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   Izzy stood in front of the operation room, watching as Fangs was in surgery. A tear fell down her cheek as she turned back around and walked towards the door. She had her Serpent jacket in one hand and a bottle of high dosage painkillers in the other. She had stolen them, thinking it would be the only way she was going to be able to get through this with all the pain she was feeling in her shoulder at that moment. It was hurting like hell but she couldn't just lay in that hospital bed while so much was going on in Riverdale.

  Without bothering to call Sweet Pea or anyone else to tell them how she was doing, Izzy made her way to Pop's, the only place she could think of at that moment where she could think out everything. She entered the diner, only to see Reggie Mantle sitting down at a booth alone.

 He was running a hand through his hair as he looked down at the table in front of him. She sighed, walking over to his table, "Reggie?" She spoke up, causing the Bulldog to look up with wide eyes.

  "Please, I swear I didn't shoot you or your friend," He pleaded before giving her a confused look, "Wait, shouldn't you be in the hospital?" He questioned confused.

 Izzy sighed, taking a seat across from him, "I snuck out," She replied in a calm tone, "Are the Serpents after you?" She asked curiously and Reggie nodded his head in response.

 Just then, Archie walked over alongside Kevin and Moose, all three of them giving Izzy a confused look, "Izzy, what are you doing here?" Archie asked her and Izzy rolled her eyes.

  "Trying to think clearly. You?" She replied as Archie and the two other teenage boys took a seat at the booth.

 "Your boyfriend's on a rampage just so you know, just trashed Riverdale High," Archie informed him before all attention was on Reggie.

"I didn't know where else to go, " Reggie confessed, "Mr. Lodge left me hanging."

  "Wait, Reggie. I know he paid you to trash the Whyte Wyrm," Archie stated, causing Izzy's eyes to widen in shock, "But did he put you up to this?"

  Kevin and Izzy's eyes locked on the window when they heard rumblings of motorcycles, "Guys. Outside." Kevin spoke up, gaining the attention of the three other boys.

 The people honked their horns and made a ruckus, causing Izzy to wonder if they were the Ghoulies. They looked through the blinds before Reggie turned to the group, "Serpents. They're coming for me," Reggie informed them, glancing over at Izzy, "Izzy. Mind helping?"

  Izzy had wide eyes as she quickly shook her head in response. Archie was on the phone with Jughead and Reggie was in the middle of giving Izzy a confused look, "What do you mean 'no'?" He questioned before seeing the look Izzy was giving, "Wait, what's happening?"

  Izzy roughly grabbed Archie by the jacket, gaining his attention, "Archie. They're back. Tell Jughead, the Ghoulies are back." She insisted and Archie frowned.

 "Wait, what?" He asked confused.

  "The Ghoulies are back, Archie!" She shouted out as she watched the group of rival gang members made their way towards Pop's, Malachai in the lead.

   Izzy quickly got out of the booth, the three boys following soon after, "Place the jukebox in front of the door," She demanded and Kevin and Moose quickly obeyed, "It'll hold them for now."

    Archie hung up his phone before looking over at the group, "Dammit! Nobody's answering at the sheriff's station," He complained, turning to Izzy, "The Serpents hate Northsiders, but they worship you. Can you call them?"

 Izzy scoffed, "The Ghoulies want all my Serpents dead. I would rather die than see them all get killed by these cannibals." She argued and Archie sighed, running a hand through his hair, "We're on our own. And we can do this."

  "Spoken like a true queen," Kevin commented jokingly under his breath, causing Izzy to roll her eyes at him.

   "You can run, but you can't hide!" She heard Malachai shout outside.

     "Okay, we should be fine as long as we--" Archie started just before the Ghoulies began to roughly bang on the windows.

      "Everyone, down! Get away from the windows!" She yelled out before she ran over to Pop Tate, "Pop. Please tell me you have alcohol here. I have a plan, but it won't work unless we have vodka, whiskey or something close to it." she explained and Pop nodded before leading her to a liquor supply from an after party that was held there, hosted by Hiram Lodge.


     Izzy stood on the top roof of Pop's, near the diner's sign. Malachai instantly looked up, a smirk on his face, "Am I dreaming or is that you, Izzy?" He shouted out, resting his bat on his shoulder.

   "Damn right it is!" She shouted back as she used her lighter to light the napkin that was inside a bottle of whiskey on fire. She looked down at it for a moment before tossing. The Ghoulies laughed in amusement as she tossed it down, landing right in front of them. 

   She lit another one, getting ready to throw once more, "Hit me!" He yelled at her, "Hit me, I dare you!"

   "Watch me!" She yelled back, "All that will be left of you were be those stupid ass studs on your wannabee jackets."

 Just then, a sheriff's car pulled up and out came Keller and Fred Andrews, "Oh, now it's a party." Malachai grinned as FP arrived on his motorcycle.

   Keller shot his gun into the air, causing the Ghoulies to start to run off. Izzy grinned at this. The dad of Riverdale coming to their rescue.

  "Get the hell outta here," FP told some of the Ghoulies as he took off his helmet. Before entering Pop's he looked up at Izzy, pointing his finger at her, "And you, get down from there! You're supposed to be in the hospital right now. You gotta whole ton of explaining to do."

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