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  A few days later, Izzy stood with Sweet Pea, Jughead and numerous other Riverdale residents in the cemetery

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  A few days later, Izzy stood with Sweet Pea, Jughead and numerous other Riverdale residents in the cemetery. Almost the whole town had gathered for Midge Klump's funeral.

Izzy, Sweet Pea, and Fangs had decided to come to be sympathetic even though they didn't know the girl personally. Cheryl Blossom and the rest of the River Vixens were all wearing Black Uniforms as they sang their song in honor of Midge.

Instead of standing with the Coopers, Izzy stood along with Jughead and FP with Sweet Pea by her side.

After the song was over, Cheryl extended her arms out upwards, signaling the River Vixens to lift up their black pom-poms, "I also feel it is my duty to say that...Like the Furies of Ancient Greece,who ceaselessly pursue blood atonement when a crime's been committed, the Vixens and I will not rest until those responsible for the murder of our sister is rightly punished." Cheryl announced, causing everyone to keep silent.

After the funeral service was over, Izzy and Sweet Pea went on their way. They were heading back to Sweet Pea's motorcycle when they stopped in their tracks, seeing the Sheriff walking over to Midge's mother and Cheryl.

They talked for a moment until Midge's mother angrily slapped him across the face before they stormed off, "Ouch, that has got to hurt." Sweet Pea commented and Izzy nodded her head in agreement.

Before they could walk any further, Betty and Jughead walked up to the couple, "Izzy, can you come to Pop's with us for a bit? We all need to talk." Betty asked her and Izzy sighed, glancing over at Sweet Pea.

"But I was gonna spend the day with Sw—" Before Izzy could finish her sentence, Sweet Pea spoke up.

"It's fine, Iz. Just go with them. We can hang later at the Wyrm or something." He told her contently.

"You sure?" She questioned and Sweet Pea nodded his head.

"Yeah, it's fine. I better get going." He replied, placing a quick kiss to Izzy's lips, "Bye."

"Bye." Izzy stated, watching as her boyfriend headed towards his bike while Izzy stayed with Betty and Jughead.

Izzy groaned, turning to face the two teenagers, "This better be good."


After arriving, Izzy sat in a booth at Pop's along with Betty, Jughead, Archie, and Veronica. She felt oddly out of place, not finding a valid reason why she was forced to hang out with the core four.

"I have theory," Jughead spoke up confidently, "It's a copycat killer. And who coincidentally showed up in Riverdale just after Mr. Svenson was killed? And has been giving creepy vibes ever since?" He questioned and Izzy already had the feeling she knew who he was referring to. Chic.

Veronica shared a confused look with Archie while Jughead made his dramatic pause, waiting to see if anyone would guess before he said the name, "Chic." Jughead stated, "He has a temper, too."

Before Jughead could finish his sentence, Betty gripped on Jughead's thigh with her left hand, trying to get him to shut up, "Chic is here because Izzy and I went to the hostel to get him." Betty defended her brother.

"And yes, he's weird, but he didn't know Midge," Izzy added in to Betty's comment, "So moving on with this odd conversation..."

"What if Mr. Svenson wasn't the Black Hood?" Archie asked them, causing them all to become confused.

"Archie, we were there when he died." Betty reminded him.

"I know. But just because he was wearing a hood that night, it's doesn't necessarily mean he's the same guy that shot my dad. And now killer Midge." Archie replied, seeming to be extremely confident with his theory.

Betty leaned forward in her seat, "Svenson forced me to bury you alive. He cut off his own finger and sent it to me," She explained and Izzy cringed in disgust at the thought of it.

"Maybe the real Black Hood cut it off because he was working with Svenson." Archie argued with her.

"And Svenson would've let himself be mutilated?" Veronica questioned confused, clearly not believing this theory her boyfriend made.

"Look, all I'm trying told say, is the real Black Hood could still be alive," Archie told them quietly so nobody that wasn't at the table could hear them, "I looked into the Black Hood's eyes, they weren't Mr. Svenson's eyes."

Izzy scoffed loudly, "And why the hell are you just saying something now?" She asked him confused and Archie stayed quiet, not knowing a valid answer.


At the Cooper residence, there was a sudden knock on the door, causing Betty and Izzy to make their way down stairs to see that when Alice opened the door, it was Sheriff Keller.

"Sheriff. What can I do for you?" Alice greeted him unenthusiastically.

"Hey, Alice," Keller greeted her back as he entered the house. He took off his hat before he began to speak up again, "I'm talking to everyone who was at Riverdale High the night of the musical, but I haven't had a chance to talk to either Izzy or Chic." He explained as Hal entered the room, "Few people said they saw Chic backstage before the show—"

Before Sheriff Keller could finish his sentence, he was cut off by Hal, "Chic doesn't live here anymore, Tom, but we'll bring him down tomorrow. If that's okay?"

Sheriff Keller nodded his head, "Sure. Thanks, Hal. Thanks, Alice," He replied before looking up at Izzy, who was standing on the stairs, "Izzy, mind coming with me to the station?" He asked her curiously.

Izzy nodded, walking towards the door. Alice was getting ready to get her keys, indicating she was going to give her a ride there, but Izzy stopped her, "It's fine, I can take my bike." She assured her mother.

"Are you sure, Izzy?" Alice asked her concerned.

Izzy pulled out her motorcycle's keys from pocket, "Yup."

And with that, Izzy headed out the door along with the Sheriff.


"So, you went there with your boyfriend?" Sheriff questioned her in a calm tone.

"Yeah," Izzy replied, "We got there a little late, found two seats in the far back. We weren't that interested in it, but decided to go to come support our friends, one of them being my sister, Betty." She explained to him.

"What made you arrive so late?" He asked and Izzy looked up at him amused.

"I don't think you'd want to know that Sheriff," She told him and Keller raised a brow at her.

"Every details counts, Izzy."

  Izzy let out a sigh as she leaned forward in her seat and placed her hands on the table, "If you'd
really like to know so bad...we were screwing each other in my bedroom at the Coopers house, breaking my mother's rules about having Sweet Pea in the house without her knowledge." She informed him and Sheriff Keller instantly regretted asking her the question.

"When the curtain was lifted and Midge's body was revealed, what happened?" He asked her, changing the subject, and Izzy instantly had flashbacks in her head about Chic just contently sitting in his seat while everyone else was running for their lives.

"We got up and ran like everyone else did." She told him in a calm tone.

"Well, did you see anything out of the ordinary?" He questioned and Izzy sighed, shaking her head.

Izzy had no clue why she was lying for Chic, there was no reason to. Maybe it was family loyalty of some sort. Who knows?

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