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"You promised us a war," Sweet Pea argued as he stood in the Swords and Serpents classroom at school with numerous Serpents, Jughead, Izzy and Betty Cooper, "Then you're on stage looking like Buddy Holly, sucking up to the Northside?"

"We need their votes, Sweet Pea. It's the only way we can affect any change." Jughead argued, "Whoever's elected gets a seat on the School Board. That means we're on the inside, that means they can't silence us."

  "You and the Northside princess, you mean?" Fangs asked as both himself and Sweet Pea looked over at Betty.

Izzy sighed, knowing this wasn't going to end well, "Wait, is that why you guys are so pissed?" Jughead questioned, "Betty's on our side!"

"Yeah. I've helped the Serpents on numerous occasions." Betty defended herself, "I helped find the Pickens statue's Head. I got Cheryl to testify in court so FP could get out early on parole. Sweet Pea, I helped get your girlfriend, my sister, out of jail before she could go to prison."

  Sweet Pea rolled his eyes before looking at Betty, "You did that for your boyfriend. Not the Serpents. And don't you dare bring Izzy into this."

"Alright, take it down, Sweet Pea." Izzy added in.

  "What, Izzy? It's only a matter of time before she bails on us, just like her mother." Sweet Pea argued back.

  "She's my mother, too, asshole." Izzy retorted.

  "Oh, so you're objections aren't even about me, they're about Izzy and my mother." Betty scoffed.

"Her legacy, Yeah. She's an enemy of the Serpent state taking shots at us in the Register for years, blaming us for crimes we didn't commit. Running with a turncoat's daughter is a slap in the face, Jughead. And for that reason alone, you're not getting the Serpent vote."

  Izzy scoffed loudly, causing Sweet Pea to turn and face her, "What, Izzy? If you have something to say, then say it."

  "You know what, I do, actually, Sweet Pea!" She spoke up loudly, "Do you realize when calling Betty a turncoat's daughter, you're calling me one, too. Alice is my mother, too. And oh, if we're getting technical, all of the Serpents, including you, Sweet Pea, are hanging with a turncoat's daughter because you hang out with me," She explained to him and Sweet Pea could tell she was both hurt and mad, "I need some air." She said before making her way out of the classroom.

"Izzy, wait!" Sweet Pea called our, following after her.

  All the Serpents, especially Fangs and Jughead watched in concern as Sweet Pea had to go run after his girlfriend. Sweet Pea was clearly offending Izzy while saying all of the crap about Betty without even realizing that he was doing it in the first place.

  In the hallway, Sweet Pea ran after Izzy, trying to catch up with her, "Izzy, Wait up! Izzy!" He shouted before he finally caught up to her.

  Izzy stopped in her footsteps, crossing her arms as she turned her body to face the Tall Serpent, "Look, Izzy, I'm sorry, I didn't know that stuff was offensive to you, okay? But look, I was only saying that crap about Alice because you're pissed at her, thinking that you would be fine with it because you're so damn mad."

  Izzy scoffed, "I'm not mad at her,
Dumbass. I'm just waiting until Chic moves out, then I'm moving back in with her. " She explained and Sweet Pea seemed somewhat hurt by this news.

"Oh." He stated quietly.

"Look, Sweet Pea, I can't live with you forever. Well, I mean not when we're teenagers and all, but that is besides the point. What I'm trying to say is, Alice will never let me just live with you. She wants me to live with her. She might like you somewhat, which I think has changed since she found that stuff in my room, but she will never let me stay with you long term anytime soon. You gotta understand that."

  Sweet Pea nodded his head in agreement as he leaned forward for a kiss. Before he could kiss her, Izzy placed her index finger on his lips, stopping him, "Ah, ah, ah. First, I need to let you in on a little secret, Sweet Pea: You don't influence the younger Serpents as much as I do. If I want Betty and Jughead to get the Serpents vote in the election, they get the damn votes, you don't control that. I do.
Understand?" She told him strictly and sternly and Sweet Pea couldn't help but think it was hot.

  "You know, it's really hot when you get all Queen Serpent on me, you know that?" He asked her with a smirk, hinting that he wanted to do something other than kiss without even referring to it. They just knew each other that well.

"No can do, Sweetie Pie. As FP told me at the Wyrm: Don't make a mistake, cover your snake." Izzy told him and Sweet Pea looked at her both amused and shocked.

"He really told you that?" he asked and Izzy nodded her head, "Dude, I gotta admit, that's pretty original."

  "Of course you would think that." Izzy told and she couldn't help but playfully rolled her eyes when Sweet Pea took out his wallet from his pocket before pulling out a condom, "You would be the one to have that in your wallet, wouldn't you?" She asked him and Sweet Pea.

  "Of course I would," He replied, "Chemistry class? I'm pretty sure that place is empty." He proposed the idea and Izzy just nodded.

  "You purposely picked Chem class, didn't you?" She asked him and Sweet Pea nodded.

  "What? You don't think we got chemistry? Because I sure as hell think we do. We've always had chemistry." Sweet Pea remarked and Izzy groaned.

  "You're such a dork sometimes, you know that?"

  "Your dork though."

   "You think you're funny, don't you, Sweet Pea?" She asked him and Sweet Pea smirked, wrapping an arm around her as they walked towards the chemistry classroom.

"I think I'm adorable. Last time I check so do you."

"Oh, bite me."

"Fine, I will. Once we get to the Chemistry class, though."

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