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The next morning, Izzy sat at the Cooper family's dinner table along with the whole family

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The next morning, Izzy sat at the Cooper family's dinner table along with the whole family. Izzy could already tell there was tension in the air by the glares that Hal was giving Chic.

"So, how long will you be staying with us, Chic?" Hal questioned the Cooper boy calmly.

"For as long as he wants, Hal." Alice argued calmly, giving her husband a death glare.

"I'm just trying to plan my life, Alice," Hal retorted, sending Alice a glare of his own, "Since we're not getting any answers about anything. At least when Izabella comes back home with bruises and cuts, she explains to us how she got them."

"It's Izzy, not Izabella." Betty corrected her father quietly before being cut off by Chic.

Both Betty and Izzy shared a look of uneasiness, wanting nothing more than to escape the giant argument that was yet to come.

"What would you like to know, Hal?" Chic questioned, turning his head to give Hal a deadly stare.

"For starters, Betty and Izzy brought you here all bloody, why? What happened?"

"You don't have to answer, Chic." Betty sighed, but Chic did the opposite, growing annoyed with Hal.

"The guy who attacked me, his name's Marcel. He runs the hostel. Sometimes, he books clients for us. The night you and Betty showed up, Izzy. I wasn't in the mood to work. Marcel was trying to convince me otherwise." Chic explained and Alice looked at him sympathetically.

"So-uh-what kind of clients?" Hal asked him calmly as he took a bite of his breakfast.

Chic quickly glanced across the table at Izzy while Alice shouted at Hal, "Don't tell them." Izzy warned him quietly and he nodded in agreement.

She knew exactly what he was doing for jobs. Izzy wasn't dumb enough to stay in a house with a unknown guy that she knew nothing about. She felt like she knew him from somewhere after living with him for a whole week. Izzy and Fangs were by themselves at the Wyrm and she told him about how he felt so familiar. Fangs asked to see a picture and soon after, using the laptop Izzy brought with her to the bar, they ended up finding Chic's website. He was a webcam boy.

It was weird that both Izzy and Fangs had seen Chic on there before. It wasn't because the two teens were pervs, it was because them, alongside with Sweets and Toni had a ton of free time on their hands from all the times Southside High was temporarily closed because of the many drugs bust within its walls. The four teens used this time to search random crap that came to mind and that was one of them.

"No, I wanna know too." Betty argued with her father as she turned to face her mother.

"Betty!" Izzy groaned and Alice soon agreed with her.

"All kinds. Ranging from nice to, hell, even nastier than Marcel," Chic explained calmly, "I-uh-can go into specifics, if you'd like. I've also got a pretty good collection of scars if you'd like to know."

Izzy watched as Betty snapped her head to the side to look to stare a Chic, "I have scars too. Crescent moons on her palms."

Izzy looked down at her own left hand and thought back to the time when she was ten, she had done that when she was angry to stop herself from swinging punches at people that got her angry. It didn't last long and she ended up growing out of it. Instead, she punching the person.

"From digging your nails in," Izzy spoke up and Betty nodded slowly, "I used to do that, too. When I was ten, but Sweet Pea helped me stop because I would bleed like crazy."

Chic looked up and nodded in agreement, "Me too, that's crazy that we've all done it."

Izzy quickly glanced at Alice who was giving an uneasy look, "More syrup?" Alice asked Chic, trying to change the subject before it went any further.

• • •

After an awkward breakfast with Coopers, Izzy made her way to Riverdale High school, alongside Sweet Pea, who insisted on giving her a ride to school everyday.

After first bell, Sweet Pea and Izzy made their way towards their Social Studies class. For some odd reason, they were talking about family history and the students were supposed to research things about their own families and make a slide show because of Riverdale's Pickens day. Izzy already knew her family background. Her father came from a long line of Serpents and her mother did too.

Both Sweet Pea and Izzy made their way into class and took a seat towards the back of the room beside Fangs and Toni, who were sitting next to each other. This was one of the only classes together. Izzy and Sweet Pea were used to having every single class together, but at Riverdale High, it was different because Izzy was put into higher classes than Sweets and Fangs. Although, Izzy did have many classes with Jughead and Toni because they were on the same level as her in learning. Sweet Pea and Fangs were just as smart as the other three, but they were better with hands on subjects. Izzy was good with both, but she was especially good in math and English.

"Okay, class. I will begin today's lesson with telling you what tonight's homework is. You will have to find a picture of yourself before the age of two and upload it to the family tree portion of your presentation slideshow."

Izzy looked at the teacher confused before raising her hand to speak, "Umm, What if we don't have any pictures?" Izzy questioned calmly and every turned around to stare at her. Izzy quickly gave everyone death glare for it and they quickly stopped looking at her in fear that she would hurt them for staring.

"You have to have one somewhere, Miss Blake." The teacher sighed.

"Well, I don't." Izzy shook her head quickly. She wasn't lying, she honestly didn't have one.

Everything she had before eight years old was taken from her and sold at auction soon after she arrived at the Jones home that day with only the clothes on her back and her father's dog tags from the army. But who knows where those dog tags went. One night at the Wyrm a couple months prior, Izzy was wasted and woke up without them on her neck. She freaked out about it and went ballistic, but soon got over it thanks to Sweet Pea, of course. The only person that could calm her down and vice versa.

"Just ask a family member, someone has to have one somewhere." The teacher replied before going back to speaking to the whole class.

Izzy quickly turned to glanced at her friends with an uneasy look. For some reason, she didn't want to be that girl who didn't bring a picture while everyone else did. She didn't know why she cared, but she did.

AN: Some crazy and shocking news is coming up within the next few chapters, I've been hinting it here and there but it isn't that big enough to notice. Get ready!

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