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   "Help us! We need a doctor!" FP shouted out loudly as he had Fangs's arm around his shoulder, trying to assist him with getting to the hospital. 

   Izzy stood on her own, pressing Sweet Pea's plaid shirt that he had given her over her gunshot wound. It was clear that Izzy's wasn't as bad and Fangs's, which caused her to shoo everyone away and force them to help her best friend instead.

    "Ma'am!" Jughead shouted out as he walked over to the front counter to see that the nurse wasn't paying attention, "They were shot."

  "Wait your turn," She responded in a calm tone before looking up after Jughead slammed his hand down on the counter, "I need to step back!"

   Izzy growled angrily as she walked over to the nurse and grabbed her by the collar of her uniform, "Listen here, you little bitch! My friend's dying, he needs help immediately!" She demanded through her gritted teeth and the lady stared at her in shock.

   "What's going on here?" The doctor spoke up, making his way over to the group.

   Jughead and Izzy quickly turned to face him, FP and Fangs by their side, "My friend was shot in the stomach, she was shot in the shoulder." Jughead replied quickly.

   "Hey, get me, Gurney!" The doctor insisted as he had a nurse bring over two stretchers.

  Izzy hesitantly got on hers, her eyes locked on Fangs as Fp and Jughead placed him on the bedding, "Right here. Careful, careful."

  Fangs yelled out in pain as he began to be rolled away by the nurse, "Izzy." Fangs groaned as he looked over at his best friend, who was being moved to a different part of the hospital.

  "It's going to be okay, Fangs." She called out to him before looking over at Jughead and FP, who was still in reach, "Don't call my mom. Make sure they don't call her. Please." She pleaded.

  "Izzy, we have to--" Jughead began to argue, but FP cut him off.

 "If that's what you want, Izzy." FP replied and Jughead gave him a frown.


 At Riverdale High, Sweet Pea and numerous other teenagers were trashing the place, wanting to get vengeance for what they did to not only a fellow member but also their queen.

   Sweet Pea knew he should have been at the hospital with her, but he couldn't bear the thought of being there at that moment, emotions were clouding his judgment and all he wanted to do was break things, Northside things specifically.

   As he walked by one of the banners inside the school, Sweet Pea used his pocket knife to slash it as he went past it, some of the other Serpents following close behind.

    He yelled out in anger, flipping a nearby desk, "Serpents, stop!" He heard someone yell and almost instantly recognized it to be Archie Andrews.

   Archie made his way over to them, Moose Mason and Kevin Keller by his side. Sweet Pea smirked as he turned himself around to face his Serpent friends. He extended his arms around, an amused look on his face,"Well, fellows. Looks like we found some Bulldogs to put down." He announced before turning back around.TheSerpents mockingly started to bark, imitating the Bulldogs.

    Sweet Pea had an angered look on face as he made his over to the three Northside boys, "Sweet Pea, I swear, Reggie didn't shoot Fangs and Izzy. It was Mrs. Klump--" Archie informed him, but Sweet Pea didn't seem to really believe him.

  "Bull. I saw Mantle with that gun!" Sweet Pea snapped at him angrily.

"Then you also saw me tackle him before he got a shot off," Archie argued and Sweet Pea furrowed his eyebrows, giving him a confused look, "It was Midge's mom, she was down at the station." He explained to him.

 "Oh, yeah? Well, Fangs is still clinging to life and my girlfriend is stuck with a bullet wound to her shoulder, watching as her best friend is barely alive in that hospital. She'll fucking lose it if Fangs doesn't survive." He argued and Kevin gave him a sympathetic look, "And if it was Reggie and Mrs. Klump who pulled the trigger, a Northsider still put them there!" Sweet Pea yelled at them, pure rage laced in his voice, "You took our friend, you took our Queen. You took our land. Now, you'll take everything if we give you the chance." He explained as he walked over to the trash can and picked it up, "Now, you'll get to watch as we burn your school to the ground."

  Sweet Pea glared at Archie as he emptied the trash onto the ground. The rage consumed him, causing him to throw the trash can to the side, which crashed into the trophy case. The glass shattered everywhere, causing Archie and Moose to stare in shock.

  The redhead looked back over at Sweet Pea, a look of concern on his face. Sweet Pea was clearly not thinking right with both his best friend and girlfriend, who was also his best friend, stuck in the hospital.  

   The three Bulldogs got their weapons ready as Sweet Pea flicked open his pocket knife, that was given to him as a gift from Izzy a while back. Just as they were about to fight, the school doors opened and in came Principal Weatherbee and some other individuals. 

"What the hell do you think you boys think you're doing in my school!" He shouted them angrily


  Izzy's eyes shot open immediately after the sleeping meds that the doctor gave wore off. She quickly sat up from her bed and stood up. She was about to leave when the IV attached to her stopped her. She groaned in annoyance, pulling it off before she began to walk away.

  She saw her jacket on the side and quickly picked it up, pulling out her pocket knife. Just then, a nurse came in, looking a bit confused, "What are you doing? You should be in bed." The lady questioned her.

  Izzy rolled her eyes as she ran over to her, placing the pocket knife to the nurse's neck, "Where's my clothes and where's Fangs Fogarty?" She asked her in a threatening tone, "I'm getting out of here and no one's stopping me."

AN: Omg Izzy's literally going crazy, Sweet Pea's going crazy. Everyone's going crazy. I'm still wondering how I should have Izzy react to Fangs dying though. Just so you know, Izzy's going to be present for the rest of the Serpent scenes in the episode. I know she has a bullet wound to her shoulder, but it's been stitched and another thing that will lead to another chapter....

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