Bonus Chapter #1

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Author's Note: Out of boredom, I've decided to add a few bonus chapters to this story. Some will be taking during season two of Riverdale while other takes place before then. Also, others will be of deleted scenes. (Like this one) If you don't read it, it's fine I'm just doing this because I want to include more on Izzy.

     Izzy was sitting on her bed, working on her Biology homework when her mother entered her room, looking like she was in a rush, "Come on, Izzy. We have to go." Alice spoke up quickly, causing Izzy to frown in confusion as she looked up at her.

    "What? Why?" Izzy asked her mother, deeply confused.

     "I found him," Alice replied in a calm tone, "I found your brother."

      Alice began to walk out of Izzy's room, which left Izzy confused. Izzy sighed, placing her biology notebook and textbook off to the side before she got up from sitting on her bed. She took her Serpent jacket off the chair and followed after her brother.

      After talking the trip all the way to Centerville, Alice and Izzy stood in front of a rectangular plot of land in a cemetery. It was separated from the rest of the graves with cement blocked. Pieces of wooden sticks stuck out of the ground that marked the amount of cremated bodies of the dead rested there. In the front of it all laid a cement blocked that read 'At Peace' with a cross on the top.

    "Do you know what happens to the dead when they're unclaimed?" Alice asked her eldest daughter curiously.

     Izzy was silent as she stared down at the block of the land that her only full biological brother. All her life, she thought she had two brothers that had died in the car crash that killed her mother and father. Come to find out, none of them were her actual blood, they were just her adoptive family. 

     It took Izzy a moment before she finally spoke up, "Their bodies are cremated and their ashes are buried in a large grave like this one," She explained, gesturing her hand to the large grave in front of them, "I'm guessing...this is where Charles' ashes are buried. Am I right?" She asked her mother quietly as she turned to her.

       Alice slowly nodded, "I needed proof that he was dead. And here it is." She sighed out, "If only had I stayed with FP. Charles wouldn't--"

     Before Alice could finish, Izzy cut her off, "Mom," She warned her, but Alice kept going.

   "My son would be alive," Alice's voice began to crack a bit as she tried her hardest not to cry, which she failed at miserably, "And I wouldn't have been married to a murderer. You wouldn't have been raised by people who weren't your parents and you would never had to be placed in foster care after losing them."

    Izzy wanted to ask her mother the question she had been dying to ask, but she didn't know if it would make things worse. She sighed, turning to Alice, "But then you wouldn't have had Betty and Polly." She replied quietly.

"You're right," Alice agreed with her as she knelt in front of the large grave and placed her hand on the cement block that read 'At Peace'.

        Izzy closed her eyes for a moment, letting out a small breath. She opened her eyes once more, looking down at her mother, "This is probably the worst time to ask this, but I need to," Izzy told Alice, who quickly looked up, "You knew my parents well, that's why you let them raise me, but after they died...Why did you allow them to put me in foster care?" She asked her and Alice began to cry.

"I should've, I know. But back then, I tried my best to cut all ties to the Southside. That meant you, too. And it was one of the biggest mistakes of my life." Alice explained to her and Izzy nodded her head quickly.

 She turned herself around, not allowing her mother to see the tears falling down her cheeks. She hoped for a better answer, but all she got was the cold truth. Alice didn't take her in because she was afraid of what people would have thought back then. She wanted to be mad at her mother for that, but she couldn't. For the first time in a while, she was truly happy. Izzy wiped the tears with the back of her hand before turning to Alice, who still was kneeling in front of the grave.

     Izzy knelt next to her, placing her hand on top of the cement, "I honestly wish I could have met him. Maybe even once. Just to know what he was like." She confessed to her mother.

      Alice nodded her head in agreement. She placed her arm around Izzy, pulling her closer, "Me too, honey. Me, too." She admitted quietly.

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