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"This isn't a demolition notice. It's a notice of extermination." Jughead told the group of young Serpents in the Swords and Serpents classroom. He crumbled up the notice he had in his hand and threw it to the side.

    "We've already said our goodbyes to Southside High, Jughead." Toni told him, growing annoyed with the Jones body.

  "Today, it's Southside High. Tomorrow, it's the Wyrm." Jughead argued.

  Izzy rolled her eyes, sharing a quick glance with Sweet Pea, who was sitting right next to her, before looking back at Jughead, who happened to be her half brother. She hadn't had the chance to hang out with him outside of Serpent business like she did with Betty or even Chic.

Maybe that was the fact that she lived with Chic and Betty. Or maybe it was some other odd reason. Who knows.

"Everything that makes the Southside home is going to disappear. If we roll over now, it's all over."

"It's just a building, Jones." Izzy argued and Jughead was quick to snap back.

"No, Izzy, it's the soul of the Southside. The Uktena fought and died trying to protect that land. Our parents fought to keep it safe during the riots. Now it's our turn. It's our time." Jughead explained confidently, "This is our fight. So who's with me? Who's ready to go to war?"

Izzy sighed as she stood up from sitting on top of one of the desks, "I'm in." She spoke up, causing all of the other younger Serpents to look at her shocked.


Izzy entered her house after school to hear a familiar voice talking to Chic in the kitchen, "Just..." a voice said, sounding a lot like Fangs.

"The best you can get." Chic finished his sentence.

"Can't get anymore than that." Fangs replied, causing Chic to chuckle.

The two males kept talking until Izzy entered, looking somewhat pissed. Fangs looked shocked to see his friend.

"What the hell is going on here?" She asked with attitude.

"Chic invited me over," Fangs informed, lightly patting Chic on the back before looking down at the plate of cookies on the counter, "Cookies?"

Izzy gave her friend death glare, "No, thanks. How the hell do you guys even know each other?"

"It's a funny story," Chic replied as he exhaled deeply, "Fangs and I have been continuing our online chats. Imagine my surprise when he finally told me it all started as a cat fishing scheme you helped Betty cook up. And here I was thinking we could be on good terms again. Like back when I first arrived."

Izzy was starting to get super angry and didn't know how to control it. She was going to slam her hands down on the counter but inside balled her hands into a tight fist, her nails embedding themselves in the palm of her hand.
Just like old times.

"Fangs, you sold me out?" She scoffed, becoming angry with her friend.

"I felt bad, Izzy, okay?" Fangs defended himself.

"Okay, Fangs, you need to leave. Right now. I need to talk to Chic alone." She told him, pointing towards the front door.

"Izzy, you're really kicking me out, right now?" He asked her and she nodded.

"Mhmm." She hummed in response.

"It's okay, Fangs. I'll catch you later." Chic told him and Izzy became even more mad.

"Only his friends get to call him that. Last time I checked, you aren't his friend." She growled at him after Fangs exited the house, "You better watch it, Chic. You do not mess with my friends, or my family. I am not the person to make as an enemy. Remember that."

"You think I'm scared of you?" He scoffed, "I'm not, Izzy. It's just an act. Remember that. You're just a scared little girl who lost her adoptive parents at a very young age."

Izzy didn't waste anytime, she pinned Chic to the wall. And without even noticing it, she held her pocket knife at his throat. Chic only laughed at her, knowing she wouldn't actually do anything other than threaten him.

She rolled her eyes at him, placing the knife back in her pocket before storming out of her house, making her way to Sweet Pea's trailer.


"Wait, you held a knife to his throat?" Sweet Pea asked shocked, sitting on the couch in the living room as Izzy paced back and forth around the room as if she were some crazy person.

"Yes. I know, Sweets, it's crazy. I didn't even notice I was doing it. What's going on with me?" She asked him nervously and Sweet Pea was shocked. Izzy was never the person to be nervous. Ever.

Sweet Pea began to remember all the times this had happened to her before. The time with the Northsider when she blacked out and almost beat him to death, the time in the fifth grade when some girl was bullying Toni and Izzy pushed her off the slide at the playground out of anger. Anytime Izzy was consumed with too much anger, she blacked out and didn't even notice she was doing it.

Izzy looked scared and that made Sweet Pea scared. Not of her, but for her wellbeing. He didn't want her to get hurt and he didn't want Izzy getting hurt and end up being sent to prison or something way worse.

"Hey, come sit, it's okay," Sweet Pea told her calmly, grabbing her by her hand and sat the girl next to him on the couch.

Sweet Pea frowned and stared down at her hands in confusion when Izzy winced in pain, "What's wrong with your hands?" He asked concerned and when he tried to open her balled up fists, Izzy wouldn't budge, "Izzy, open your hands." He insisted.

Izzy sighed before hesitantly opening them. Sweet Pea quietly gasped in shock when he stared down at the palms of her hands to see them all bloodied up.

She had four crescent shaped nail marks in each palm of her two hands. And these were nothing close to what Betty Cooper ever had, Izzy's were deep wounds, which caused them to bleed excessively.

"It's happening again, isn't it?" Sweet Pea asked quietly as he looked up at her to see she had a sad look.

Izzy slowly nodded her head in response and Sweet Pea sighed, holding the girl's hand in his hands, "Let's get them cleaned up." He told her, pressing a kiss to one of her hands before they both got up and made their way to the bathroom so Sweet Pea could help clean the wounds on his girlfriend's hand.

He didn't judge her like most boyfriends would in this position. He had known Izzy long enough to witness her doing that same exact thing when she was younger. He just wondered what made it come back after nine years.

Legends [1] ▻ Sweet PeaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora