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  "What the hell are you talking about, Penny!" Izzy shouted, pushing Penny once again against the wall when the snake charmer tried to walk away

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"What the hell are you talking about, Penny!" Izzy shouted, pushing Penny once again against the wall when the snake charmer tried to walk away.

"Uh, Uh," Penny shook her head, "I'm not telling you anymore until you do something for me." She insisted and Izzy backed away from her, but still glared at the lady.

"And what is that?" Izzy questioned, crossing her arms.

"Vote Jughead out of the Serpents," Penny replied, "You and FP's vote count for three times more than everyone else's, because of your ranks. FP, of course, won't vote his own son out, so that leaves you."

Izzy glared at Penny with a face full of rage, "You really–You really think I would vote Jughead out just so get information from you about my real family!" She asked the blonde, "You thought wrong, Penny. I'm not that naive. Serpents never betrays it's own and Jughead's my friend, I would never do that to him."

Penny sighed as she watched Izzy begin to walk out our the bathroom. Izzy turned to Penny for a moment, "You might need me, Penny, but I sure as hell don't need you."

As Izzy left the bathroom, she couldn't help but feel the anger inside of her rise up and hit the surface once again.

Izzy kicked the the table next to her in frustration before she picked up one of the chair next to it and threw it into the wall, breaking it to pieces within seconds. Soon after, she flipped the table, causing it to make a loud noise, which caught the attention of many Serpents around her. Everyone knew better than to confront her, it would only put them in more danger than they ever wanted to be with her. Only a fool would try and stop her while she was in a fit of rage. And usually, that person got beaten badly and severely injured. Everyone knew, Izzy had serious anger problems. Probably the worst any resident in Riverdale had ever seen before.

  Out of anger, Izzy turned to a nearby wall and punched it, only to have her hand go right through, "Damn it!" She yelled out as she pulled her hand out, only to have white dust all over her hand and jacket sleeve.

  "Hey! Hey!" A familiar voice yelled, warning her. Izzy was about to pick up another chair to throw it, only to be pulled back by Sweet Pea.

      "Let go of me!" Izzy screamed at him, "Let go of me, Sweet Pea! Let go of me now, I don't care who you are, I will hurt you!"

  "Izzy! Izzy! Calm down!" FP shouted as he ran over to see the girl was being restrained by a struggling Sweet Pea, "What the hell are you doing? You're trashing the damn place!"

    Izzy looked around to see many of the Serpent that were in the bar at that moment were now staring at her with concente looks, "Penny—She told me—She told me that I was—" Izzy tried to get it out, but she stopped soon after when she noticed the look FP was giving her and she knew right away that FP already knew what she was going to say, "You knew?" She mumbled out, "You knew this whole time!" She shouted and FP slowly nodded.

  "I'm sorry, Iz, I really am–"

Izzy was about go over to FP, but Sweet Pea still had his tight grip on her, knowing if he let go of his girlfriend, someone was going to get hurt and that person would either be him or FP. Probably even both. She was definitely capable of that, that's for sure.

   "Izzy, let's just talk about this, okay? I can explain anything you want." FP told her reassuringly but Izzy just shook her head.

"Screw you, FP. Screw you!" Izzy finally got out of Sweet Pea's grip and everyone thought she was going to go after FP, but instead, she walked out on everyone.

Sweet Pea was going to follow after Izzy, but he turned his head to see Penny looking at the group with a smile on her face.

"What the hell did you say to her, Snake Charmer!" Sweet Pea yelled at Penny as he began to run over to her, but FP quickly pulled him back.

Penny crossed her arms over her chest as she made her way over to FP and Sweet Pea with a wide grin, "I told her the truth," Penny answered happily, "Something FP and numerous others never told her, but didn't. Something they should have told her months ago. I just can't wait to see her face when she finds out who her real parents are."

FP looked at her with an angry look. Just as Penny was about to exit the Whyte Wyrm, FP gripped onto her arm, "Penny, I swear to God. If you even think about telling her who were real parents are, I'll make sure you end up in a ditch, and this time, permanently." FP threatened, but Penny only grinned at him.

"Whatever you say, FP." She replied before pulling away from FP's grip and leaving the Whyte Wyrm.

FP sighed as he looked over at Sweet Pea, who was staring at him in confusion, "Go find her. Make sure she doesn't kill anyone. I gotta make a few calls. If you can, bring her here, but make sure she doesn't go anywhere near the Cooper house." FP demanded and Sweet Pea was going to question him, but decided not to, knowing that everything will probably be answered soon enough.


Izzy ran all the way home and entered the Cooper family Residence, just as Hal was leaving with a suitcase in his right hand. He must have been moving out temporarily because Izzy heard  Alice tell him good bye as if she was happy he was leaving.

   Izzy quickly looked over to see Betty and Alice standing there, "Izzy! Good, you're home! Are we all still having dinner tonight?"

   Izzy ignored her question and avoided eye contact with the two blondes as she made her way up the stairs, "Hey! I'm speaking to you! What's wrong? Are you okay?"

  "Screw you." She told Alice with no emotion as she ran into her room and slammed the door shut.

  "What's with her?" Alice questioned Betty and Betty shrugged, just before the duo both got a text at the same time.

   "It's from Jughead." Betty replied.

     "It's from...FP?" Alice stated more as a question rather than a statement, "How did FP get my number?"

    "What does yours say, Betty?" Alice asked her youngest daughter.

   "Jughead said, 'If Izzy comes home, don't even THINK about bothering her. She's in a fit of rage and you don't wanna be caught in the crossfire." Betty read her text out loud, "What does yours says?" Betty ask her mother.

  Alice was about to read a part, but then decided to skip it and read the part that she was appropriate to tell her daughter at this moment in time, "I should have told you this before, but I might as well tell you now before it's too late...
Rules for when Izzy's in a mood:
1: Don't bother her
2: Don't talk to her
3: Don't even think about trying to interfere, it'll only make things worse
4: If she gets into a fight with someone who is neither you nor Betty, don't try to stop it, you'll just get seriously hurt
5: She'll come around soon enough
6: If it really gets bad, call Sweet Pea, his number is *** *** **** " Alice explained calmly, "What? I'm confused, why are they making such a big deal about her being angry?"

  Betty sighed, "From what she told me, she had IED, but doesn't take meds for it." Betty explained.

    Just then, they heard a knock at the door. Betty walked over to the door and opened it to see the one and only, Sweet Pea.

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