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 Izzy sat at the kitchen table in FP's trailer with Jughead and Archie, talking about how they had just found out Tall Boy was the second Black Hood. Izzy wasn't really that surprised for some odd reason, she could see him doing something stupid like that.

   All three teenagers were eating while Jughead gave one of his infamous rants, "And on top of everything else, my dad--" Jughead began to speak up.

 "Our dad," She corrected him quietly, running her spoon through her bowl of ice cream.

  "Our dad, who's drinking again, wants the three of us to move to Toledo. Just in time, too, cause Weatherbee wants to kick all of the Southsiders out of Riverdale High." Jughead explained to them as his mouth was filled with ice cream.

 Just then, the door was opened and in came Cheryl, "Cheryl?" Jughead frowned in confusion as all three teenagers stood up from their seats.

  "Zip it and listen," Cheryl commanded, "We have to get to the Wyrm ASAP. I already called Toni to give her the heads up."

  "What the hell's going on?" Izzy asked confused.

"My Mumsy gave me the warning that Hiram Lodge's cyborg sheriff is raiding your precious bar tonight. And if thing turn violent and some Serpents end up shot, so much the better." She explained to them and both Jughead and Izzy shared a look, "Let's go."

   They all shared a look before they all exited the trailer and made their way to the Serpent bar.

  Once getting there, Jughead and Izzy stood beside each other as they stood before all of the Serpents, "Take only what you absolutely need. And what you can carry with you." Jughead said just before looking over at Izzy to do the rest of the speaking.

 "We need to move quickly and quietly. Sheriff asshole as I like to call him has forces all over our side of town and they're looking for our blood. If we need our skulls to remain uncracked, we need to go undetected." She explained.

  "Go where, Izzy?" Sweet Pea spoke up, "There's nowhere safe."

 Izzy looked up at Archie and slightly smiled, "We've been offered a safe place on the Northside of town. I wouldn't have agreed to it if it wasn't safe. Let's move."

  The Serpents that resided at the Whyte Wyrm all packed their belongings that they could carry before exiting the bar. Izzy stood towards the front of the group, alongside Sweet Pea, Jughead, and Archie. Her boyfriend had a duffel bag hung over his shoulder, seeing as his trailer had been burned down by the Ghoulies.

  His trailer was the first one to go out of the trailers. Malachai had made a vow to Izzy that he would make her boyfriend suffer, burning down Sweet Pea's house was the first out of it all.

  It was hell to have to get through the Southside of town without being detected. It felt a hundred times worse than the times Izzy had to outrun ten cop cars when she was fourteen after stabbing a person she had mistaken for a Ghoulie. 

   Once making it out of the Southside, Izzy stopped in her tracks and looked back, a sad look on her face. She had already given up her Southside home to live with the Coopers and her Southside school, but now, she was giving away the place that had always been a home to her. Archie placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, "Come on, Izzy, don't look back." Archie informed her and Izzy slowly nodded before she continued to walk with the group. 


 The next morning, all of the Serpents were at Fred Andrews's house, taking sanctuary there. It was right next door to Izzy's house, but it didn't mean she was actually going to go there.

   "I still don't understand why you won't go home, Izzy," Sweet Pea told her as they both sat on the couch together. Sweet Pea was sitting with his feet on the ground while Izzy had her feet placed in his lap.

  Izzy shook her head, "You don't understand it, Sweet Pea," She replied and Sweet Pea sighed in response.

  "Then make me understand, Izzy. While all of the Serpents don't have a home, you have a perfectly good one on the Northside. Look, I get you want to stick with the Serpents and all and not make them mad because you have a place and they don't, but--" He began to argue, but Izzy cut him off quickly.

  "She gave me away to FP and now I'm being forced to move to Toledo with him and Jughead." She explained to him and Izzy heard someone loudly scoff, causing her to turn her head to see that it was FP.

  "Don't be dramatic, Izzy. She didn't give you away, she was just trying to keep you safe," FP argued, "By the way, you better say sorry to her now because we're now staying because of Jughead." He informed her and Izzy's eyes widened in shock.

 "Wait, what?"


 Once exiting the Andrews residence, Izzy walked over to her home, which was right next door to Archie's.

  She sighed, taking a deep breath before entering. She walked in to find Alice sitting on the couch like the day before, doing nothing but that.

 "Mom?" She spoke up quietly, causing Alice to instantly look.

  Once seeing that her daughter had come back after the big fight day before, she immediately stood up and started to walk in her direction, "I am so so sorry, Izzy. I should have never planned with FP to have you moved to Toledo. It was uncalled for and deeply stupid." She apologized to Izzy, who just nodded her head in response.

  "I'm sorry, too," Izzy replied and Alice tilted her head as she gave her a confused looking face.

  "For what?" Alice asked her daughter, who sighed.

   "For swearing at you, for always being horrible to you lately. I'm sorry." She told her and Alice pulled her in for a hug.

  "Hey, hey, there's no need to be sorry," Alice told her, reassuringly.

AN: Probably only 1-2 (probably 2) chapters of this book left, sadly!

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