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The next day, ten Serpents, including Fangs, Sweet Pea and Jughead has chained themselvess to the front of Southside High.

  Instead of being chained up to the school along with the younger Serpents, Izzy, FP, and a couple other Serpents stood to the side as form of protection just in case someone came to start trouble.

  FP laughed when he saw Sweet Pea not taking his eyes off Izzy, "Seems like you guys are still together through it all. You know, after the move and stuff." FP told Izzy, who sighed.

"Yup." She replied before looking down at her bandaged hands.

  FP stared down in concern when he saw the bandages, "What happened to your hands?" He asked her concerned. Usually, if Izzy had a wound, she didn't even bandage it up unless it was a stab wound of some sort. She wouldn't have   bandaged the nail marks on her hand, but they were so deep, she was forced to.

"Nothing serious," She assured him, placing her hands behind her back as she leaned against the hood of a car, "I was trying to be romantic with Sweet Pea and tried to cook dinner at his place. I ended up cutting open my hands with the knife and almost burned down the whole damn trailer. We were close to calling the fire department." She lied in a calm tone and FP laughed at the last part.

  "You never learned how to cook, did you?" He asked her and Izzy shook her head.


  "How's living with Alice?" He stated curiously and Izzy sighed.

    "I'm living with a bunch of psychos," she answered, looking over at him,  "I fit right in." She remarked and FP chuckled.


  Later on that day, Izzy went back home to check on things. She entered her home and closed the front door after walking in. Izzy was about to go upstairs when she was stopped by Alice, "Stop where you are!" Alice shouted, causing Izzy to turn and face her, "Come over here right now."

"Uh, oh. This can't be good." Izzy muttered before walking into the dining to see Chic sitting at the table with a smirk on his face. Oh, she wanted to smack it off at that moment. Izzy felt weird in this position, she hadn't been lectured by a parent in over nine years. It felt odd to see the scolding look Alice was giving her.

   "Is it true that you held a pocket knife to Chic's throat, Izzy?" She questioned and Izzy sighed. Alice gave her a questioning look before lifting up both a package of condoms and a circular wheel of birth control, "And what the hell are you doing with this?"

    "Oh, my god! You, creep!" Izzy shouted at Chic, "What did you do? Go through my drawers? You don't see my doing that to you!"

  Chic leaned forward in his seat, "I was looking for the pocket knife as proof to what you did and found those. I thought I should tell Mom." He explained and Izzy scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why in God's names do you have birth control and a pack of condoms with you in the house?" She questioned.

"She has it for when she has sex with her little boyfriend Sweet Pea when you're not home to stop her." Chic answered for her and Izzy looked at him shocked.

  Alice glanced over at Chic before over at Izzy, "Is that true, Izabella?" Alice asked, calling Izzy by her full name for the first time. She knew right there and then that she was in deep trouble.

  Izzy was speechless for a moment, unable to form words before she glared at Chic, "I...how the hell do you even about that?" She asked and Chic only smiled at her.

"I...I was guessing." He smiled at her.

"Guessing?" Alice questioned, "Izzy, what...Is it, is it true? Are you—Are you and Sweet Pea..." Alice trailed off and Izzy sighed.

  "Yes, we are," She told her mother and Alice was beyond shocked.

  Izzy wondered how Alice never knew. She thought it was obvious. Once Alice walked off, Izzy gave Chic a glare, "You're a little bitch, you know that? To think that I used to actually like having you as a sibling." She scoffed.

"I could say the same to you, Izzy." He told her and Izzy flipped him off before running to her room.


  Izzy stood in her room, looking for her jacket and pocket knife before she headed back to Southside High.

Alice entered, standing in the doorway as she stared at her oldest daughter, "Izzy." Alice spoke up, causing Izzy to look over at her, "I have to ask. I know that those show that you're being safe and all, but you're being safe one hundred percent of time, right? Not just some of the time?" She asked her and Izzy nodded her head.

  "Yes, Mom. Of course." Izzy nodded her head.

  "Well, that's gotta count for something," Alice replied in a calm tone, "Because look, when I was your age, I wasn't always. Even as a got a little bit older, that's how I had you. But you need to be, Izzy, and I'm very acquainted with how alluring those Serpent boys can be." Alice slightly smiled, referring to Izzy with Sweet Pea, and Alice when she was younger and slept with FP.

"Tell me about it." Izzy muttered quietly.

   Alice sighed, "Look, Izzy, I don't want you to end up not being safe and make the same mistakes I did." Alice told her and Izzy couldn't help but feel the mistakes she was talking about was having her and Chic without being in an actual relationship with the father of her child, "Look, I can see the look you're giving, I don't mean mistake by you..."

    Izzy sighed as she picked up her jacket, "I gotta head to Southside High. I'll be back later on." She told her and Alice nodded, watching as her daughter walked off.


  At Southside High, a group had formed around the teenage Serpents. Many southsiders chanted, "Save our school!"

Sheriff Keller and numerous others were even there.

Suddenly, Archie Andrews arrived with some of the Wrestling team. They were all holding bolt cutters in their hands, ready to break the chains that had the Serpents locked to the school.

  Archie and the rest of the wrestling team made their way through the crowd. Archie was about to walk toward to Jughead so he could cut off his chains, but Izzy stood in the way.

"Cops may let you by, Carrot Boy, But you come in here acting like a big man and I will knock you right down, you hear me?" Izzy threatened him, gritting her teeth as she glared at him.

"Izzy, don't. They'll throw you back in jail. Don't give him an excuse!" Jughead told her sternly, pulling her away from Archie before she did something she would regret.

Jughead and Archie talked for a moment before Archie and the rest of the team cut the chains off the Serpent. Before leaving the school, Izzy watched as Jughead gave Archie a glare.


  Izzy sighed, sitting with Sweet Pea in his trailer, "I can't take it anymore. Chic is ruining the whole family. He literally snitched on me having condoms in my room," Izzy complained, "Which is your fault by the way."

"How is that my fault?" Sweet Pea asked, defensively.

"I'm not a guy, I don't wear condoms. And I'm not the one who left them there last time we slept together." She argued and Sweet Pea couldn't help but smirk.

"Hey, I've been wanting to ask you since you came over after sticking a knife near Chic's neck—" Sweet Pea started his questioned and Izzy scoffed.

"Way to start a convo out, Sweets." She remarked, "What did you want to ask?"

"I wanted to ask...since stuff isn't going good at your house on the Northside, do you want to maybe move in here until things cool down?" He asked and Izzy stared at him in shocked.

"Really?" She asked him and Sweet Pea nodded, "What if things never cool down?"

"Then, you don't leave and you stay with me forever." He proposed the idea and Izzy smiled slightly as she kissed him.

"I like the sound of that." She whispered softly before they kissed once again.

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