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It all had happened so fast that night

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It all had happened so fast that night. First, Jughead and Izzy were taking turns beating the crap out of Chic, then in came Alice with FP by her side. He ended up having to pry off Jughead and bring him outside while Alice tried to calm Izzy down.

  Chic ended up getting out that night and Izzy knew Betty had to have something to do with his disappearance. It literally had her name written all over it. Izzy didn't care though, he was gone, that's all that mattered.

   The next morning, Izzy sat at the kitchen table along with Hal, Betty, and Alice. Izzy frowned in confusion when she saw the way Betty was staring at her father. Something was clearly up with that and Izzy wanted to know why.

  Hal noticed the way Betty staring at him and looked up from reading the newspaper, giving his daughter a small smile, "Penny for your thoughts, Hon?" He spoke up, breaking the awkward the silence between the group.

      "I was thinking that he was a test," Betty told them quietly and both Alice and Hal shared a glance, clearly confused by their daughter's statement.

  Izzy, on the other hand, instantly knew that Betty was talking about Chic. Izzy could tell the blonde had been thinking about it nonstop, she could just tell by the look she gave.

   "Who, Betty?" Hal asked her, a concerned look on his face.

  "I think she's referring to Chic," Izzy spoke up, looking over at her half sister, "Am I right, Betty?" She questioned and Betty slowly nodded her head in response.

    "Yeah. Everything that he did to us and brought to us, was king of a test," Betty explained to them, "But we survived and we're stronger for it."

   "Well, that remains to be seen." Alice remarked quietly.

  "No, Mom, we are."  Betty argued in a calm tone, "And we'll survive whatever else comes next." Betty assured them as she looked over at her father. Hal smiled, nodding his head.

"I'm–uh–gonna go..." Izzy trailed off as she got up from her seat.

Alice smiled, standing up from her chair, "Let me take you." She spoke up and Izzy frowned, "I insist, Izzy. And there's some stuff I'd like to talk talk to you about on the way to school."

Izzy sighed, nodding her head in response.


The car ride to Riverdale High was silent, which made it very uncomfortable for Izzy.

She wondered when Alice was finally going to talk to her. After all, she's the one who said she had something to say to her.

As she drove, Alice glanced over at the radio. The music on the radio was playing at a normal volume. She extended her arm out and turned it all the way down before she spoke up, "There's something I've been wanting to tell you, Izzy. It's not like I really have to, but I feel like I should," Alice told her quietly, causing Izzy to become confused about what she was about to say, "Your brother, Charles, his father was—"

"FP," Izzy finished the sentence for her and Alice was completely shocked.

"How did you–How did you know?" Alice questioned and Izzy rolled her eyes.

"That day we had Chic tied up in our basement, you were really heartbroken when you heard about what happened to Charles. You left without telling me where you going. I figured, maybe you went to see whoever the real father was. And turns out, you ended up coming back to the house about a hour later with FP by your side. That kind of made me think that and turns out I'm right." Izzy explained to her and Alice nodded her head in response.

"Well, That went easier than expected," Alice commented as they pulled up to the school.

Once made a complete stop in her car, Izzy opened the door and got out, "Thanks for the ride." Izzy thanked her as she stood outside the car with her backpack in her hand.

"No problem, Izzy," Alice replied with a smile, "Don't getting into any fights, got it?"

"Can't make any promises," Izzy told her before she entered the school.


Just a few moments after school started, Izzy stood beside Sweet Pea in the Sword and Serpents classroom along with Jughead, Fangs, Toni, and numerous other Serpents that they went to school with.

"War Baby called my father and I From Shankshaw," Jughead informed the group, "Her old adversaries, the Ghoulies, had been released. Word on the street is that they want Serpent Blood. Especially Izzy. They're gunning for a re-match. They want war."

Just then, the door suddenly opened and in cane Reggie, Archie, and the rest of the Bulldogs. Izzy could tell by the look on Reggie's face that something happened and he was here to make payback.

"Which one of you reptiles was screwing Midge Klump?" Reggie asked angrily and Izzy's eyes immediately looked over at Fangs, who was trying his best to stay calm.

He noticed this and looked up at her, "Don't say anything." She mouthed to him, shaking her head.

Jughead looked over at the Bulldogs and sat up from leaning on the desk, "What the hell is going on? This is a private meeting." Jughead questioned as he walked closer to the angry crowd.

Reggie's eyes darted over to Sweet Pea and he extended his arm out, pointing an accusing finger at him, "I'm guessing it was you, Sweet Pea. You sure do seem like the type to screw a girl that's already spoken for while you're already dating someone." Reggie accused him, Izzy let out a sigh, rolling her eyes.

Sweet Pea stood up and walked over to stand beside Jughead. He placed hand on Jughead's shoulder, pulling back so he could stand in front of Reggie, face to face. Reggie glared at him as Sweet Pea seemed unamused

"Reggie. Hey, that's enough," Archie told him sternly as he pulled his friend back.

"You ass, I didn't even know Midge," Sweet Pea argued with him, "But yeah, I get why she wouldn't want fleas from you mangy Bulldogs!"

Reggie let out a breath as he lunged forward and grabbed Sweet Pea. They began to fight and soon enough, both sides were fighting each other, "Hey!" Izzy shouted at the Serpents as she roughly pushed Sweet Pea back, "Hey, that's enough!"

While Izzy took it upon herself to push the Serpents back, Archie did the same with the Bulldogs.

Reggie smirked, holding up his hands in defense. Izzy rolled her eyes as she glared at him, "Get out. All of you. Now!" She told them through her gritted teeth.

  After standing there for a long moment, they finally left and closed to the door behind him. It was quiet in the room as Izzy walked over to Fangs and roughly grabbed him by the arm, "Ow! Hey!" He shouted out.

"I need to talk to you right now," She demanded as she pulled him towards the door. Sweet Pea began to follow also so Izzy was quickly to stop him, "Alone."

  "Hey, Fangs and I are a package deal! You take both or none at all." Sweet Pea argued in a joking way and Izzy looked up at him with a death glare, "Never mind. You're on your own, Fangs."

  Izzy sighed as she and Fangs walked to a secluded area outside where no one could hear them.

   "How stupid can you be, Fangs?" Izzy complained and Fangs gave her a sad look, "The Bulldogs are gonna want to have your head on a pike when they find out."

"I know, Izzy. I know," Fangs replied, "What am I supposed to do?"

  "Lay low," Izzy suggested in a calm voice, "Lay low until this all blows over. The Serpent have your back. I promise you, nothing's going to happen."

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