his hands dug into his pocket, rocking a bit as he stood in front of the girl that was his half-sister,  "They're being paid by Hiram. He wanted to me to hand both myself and you over, but I couldn't let that happen. I told him that couldn't happen."

   Izzy shook her head, taking the keys out of her pocket and walking over to her motorcycle that was coincidentally right near Jughead's, "Wait, what are you doing?" Jughead questioned, giving Izzy a concerned look as she took a seat on her bike and started up the engine.

   Izzy looked up at him with a straight looking face, "Going with you." She replied as if it were no problem at all.

  "Izzy, you ca--" Jughead began to argue with her, but Izzy interrupted him before he could finish his sentence.

   "No Serpent stands alone, Jughead," She argued in a calm tone, "I'm the reason you're in this mess in the first place. I raced the Ghoulies, I cut off Penny's tattoo. I have to do this more than even you do." She explained and Jughead hesitantly nodded before he got on his bike also.

  "This isn't going to be pretty, just so you know," Jughead warned her.

   Izzy scoffed as she started her bike up before looking over at the Jones boy, "I never expected it to, Jug." She replied, speaking over the engine.


 Once arriving at Penny Peabody's hideout, the two teenage Serpents sat on their bikes as they made their phones calls.

  Izzy took out her phone and dialed Sweet Pea's number, only to have it go to voicemail. She let out a small sigh as she heard his voice on the voicemail machine. Once she heard the beep, she began her message, "Hey, Sweet Pea. I kinda wanted you to answer the phone for this, but we can't always get what we want, am I right?" She spoke up, jokingly before she began to try her hardest not to cry, "I just wanted to tell you that I love you. And I'll never stop loving you no matter what happens. I'll see you soon hopefully. But if anything does end up happening, just please don't do anything stupid." 

   After hanging up the phone, both Izzy and Jughead got off their bikes and found Penny soon after, standing alongside Malachai and about thirty other Ghoulies.

 "Didn't think you'd actually agree to come," Penny spoke up, referring to Izzy, who was giving Penny a mean looking face, "Well, well, well, the two sacrificial lambs finally arrive."

  "I'll remind you of the deal Jughead told me about that he made with your little bitch of a boss, Hiram Lodge," Izzy stated, "We hand ourselves over to your sorry ass tonight and there's no bloodshed with my people tomorrow."

   "Apparently getting the two of you out of the picture is more important to him than an all-out Serpent annihilation, especially Izzy."

  Jughead squinted his eyes as he glanced around at the large group of Ghoulies standing around him and Izzy, "Thirty to two? Are you that afraid of us?" Jughead questioned with a small smirk on his face. 

  The Ghoulies began to walk forward with Penny standing behind them. Malachai led his gang closer to them, giving Izzy a cold stare, "The only scary thing is what I'm going to do to Jughead's girlfriend and your man when we find both of them." Malachai threatened her in a low tone.

   Izzy lowly growled at him, balling her hand into a fist just before swinging a punch to Malachi's face, which caused him to fall to the ground.

    The Ghoulies mostly attacked Jughead, seeming to be more interested in kicking his ass more than Izzy. They still punched her a bit, but they seemed to be giving her enough time for her to punch them back.

   Izzy pinched a Ghoulie to the ground, punching him in the face just before two Ghoulies grabbed her arms. They pulled her back, lifting her up a bit as they did so. She used this advantage to kick a Ghoulie who was in front of her in the face.

   "Get her down! Get her down!" Malachai yelled out as he got up off the ground and made his way toward Izzy.

  The two Ghoulies struggled to keep Izzy pulled back as Malachai swung a punch to her face. She let out a groan in pain before she spat on him, "Fuck you!" She growled at him angrily as she used all of her strength to release herself from their grip.

  She gasped when she saw Jughead on the ground, unconscious. He was badly beaten and Izzy didn't have a clue as to whether or not he still alive.

   "No Serpent left for dead. No Serpent is left for dead," She mumbled to herself, knowing if she didn't recite those words, she probably would have forced herself to leave.

  At that moment, there was a chance for her to leave, but she knew she couldn't leave Jughead. After all, he was one of her best friends. Her brother. Her real blood.

    Izzy turned herself back to face the Ghoulies, only to have Penny Peabody standing in front of her, a smirk on her face, "Oh, we're not done with you just yet," She informed Izzy, taking out her pocket knife and flicking it open, "I still need my pound of flesh. Which tattoo shall I carve off? The neck tattoo or the arm? Or maybe both?" She shouted out, "I'm going to keep you alive, Izzy, just so you can suffer. I'm going drag your ass deep into the woods and leave you there, all bloodied up, barely clinging to life. I want to make you endure what you put me through. To hell with Jughead, I want you to suffer!"

    "Then do it, you bitch!" Izzy yelled at her as a group of four Ghoulie pinned her down to the ground, as Penny hovered over the Serpent Queen, getting ready to carve off her tattoo.

     "I think we should start with the arm, make our way up," Malachai suggested with a grin on his face.

  "Great idea," Penny replied, smiling as she carved her blade into Izzy's arm.

       Izzy screamed out in agony as Penny began her revenge plan.

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