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  The next day, Izzy and Sweet Pea hung out at the Wyrm for a bit before deciding to make l their way to the Cooper home

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The next day, Izzy and Sweet Pea hung out at the Wyrm for a bit before deciding to make l their way to the Cooper home.

   The two walked in and Izzy took off her jacket and placed her keys on a nearby table before walking towards the stairs, followed by Sweet Pea.

    The two suddenly heard a random noise upstairs and they quickly shared a worried glance, "Chic? Is that you?" She called out loudly, only to see a random boy walk down the stairs in a an work uniform.

   "Um, who are you?" She questioned, "Where's Chic?"

   The boy quickly looked over at her and Sweet Pea, "Umm, I'm Ben, Chic will be right down," He replied calmly, but still sounded a bit uneasy, "See ya." He told them before quickly leaving the house.

   Izzy watched closely as the boy left before turning her head to the side to see Chic making his way down the stairs, holding a glass of milk in his hand and wearing a navy blue robe.

"Hey, What's going?" She asked him confused, "I thought you had a job interview."

"I did. That was Ben." Chic replied calmly while pointing to the same door that Ben exited through.

"He works concessions at the Bijou. Pretty sure I got the job," Chic smiled brightly before looking over at Sweet Pea, who was standing beside Izzy, "Is this that kid Alice was talking about today at Breakfast? Sweet Pea, is it?"

"Yeah, it is," Sweet Pea spoke up defensively, "Who are you?" He questioned, even though he knew he answer.

"Chic, Alice's son." Chic answered calmly.

Izzy rolled her eyes when she turned to see Sweet Pea was giving Chic a death glare, "Look, Chic, I don't meant to pry, but I gotta ask," Izzy butted in, "Was that kid one of your clients?

"Clients? What kind of clients?" Sweet Pea asked her quietly, but quickly shut up when she saw the threatening glare Izzy was giving him.

"Never. I never tell those guys where I live, make sure to tell Betty she shouldn't either."

"She wouldn't, she's not that dumb." Izzy defended Betty, the girl that had become one of her closest friends from the Northside.

"Good." Chic replied calmly before making his way into the kitchen, "Nice meeting you, Sweet Pea."


"Oh, fuck." Izzy muttered as she walked into the Whyte Wyrm right after Jughead entered, only to see Penny Peabody standing before them.

"Izzy Blake, took you long enough, come join us." Penny greeted her as she gestured for Izzy to come over to sit next to FP.

Izzy looked at her confused, "I'll pass." She replied as she stood next to Jughead defensively.

"Jughead Jones, did you really think you'd seen the last of me?" Penny spoke up.

"What's the snake charmer doing here?" Jughead questioned at the same time that Izzy did.

The two looked over at FP, who seemed uneasy and nervous, "FP!" Izzy called out.

"No, I brought her in. To help us." Tall Boy replied.

"We don't need Penny's kind of help." Jughead argued nervously.

"You don't get a say anymore, Jughead," Tall Boy told him calmly, "Since you broke Serpent law and hurt one of our own kind. Penny was just about to tell your dad. Show him, Penny."

Izzy watched closely as Penny lifted her jacket sleeve up before slamming her arm down on the table in front of her to reveal the red mark where her Serpent tattoo used to be.

"That used to be my Serpent tattoo until your son sliced a chunk outta my arm and left me bleeding in a ditch in Greendale." Penny explained and Izzy and Jughead shared a confused look.

Jughead wasn't the one who did it, it was Izzy.

"What! It's wasn't Jughead, it was—" Izzy started, but was cut off by Tall Boy.

"Look, Izzy, we get that you're loyal to him and the other younger Serpents, but that doesn't mean you get to take the blame for him. Penny says it was Jughead, that means it was Jughead, not you." Tall Boy argued and Izzy was going to argue, but decided to listen to the rest of her B.S. story.

"But I'm still willing to help the Serpents," Penny sighed, "Tall Boy showed me those eviction notices. They're legit. Luckily, I can think of about 41 ways to stall the process. And I'm talking years."

"What's your price, Penny?" FP finally spoke up.

"Blood for blood. An eye for an eye." she answered as she stood up from her chair and turned to face Jughead, "I want back in with the Serpents and I want him kicked out. Oh, yeah, one last thing...I want his tattoo carved off. And I want to do it myself. With a dirty knife."


Izzy entered the Whyte Wyrm bathroom a few moments after watching go in.

Izzy walked in to see Penny standing in front of a sink. Izzy quickly turned to face the door and quickly locked it before going over to Penny.

"Izzy Blake. Nice to see you." Penny greeted her with a smile.

"Why'd you blame it on Jughead?" Izzy questioned as she crossed her arms.

"Why do you think I blamed it on Jughead?" Penny answered the girl's question with a question.

After getting no answer, Penny sighed as she looked over at Izzy, "I want back in the Serpents and I wanted whoever did that to me kicked off. And do you really think I would have been able to get your ass kicked out? There was no in hell that you would ever be voted out of the Serpents. You're the queen. The next leader. They wouldn't ever kick you out no matter what you did. So, I picked the next best thing: Jughead Jones. He was the one who planned it all and you were just following along, so I chose the next best thing." Penny explained and Izzy scoffed, rolling her eyes at the snake charmer.

"What did I tell you, Penny?" Izzy reminded Penny and Penny smiled in repspisme.

"To leave town," Penny replied calmly, "But I'm not scared of you like the rest of the Serpents are. You can threaten me all you want, but I know the real you. You're just some sad little girl who lost her adoptive family at a very young and is now alone in the world."

Izzy's eyes widened when she heard the Snake Charmer's words, "What did you just say?" Izzy questioned.

Penny laughed as she tried to make her to the exit, only to be roughly pushed into the wall by Izzy, "Answer me, Penny!" She shouted angrily as she held Penny against the wall with a strong grip.

"Oh, you didn't know?" Penny asked sarcastically, "You know the loving family you lost in the tragic car accident when you were only eight years old?"

"They weren't your real family."

AN: Oh, crap, stuff is about to go down! Izzy's family isn't her real family?

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